The Hirikka

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They started to head up the mountain, and Lillian was trying not to get upset, but Yennefer was flirting with Geralt, and she had no idea why she was getting upset. She was going to try to kill a creature just because she was stupid enough to give up something important to her for beauty. Beauty wasn't worth that at all; she could see maybe if she had several children, then Yen was done, but she probably didn't even give it a second thought.

Jaskier went ahead as the knight that came with them. The knight was trying very hard to kill something big for his kingdom. Lillian wasn't going to let that happen even if it killed her.

"Um, Geralt!" Jaskier shouted as Lillian saw the creature and smiled.

"For the glory!" The knight yelled as Lillian used her powers to make him fall into the bushes.

"Hi! You are so cute! I love you so much! Geralt! Look, it's a Hirikka! We can be best friends, are you hungry? Are you hungry sweet baby? Well, I have extra food, and guess what? I can give you some!" Lillian squealed happily.

"Where the fuck did you find this girl?" A dwarf asked as she was petting it like it was a pet.

"Can you hand me some apples, Geralt?" Lillian asked as she played with them.

"Lillian, it is not a pet!" Jaskier said as they hugged it.

"Oh, shut up! He is so cute, and I love him!" Lillian smiled as Geralt tossed her some meat and fruit.

It ate happily, and she smiled as it seemed like it wanted to play, so she did. It chased her around on all fours, making her laugh and scream happily. Villentretenmerth seemed happy seeing this, while the others were beyond confused.

"She is one crazy bitch," a dwarf said as Geralt glared at him.

"She is a kind person; it is probably a young Hirikka," Geralt said as it knocked her over and started licking her face.

"Ew! Stop, you are so cute!" Lillian laughed as she tried to escape.

Geralt watched her play with it for a bit and smiled, seeing her so happy. But the knight got up angrily and picked up his sword.

"You evil creature!" The knight yelled as he was going to try to kill Lillian and the beast.

He charged at them both making Lillian scream in terror, but Yennefer quickly knocked him away with her magic.

"It is a monster!" The knight yelled.

"If it were a real monster, it would have killed her instead of playing with her like a small child!" Yennefer defended as Geralt went to Lillian's side.

The Hirikka got off her, and she petted it softly to calm it down.

"Lillian, are you okay?" Geralt asked as she nodded.

"Yeah, I don't know why but none of my magic didn't work at all for a second," Lillian said as she sat next to the beast.

"A mark is gone; it didn't do anything to you," Geralt said softly.

The beast left, and Geralt got into the knight's face.

"You touch Lillian or raise your sword at her; I will kill you. She was being kind; that beast was harmless," Geralt growled.

"She is much of a monster as that creature was; kill her before she kills you," the knight growled as he picked the knight and slammed him against the tree.

"Geralt, put him down! You made your point of scaring him; he won't go after the poor creature again!" Lillian yelled.

"She is not a monster; she knew how to deal with the creature. Lillian was being kind like now. If she weren't here, I would have killed you," Geralt growled.

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