Chapter 10

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I woke up feeing like I wanted to brake some rules so I got up and went to my closet. I changed into a pair of clothes and packed a bag. The bag had a flashlight, my phone, a couple of bottles of water, and most importantly a camera. I went over to the bed and seen Sunny was awake.
"Where are you going Sunray?" he asked slightly confused.
"I'm gonna go with some friends to brake some rules wanna come with?" I asked.
"B-But if we get c-cought we'll g-get in trouble! And I have work today.."
"We're doing it at night so nobody's gonna know."
"F-fine but if w-we get caught I'm g-goin to ignore you for the rest of t-the night."
"Fine. Get ready for work Sunlight."
Sunny got up and went to the closet to get his uniform. I left the room and went to Maria's room. I walked in and Maria saw me.
"What up lil sib?" She asked.
"Wanna go with me and friends to brake some rules?" I asked.
"Why not I'm down."
"Alright get ready we are going tonight."
"Alright cya then. "
I walked out and a arm grabbed me. Pulling me into the other room. All lights off. The person wrapped their arms around my waist.
"Moon? You guys need to get to work ya' know."
"I know I just wanted to hug you before we leave."
"I'm going with you ya'll idiot."
"Oh ok. Let's go."
We left the room and Sunny took control again. We left the house and walked down to the Mega Pizza Plex. A few minutes later we arrived and wen inside. We went to the daycare and cleaned up. We waited for a few minutes and kids came rushing in. Sunny started greeting the kids. So energetic at so early in the morning.
A kid ran up to me and said, "Hi mommy!"
"I-im not a mommy. I'm a zeze. It's gender neutral for mommy or daddy." I told the child.
"Oh okay sorry Zeze! Mommy number 1 said that if she hears me call you or sunny a parental figur name she'll get mad." The child said sadly at the last end.
I crouched down in front of the child so we were face to face. "You can call us whatever! Mommy number 1 can't get mad for it if we are watching you. Just don't tell her I said that." I told the child.
"Oki! Thank you Zeze!"
The child hugged me and ran off. I smiled, standing back up. I leaned against the wall.
Hours later
It's now nap time and the kids were asleep. I was talking to Sunny about the child while we were getting food from the food court. Once we got out good we sat at a table and ate. An angry woman came up to us.
"This is unacceptable!" the woman yelled.
"What is ma'am?" I asked.
"Your outfit young lady!"
"Ma'am I'm not a lady I'm gender neutral. They/them."
"That's gross! Your a lady! And your outfit is not appropriate for the public!"
"Ma'am what I wear is not a concern to you. It's my choice of clothing. Now, I would be pleased if you step away before I call security for vandalising a employee and a teenager." I said, calmly.
"No! This is disturbing that you are wearing something inappropriate in public!" the woman argued back. I groaned. An security guard came up.
"Is something wrong here Y/n, Sunny?" Vanessa asked.
"I lost my appetite." Sunny said throwing his food away.
"This woman is complaining that my choice of clothing is inappropriate. For no reason to." I told Vanessa. Vanessa looked at the woman.
"Ma'am I need you to get out. You are harrassing innocents and employee's." Vanessa told the woman. The woman started throwing a fit. Vanessa called the police to get her. They came and cuffed the woman. Taking her away while she was screaming and acting like a child. We got up and went back to the daycare knowing we had to wake the kids up soon. Sunny went over to the kids waking them up and telling them to get ready. Parents were arriving and so were older siblings to pick us their younger siblings. A few minutes later all kids left but a teenager was still with us.
"Uhm are you ok sir? Why are you still here we are closing now." Sunny asked the boy.
"Oh I'm just here to see my dear y/n." the guy replied. That's when i knew who it was.
"No no no! No! He can't be here! No!" I thought out loud.
"Wha why are you ok sunshine?" Sunny asked.
I started panicking, "Keep him away. Haha look at the time. It's almost dark out! Aha we need to get going dear."
"Awh leaving so soon baby?" my sycho ex asked.
"Shut up I hate you. Don't wanna hear crap from you." I said and picked sunny up. He wrapped his legs around me and I sprinted out holding him. I reached Vanessa and told her about the man. She went down to escort him and i left carrying Sunny. Once we got outside I carried him all the way home. "Y/n put me down I can walk! I don't need you to carry me! Put me down!" He tried protesting against me. I giggled but ignored him. We reached the house and went inside.
"Ooohh dear step-sis come on we are leaving!" I yelled for Maria. I went to my room and put Sunny down. I picked up my bag and put it on my shoulder. Sunny looked at me with an annoyed expression.
"What didnt you want to be put down?" I asked chuckling at how cute he looks when he pouts.
"I'm sorry! Carry me pleasee!" he begged.
"Fine." I picked him up. I carried him out side where everyone was waiting. B/f/n, Maria, and g/f/n2 was there. We said our hello's and it was completely night now. Moon was now in control.
"Y/n, what are we doing outside?" He asked.
"We are gonna brake some rules." I told him smirking.
"Y/n thats bad! You can't do that!" he protested.
"Yes I can. I won't hey cought trust me i've been doing this for year's." which is true.
We all started walking to our destination.
An hour later
We arrived and I put Moon down. I grabbed my bag and opened it. I grabbed a flashlight and turned it on. We climbed into the left broken, abandon pizzarea. We started running around not giving a care in the world about anything. We were yelling and running. Feeling like a kid again. I heard a noise and stopped. I looked over where the old animatronics were supposed to be. They took them down to use them for the new models. I stared at the empty stage. I smiled. I felt Moon jump on my back.
"Hello Starlight! Whatcha doin'?" he asked.
"Nothing I was just looking at the old stage." I responded.
"Ok! Well it's 3:51AM so we need to leave. Everyone already left to go to sleep. They couldn't find you so they said that they were going to text you later." he said calmly.
"Alright lets go." I said turning around. He got off my back and I picked him up.
"H-Hey! Y/n! Put me down! Put me down I know how to walk!" he protested.
"Ok whatever you say." I put him down.
He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers together. We walked out the door. As soon as we got out he stopped walking. I stopped walking and looked at him.
"Is something wrong lovely?" I asked.
"Carry me I'm cold out here." He replied.
I nodded and picked him up. He smiled and I carried him home. When we got there everybody was already asleep. I carried him into my room. I tossed him on the bed lightly. He laughed a bit and I giggled. I shut the door and locked my door. I went over to my wall and turned on my LED's. Sunny took control and I went to my closet. I grabbed a pair of clothing to wear. I threw them at Sunny and got a pair for me. I walked into my closet and changed. I walked out my closet and Sunny was dress for bed. I smiled and went over to him. I jumped in bed and sat down. He layed down and put his head on my lap. I started playing with his fluffy hair and told Alexa to put on my calming playlist. She did so and Sunny started getting drowsy. He tells asleep while I kept playing with his hair. I started to get tired so I layed my head back on the wall. My fingers got tangled up in his hair. I fell asleep. I woke up a few hours later. Sunny was sitting on my lap facing me. His sweet innocent yellow eyes lookin into my e/c eyes.
"Sunny? Are you ok?" I asked in a raspy voice. He nodded and I smiled. I then realized I had to go to school. The school break was over. "FUCKKKKKKK" I yelled.
"I have school! I'm gonna be late! Can you please get up?" I whined. Sunny frowned and got up. I got up behind him and walked to my closet. I picked out a plad skirt a white shirt and a plad jacket. Sunny left the room and I changed. I walked over to my dresser and grabbed my brush and brushed my hair. I walked out the room and seen Sunny pulling ingredients out for something. I smiled and headed down to the bathroom. I got to the bathroom and grabbed my toothbrush. I turned on the faucet and put my toothbrush under the water. I brushed my teeth and spit it out. I rinsed off my toothbrush and put it back. I walked out the bathroom and over to the kitchen.
"What'd you make?" I asked.
"Pancakes!" Sunny said while setting a plate down, "f/n and Olli left already. Your dad said the bus is picking you up. What willbibdo while your gone
"You can do whatever call me if you need me i'll answer right away but do not let anybody in." I said.
He nodded and sat down. We ate and I got up. I grabbed my plate, went over to the sink, and wrinsed it. I put it in the sink and went to my room. I grabbed my phone, school bag, and my MacBook. I walked out my room with my stuff and walked to the door.
"Sunny I'm leaving! C'mere I gotta catch the bus!" I yelled.
Sunny came running and hugged me.
"You'll be back right Y/n?" Sunny asked.
"Of course Sunlight. I can't leave you forever! Bye love."
"Bye Sunshine!"
I walked out the door shutting it behind me. I walked to the bus stop and waited.
When y/n got to school and to class
I was sitting there doing my school work while the teacher was talking to an other teacher. Somebody walked up to my desk and put their hand on it. I looked up and seen Kaleb. My ex's bsf.
"What do you want Hawkins?" I rolled my eyes at his last name.
"Quit spreading rumors about Jess and I. Or we'll ruin your reputation." he tried to threaten me.
"Is that a threat Hawkins? I don't remember me being scared of you." I said while standing up. My best friends walked up to us. The rook was silent now.
"Yeah it is. What are you going to do about it l/n? You goin to smack me or something?"
"Maybe I'll drill a hole into your head and watch while your blood drips down." I replied while I didn't notice teachers were inside the room.
"With what? A invisible drill? Haha very funny Y/n."
My friends were now laughing.
"Nah that'd be boring. I'm talking about with a pencil."
"Y/N L/N! PRINCIPALS OFFICE NOW!" A teacher yelled.
"Fine fine." I said and shoved Kaleb out of my way. I whispered somethin in his ear, "Watch your mouth Hawkins."
Sunny's POV
Moon and I were talking in our void while waiting for Y/n.
Sunny your clingy y'know tabt right? - Moon
Yeah I know but we are the same person so your clingy to. -Sun
Fair enough. So what are you gonna do while you wait for Y/n?- Moon
I don't know. Maybe color to pass time? -Sun
Alright  I'm going to bed have fun idiot. -Moon
Hey! I'm not an idiot! Whatever have a nice nap Moon- Sun
With that I went to Y/n's room and sat down at their crafting table. I pulled out paper and crayons. I started coloring something random.
Y/n's POV
I'm the principal's favorite so I don't get in trouble by him so much. I got to the principals office and walked in.
"Hey again Mr. Williams." I said.
"Hey Y/n. What Happened now?"
"Kaleb Hawkins threatened me so I threatened him back. Don't tell father."
"Alright I'll talk to Kaleb. You may leave now Y/n. Or stay here for the day. I don't care your choice."
"Alrighty. I'm gonna stay."
Mr. Williams called Kaleb into his office. My phone buzzed and I took it out. Message from 💎My king 👑
💎 My king 👑
Hey Sunshine are you ok?! My phone started going off like crazy from a lot of different apps showing you fighting someone! Are you alright?
Yeah im fine. I'm in the principal's office rn. Wyd Sunlight?
💎 My king 👑
Waiting for you so I'm coloring to pass time!

(Not mine I got it off of Google!)                        ☀️Sunshine ☀️                       That's a good drawing Sunlight! I'll be home as soon a possible! 💎My king 👑Oki doki! Love you bye-bye!                       ☀️Sunshine ☀️             ...

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(Not mine I got it off of Google!)
☀️Sunshine ☀️
That's a good drawing Sunlight! I'll be home as soon a possible!
💎My king 👑
Oki doki! Love you bye-bye!
☀️Sunshine ☀️
                     Love you to Sunlight! Buh bye!
I put my phone away and watched as Hawkins walked in.
"Hey Mr. Williams can I go home and tell father that I just wasn't feeling well?" I asked.
"Yes y/n. You may bye-bye." he responded.
I nodded and grabbe my stuff. I stood up and put my bag over my shoulder. I walked home.
Minutes later
I got inside and Sunny was sitting in front of the door. He was asleep his head resting on his knees. I smiled softly and shut the door. I walked up to Sunny and picked him up. I walked into my room carrying Sunny. I got to the room and shut my door behind me with my foot. I put Sunny on the bed and got my MacBook out. I went to my table and sat down on an chair. I opened it and put my password in. I opened google classroom and joined the Google meet for those whom are home. The teacher was starting class and I grabbed my papers to put my notes on. I grabbed my pencil and started writing everything down.
I heard Sunny groan so I looked over at the bed. Sunny wasn't there so I looked around the room. I didn't see him and the teacher started yelling my name, "Y/N! Y/N! HELLO!? COME ON FOCUS Y/N L/N!"
I looked at the screen and rolled my eyes. The class had a shocked face but I ignored it. They probably weren't used to the attitude. But I was wrong.
Arms lightly hugged me around the neck and they rested their head on mine.
"Your home early Y/n! You didn't get in trouble did you?" he asked.
"Nope. I just decided to leave." I responded.
"Ok! When can I have cuddles I've been waiting all day." he complained.
"In a few minutes. This class will be over." I said.
"Yay! Oki doki!"
I smiled and started taking notes again.
"Y/n you spelled convection wrong." Sunny said.
"Oh. I don't know how to spell it- how do you spell it again?"
"Your welcome Sunshine!"
A few minutes later the class ended which meant I had a few minutes til my next class. I decided to skip the rest. I got up and pushed my chair in. I picked Sunny up and sat him on the bed. I went to the light switch and dimmed the lights. They were both in control now. I went to the bed and layed down. They crawled beside me and layed down. They hugged me and wrapped their legs around mine. I got tired and went to sleep.

Lovely Chaos // Human Sunrise/Moondrop x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now