Chapter 1

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(Mention of Mental and physical abuse. And thoughts of suicide)
I wake up from my slumber. I got up and ready to go visit the Mega Pizza Plex. I did my hair straight and put it up in a pony tail. My phone started ringing. I answered.
Y/n: "Hellllooo! What is up best friend!!"
Besti: "Uhm your exited. Anyways nothing why are you so excited?"
Y/n: "I'm going to the Mega Pizza Plex! I'm getting ready now! I'mma go to the daycare and hang out in there!"
Bestie: "Ok well have fun I ain't dealing with children."
They hung up. I finished getting ready. I walked out of my room with my phone in my pocket.
Dad: "Hey y/n! Are you ready to go?"
Y/n: "Yep! I'm ready!"
Dad: "Alright then let's go!"
We got in the car and started heading down to the Mega Pizza Plex.
Dad: "There's a new daycare attendant. He's around your age; 16."
Y/n: "Oh! That's nice! I'm excited now."
We pulled in and dad stopped the car. I got out and so did dad. We walked into the place and parted our ways. I headed down to the daycare while he went to the arcade. He was a worker in the arcade. I arrived and walked into the daycare. I slid down the slide an landed in the ball pit. It was deep. I climbed out and seen the boy. He looked like a colorful jester.
He looked over due to all the balls moving. He stopped wiping off the tables and put his stuff down.
Sun: "Hellooo! My names Sunny! What's your name?"
He skipped over to me.
Y/n: "My names Y/n. It's nice to meet you Sunny!"
He reached hand out and I grabbed it. We shook hands.
Sunny: "Say how old are you?"
Y/n: "Sixteen."
Sunny: "Oh! Nice so am I! The kids should be arriving shortly! Would you like to help take care of them with me? We could be the best of friends!"
I smiled.
Y/n: "Of course I'll help you. And yes we can be friends."
This guy is so energetic. I swear. He started jumping all around the place.
Sunny: "YAY! First friend!"
I smiled and started laughing at how he is so energetic.
We started cleaning and a few minutes later kids can sliding down the slide and Sunny started greeting them.
Hours later because I'm lazy to do everything
The kids started leaving as the daycare was closing.
Sunrise: "That was fun! I enjoyed your company. If you don't mind can I have your number so we could talk more?"
Y/n: "Yeah sure! It's *** *** ****."
We extanged numbers and we started cleaning. I got a call and answered it.
Dad: "Hey kiddo! Ready to go? Where are ya so I can come pick you up."
Y/n: "Down at the daycare helping Sunny clean up!"
Dad: "New friend?"
Y/n: "Yep! See ya in a few minutes!"
Dad: "See ya kiddo."
I hung up and looked at Sunny.
Y/n: "You should come over for dinner! That is if you don't mind!"
Sunny: "I would like that! My parents won't care. We should ask your guardian though!"
Y/n: "Ok!"
I heard dad yelling for me over where the door was.
Dad: "Y/n! Come on its almost closing time!"
Sunny and I looked at each other.
Y/n: "Let's go Sunny! Do you have a ride home?"
We started walking up. He shook his head no.
Sunny: "I use taxi's to get everywhere. Why?"
Y/n: "We could give you've ride and talk about you coming over for dinner."
Sunny: "Sounds good to me!"
Now sunny was blonde and ha light blue eyes. He had Vitiligo which I admired. He was a bit shorter then me by a few inches. It was really cool. It's a loss of skin thing. It's not spreadable so I not dad can get it. He looked very cute. Wait what? I don't know anymore. We got up and over to my dad.
Y/n: "Can Sunny come over for dinner? He needs a ride home an I dint want him taking a Taxi because their dangerous."
Dad: "We'll talk about the dinner thin in the car but we can give him a ride home why not? What's your address so I can put it in google maps."
Sunny: "*** ***** happy St."
Dad nodded and we walked out the daycare. We walked across the Mega Pizza Plex and walked out the doors. We never had to pay because he's staff and officer Vanessa liked me. We walked over to the car. I opened the door for Sunny and he got in. I got in after him in the back. I could tell he was kinda tired from playing so much.
Dad: "So the dinner thing. Sunny what do you like to eat?"
Sunny: "Oh uhm anything I'm not a picky eater. I just can't have peanuts."
Dad: "Alright. We're gonna stop by your house real quick so you can change and grab an extra pair of clothes. Maybe something to sleep in."
Sunny nodded and I knew what dad was doing. We pulled into Sunny's drive way and dad stopped the car. I opened the car door and got out. Sunny got out behind me and headed in real quick.
Dad: "Don't tell him but you know what I'm doing don't you?"
Y/n: "Yes! Thanks dad! What about brother? What are we gonna feed him?"
Dad: "Oh I can order him something he wants so you two can eat in your room. He is having his friend come over anyways."
I nodded and head Sunny walking behind me. I held the door open and he got in. I climbed in behind him an shut the door. Dad started the car again and Sunny looked confused.
Sunny: "Why'd I have to bring an extra pair of clothes and something to sleep in?"
Dad: "Would you like to stay the night with Y/n? I don't care as long as your parents don't."
Sunny: "Oh uhm I'm sure they won't mind but when we get to your house may I call them?"
Dad: "Of course! Y/n will give you the wifi and stuff you need."
Sunny nodded and looked at me with a happy face. He layed his head on my shoulder. I smiled and layed mine on his. A few minutes later we arrived home. I opened the door and climbed out. I held the door open for Sunny to get out. He climbed out and I shut the door behind him. We walked in and the house was a mess.
Sunny walked in and shut the door behind him. Olli came running out with nerf guns and his friend behind him.
They ran back to his room and I led Sunny to my room.
I looked at Sunny and laughed. Sunny started laughing. He was now wearing a colorful hoodie and some jeans. I like the man's style. I turned my LED lights on. I turned my lamp on and turn the main light off.
Y/n: "Is this ok or do you need more light?"
Sunny: "This is alright thank you! Your room is neat!"
Y/n: "No problem and thanks!"
Sunny: "Your welcome Sunshine!"
We both heard Olli still yelling for me to not shut the door. I grabbed Sunny's hand and walked out the room. Sunny started walking as well and we walked into the kitchen. Dad was cooking fried chicken and French fries.
The whole house went silent. The silence was broke by my giggling. It was always funny when Olli got in trouble for talking about making out.
Y/n: "lair! I did not I don't even talk to you much!"
I turned around. And gave Olli a death stare.
Dad: "Y/n calm down."
Y/n: "Your not gonna wake up for tomorrow morning OLLI!"
The house went silent an Olli started crying. I smiled and turned around.
Sunny: "Y/n that wasn't so nice. You should apologize."
Y/n: "He's faking it. He always says he's gonna kill me so my revenge."
I smiled and Sunny went silent again.
Dad: "Olli this is why we don't bring that up. Olli and Trevor go back to Olli's room."
They nodded and walked back to his room. Trevor was Olli's friend. Once dad was finished cooking he made us plates and handed them to us.
Y/n: "Thanks dad you go get some rest I got it from here."
Dad: "Alright don't kill your brother."
Y/n: "I won't."
Dad walked away and went into his room. I walked over to the fridge.
Y/n: "What would you like to drink? We got grape wine, milk, apple juice, more grape wine, and sweet tea. Anything works."
I walked over to the cabinet and grabbed two wine cups. They were always so cool to drink out of for no reason.
Sunny: "Aren't we to young to drink wine?"
Y/n: "They'd never know. I got drunk once and came home and talked to my dad. He never noticed I was drunk."
Olli sighed and went to his room again. I ordered pizza for the two boys so they'd leave us alone.
Sunny: "Sweet tea would be fine. Thank you Sunshine!"
Y/n: "No problem Sunlight!"
I grabbed the sweet to and poured it into a wine cup. I put the sweet tea up and grabbed grape juice. I poured some into the wine cup. Sunny thought it was wine.
Sunny: "Is that wine? Your to young you can't drink underage in my watch!"
Y/n: "It's grape juice. If you want you can try it. I swear it's not grape wine."
I put the grape juice back and closed the fridge. I grabbed my drink and the two plates full of food. I walked up to my door and looked at it. Sunny opened the door. I walked in and sat the plates down on my table desk that I use for school. I'm home schooled so I had everything in a corner. Sunny shut the door and watched as the lights changed colors slowly. He walked up to me and smiled. He sat his drink down on the table.
Sunny: "So what changed wanna do?"
Y/n: "You still need to call your guardian to see if you can stay."
Sunny's smile went down a bit but I hugged him.
Y/n: "are there problems going on at your house? I'll help you through it of so."
Sunny sighed and nodded yes. I frowned and hugged him.
Y/n: "Let me see your phone real quick. Ill connect you to the wifi. If you want I can ask your guardian."
Sunny: "I can ask. I'll put them on speaker."
He handed me his phone and I put the wifi in. I handed it back to him and he put his password in. He went to his recent calls and called the contact 'Woman who lends a roof.' it rang for a minute. And the person answered.
Caller: "What do you want Useless brat I'm bust smoking."
Sunny: "U-uh can I-I stay the n-night here..?"
Caller: "Anything to keep you away. How long we talkin Useless brat? Maybe you won't be so useless after all."
Sunny: "U-uhm..."
Y/n: "A few days." I whispered.
Sunny: "A f-few days.."
Caller: "Alright bye useless brat. When you get back your cleaning the place."
Sunny: "Y-yes ma'am thanks.."
The caller hung up. I am so mad. I seen Sunny to start to cry and I pulled him into a tight hug. He cried on my shoulder. I hugged him tighter.
Y/n: "I'm sorry Sunlight. You can stay as long as possible. You don't have to stay in that hell hole as long as I'm here."
I loosend my grip on him and he looked at me avoiding eye contact.
Sunny: "A-are you s-sure? I d-dont want t-to d-disturb a-anything. W-where would I-I sleep a-anyways..?"
Y/n: "I'm sure. You can't disturb anything. You can sleep up on my bed. I'll sleep on the couch. It won be a problem."
Sunny: "No I-I don't w-wan t-to b-be a-alone. P-please.."
I turned his face so we were making eye contact.
Y/n: "Hey it's alright dont worry about it. You want me to stay in here I will. Don't worry about it Sunlight. I'm here for you buddy. Remember that. Always."
He had a tint of fear and sadness in his eyes. I pulled him into a hug. Olli walked in.
Olli: "Is something wrong or did I walk in at the wrong time?"
I pushed him out my room and shut the door with my foot.
I picked Sunny up and he wrapped his legs around my waist.
Y/n: "They won't hurt you anymore even if we didn't talk anymore. I will make them regret hurting you in the first place. I'll make 'em suffer if you want me to."
He started laughing a bit.
Sunny: "You don't need to Sunshine. I can deal with them. I promise."
Y/n: "No no! I'll make them regret treating you like this! On my word I will now and forever till death protect you Sunlight."
His frown turned into a small smile.
Sunny: "I don't think I'd be alive if I hadn't met you. I was gonna go to that job for the day give the woman the money and commit suicide tonight if you hadn't come in."
I stood there shocked.
Y/n: "How long have they mistreated you?"
Sunny: "A-a f-few y-years now.."
Y/n: "It's official I'mma get you a bed in here and you'll stay here. Wait that's now kidnapping right? I don't think so."
He started giggling at my stupidity.
Y/n: "Alexa, play calming playlist on Spotify."
Alexa Echo dot: "Playing calming playlist on Spotify."
'Someone to you' started playing. I put Sunny down.
Y/n: "Care to dance with me?"
I wiped his tears and he nodded. I intertwined my fingers with his and we started slow dancing. After a few minutes and songs Olli walked in.
Olli: "Turn this- oh. My. God. Wait till dad see's this!"
He took a picture and I didn't know he was still there. Nor did Sunny. Olli started recording. 'This is home' came on and I looked at the short boy. We locked eyes. Olli still recording we started swaying to the tune of the song. I picked him up quickly and he wrapped his legs around my waist. We kept our eyes locked the whole time. Thats when we both realized we were being recorded. I held Sunny with one hand and shoved Olli away from the door. I shut the door and locked it and started holding him again.
I chuckled. Olli ran over back to his room to show his friend the video. Sunny smiled. He leaned his face down and kissed me. I kissed back but shocked. He pulled away.
Sunny: "S-sorry.."
Y/n: "It's fine. I know we just met yesterday but it's fine! No worries."
Sunny gave me a small happy smile. I smiled back. The song 'Pills' started playing.
Sunny: "W-wait yesterday?! What time is it?!"
Y/n: "Alexa, what time is it?"
Alexa Echo dot: "It is currently 3:57 AM"
Y/n: "Want to sleep now Sunlight? It's quite early."
He nodded. I layed him on the bed and let go of him. He never unwrapped his legs.
Sunny: "Can you sleep with me? I-I don't want to b-be a-alone."
I nodded and grabbed the covers. I pulled it on top of us and grabbed the T.V remote. I handed it to him.
Y/n: "Put something on for you Sunlight."
I kissed his forehead an he slightly blushed. He put on a Disney movie and fell asleep after a short while. I kept the slow music playing in the background. I fell asleep after a while of playing with Sunny's hair.

Lovely Chaos // Human Sunrise/Moondrop x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now