Kind Eyes

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Lillian woke up with the worst headache she had ever had; her whole body hurt, but she got over it. Lillian got up and found Jaskier lying face down on the floor. She checked to see if he was okay, and he was, but he was just knocked out. The smell of gooseberries and lilac meant only one thing, and she was very pissed off at the witch.

"Jaskier, wake up!" She growled.

Lillian rolled him over then she slapped him awake. He jumped up, and Lillian looked angry.

"That witch must have drugged us before getting here; Geralt is in trouble, so you stay here," she said.

Lillian got up and followed the smell into the bedroom, and opened the door. To see the witch almost kissing Geralt.

"Stay away from him right now!" Lillian demanded as she used her powers to throw her across the room.

"Geralt, are you okay?" She asked as he kissed her and grabbed her ass, and held her close to him.

He let her go for a second, and she backed off as her face turned all red.

"Geralt, you perverted wither! You are so lucky that you are under a spell. Otherwise, I would be slapping you, sir!" Lillian said as Geralt grabbed her again and started kissing her as if his life depended on it.

"Stop it right now and let go of me! I don't like it when you grab my ass like that, she might, but I don't!" Lillian protested as she put a finger to his lips, but he was lost in Yennefers spell.

"You are so annoying. I'm tired of you throwing me around!" She yelled.

"I did it just the one time!" Lillian protested as Geralt grabbed her from behind and hugged her tightly, then started kissing her neck.

"Geralt, you perverted man! Could you stop it? This is not the time nor place for this, and I don't like you like that at all," she said as she got free of him.

A part of her mark disappeared, and Yennefer tried using her magic against Lillian, but Lillian quickly used her powers to throw Yen threw a window. Lillian grabbed Geralt but pulled her close to him and his yellow eyes locked onto her blue ones.

"Don't look at me like that; we need to go before that crazy witch comes back!" Lillian said as he gently kissed her again.

Lillian tried getting away from him but was afraid of hurting him, and she was starting to like it. She had never been kissed by a man before and liked it, but this was not the time for it! She felt her purple shirt loosen, and she pulled away in shock.

"Geralt, stop this at once!" Lillian yelled, making the building shake and the walls crack.

Lillian quickly moved Geralt out of the way so he wouldn't get hit by the falling roof debris.

"Snap out of this!" She said as he still wasn't listening to her.

He kissed her again and pushed her down on the bed. Half of her was hanging off the bed, and Geralt wedged his body between her legs and started to kiss her more. He went down her neck and bit her shirt as he tried to take it off her shirt.

"Geralt, please, I don't want this at all! I did any of this before, and I wouldn't be going to it, so please, as your friend, I am begging you to get off of me. I understand you are under a spell and can't help yourself, but Geralt, please, I don't want to do this. I'm still trying to get to know you, and people are here," she said as she pinned both hands above her head.

He kissed her, and tears started streaming down her face.

"Geralt, please! I don't want to hurt you! I don't know what my curse will do to you. Geralt, I care about you so much and maybe even love you to a certain degree, but this is wrong, and we can't do this! Please get off of me. I'm trying to protect you! Jaskier, get Geralt off of me!" Lillian yelled. Yennefer came in and said a spell making Geralt pass out on top of her.

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