Chapter 6

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I woke up and Y/n was awake. She was smiling and playing with my hair. I decided to act like I was still asleep. I mean. How could I not? I'm enjoying them playing with my hair. And I want to scare them. Hehehe. I layed there in their arms for a couple of minutes. I started to get bored so I flipped so I was on top of them.
Sunny: "Boo!"
Y/n started giggling. I leaned down an kissed the top of their head. They smiled an so did I.
Y/n: "They are having breakfast down in the lobby! Go get ready love!"
Sunny: "Oki!"
I got off of them. I crawled of the bed and remembered Moon and Y/n had bought clothes. We were staying in the hotel for a while. I changed into the clothes Moon had bought for us. Y/n changed into their clothes. It was very adorable! I smiled.
Sunny: "You look great Y/n! I love your outfit!"
Y/n: "Thanks! I like yours to. Moony said you'd like it. Somebody started knocking on the hotel door. Y/n left the bed and went over to the door. They opened it and Y/n's friends came in.
G/f/n: "Ready for breakfast?! They got waffles!"
B/f/n laughed so did Y/n. I walked up behind them and hugged their waist.
B/f/n: "He good? He seems moody right now."
Y/n: "He woke up a few minutes ago. Y'all ready to go?"
We all said yes and y/n grabbed their stuff. I let go of their waist and held their hand instead. We let the room and shut the door behind us. We took the elevator down and I layed my head on y/n's shoulder. We waited for a while. The three others talked while I just listened. I'm not a huge fan of
g/f/n. I don know why. Usually I like everyone. But he made me feel bad somehow. Probably because he's much more taller than me and stronger. Y/n rubbed their soft fingers against my hand. The elevator stopped and we got out. The three still talked. I started talking to Moon in the void of our mind.
Sunny: 'What do you know about
Moon: "Not much. He's chill but he doesn't seem to have interest in Y/n. Why?'
Sunny: 'He scares me.'
Moon laughed, 'Well be careful and stay with Y/n.'
Sunny: "I will. Thanks Moony! Bye!"
Moon: 'Bye dork.'
Y/n: "Sunny? Your talking out loud."
Y/n laughed an so did their friends.
Sunny: "Sorry. Guess I was zoning out."
Y/n: "It's fine you dork."
Sunny: "You both keep calling me dork! Why?!"
Y/n laughed and I heard moon snicker.
Y/n: "Because your a dork. And Moony said to call you a dork."
B/f/n and g/f/n: "Who's Moony?"
Y/n: "Nobody. Now don't call him Moony it's Moon for y'all"
I quietly laughed a bit at that. We got up to where they were selling the breakfast and we got out food. We went to a table and ate. I talked to Moony in our void. I didn't notice
b/f/n was asking me something till
Y/n said my name.
Sunny: Huh? What up? I'm needed?"
B/f/n: "What's your pronouns? So I dont use the wrong ones!"
Sunny: "They/them for some reasons."
G/f/n: "Bro your trans?! That's so cool! I could never imagine being trans!"
Sunny: "I'm not-.."
G/f/n: "So were you an actual girl or boy first?"
Sunny: "I'm not trans! Excuse Me I'll be back... Y/n I need the key to our room-.."
Y/n nodded and handed me the keys. I got up and sprinted off. I heard g/f/n say: "What's his problem all I did is ask a question."
I made it into the elevator and pressed the 3rd floor button. I started holding back tears. I got to the 3rd floor and sprinted to the room. I go to the room an used the key to open it. Once I got into the room I realized I left my phone down there with Y/n. I'm not the one to yell but something just snapped inside. Maybe it's because every time I tell somebody my pronouns they think I'm trans. It gets annoying after a while. I shut the door behind me and sit down in front of the door. I started to cry a but feeling bad for yelling an the pressure of his saying.
Y/n's POV
I sat there questions filling my head.
I looked at g/f/n.
Y/n: "Because their pronouns are they/them doesn't mean their trans ya' know?"
G/f/n: "That's what those pronouns mean. I'm not in kindergarten."
I sighed.
Y/n: "No. Those pronouns dont mean they are trans. And not to mention you even sounded trans phobic!"
G/f/n: "Is that a bad thing to be trans phobic?!"
Y/n: "No but if you are keep it to yourself! No trans people want to feel bad for their decision!"
G/f/n: "Whatever Y/n you dom know what your talking about. Just go check up on your boyfriend."
That made me mad. I clenched my hand into a fist. I could tell it made
b/f/n mad as well.
I put my fist on the table.
Y/n: "Excuse us but me and b/f/n are going to check up on THEM."
We made it clear that we were serious about Sunny's pronouns. We got up and walked away, leaving that trans phobic person alone. I don't know what's wrong with him but he needs to stop being a brat. A few minutes later we mad it up to the room. I knocked on it.
Y/n: Sunny, love, please open the door it's just me and b/f/n. G/f/n isn't with us I promise."
I heard y/n's voice and stood up. I wiped my tears and opened the door. The two girls came in. I shut the door behind them an gave Y/n a weak smile.
Y/n: "Sunny, love, it's ok. He won't be coming near you anymore. I will make sure of it. What do you want to do today Lovelies?"
I guess Y/n noticed it was both me and Moon in control.
Us: "Can we get ice cream?"
Y/n and her friend looked at me with a huge grin on their faces.
Y/n: "Yes! Let's go! There's an ice cream place nearby and an amazing little place to sit at! I usually keep it to myself an to my friends. I have to show you!"
We smiled.
Us: "Thank you y/n. Let's go."
They nodded. Y/n an their friend talked and Moon was talking to me about a romance book he's reading. I started giggling. So cute. Moon was also still in control but we were talkin in the void. We arrive at the ice cream place and b/f/n and y/n told me to stay out here while they ordered. I sat outside and talked to moon about the romance book. Y/n an their friend walked out. We smiled at them and they walked over. They sat beside us. Y/n kept talking to their friend. Y/n held my hand and squeezed it. I smiled softly. It started becoming dark. Y/n let go of my hand and got up. They an their friend went up into the ice cream place. Moon separated from me. Now we aren't in the same body. He can only be out for a hour l and thirty minutes. We talked while the two were inside. Moon went back to sharing a body with me once they came out. I didn't look back at the door but I knew it was them. They came over and y/n held a hand out for me. I turned around and grabbed their hand. They helped me up an I seen b/f/n holding a ice cream cake. I ignored it. Y/n and B/f/n led me up to a mountain. They stopped walking and we sat down. B/f/n put a cake down in front of us. We were so confused.
Y/n: "You wanted ice cream we got you it! What you don't eat we can save for later."
Us: "Do y'all want some?"
Y/n an b/f/n: "Nah we're good we got it for you after all."
I nodded and took the lid off.
Y/n: "I forgot the plate inside. I'll be back!"
Y/n got up and sprinted away.
B/f/n: "I just noticed one of your eyes are red! That's neat!"
Us: "Oh it's not always red. I can just change the color from light blue to red."
B/f/n: "Can you show me!?"
Us: "Sure!"
I took full control over our body and b/f/n stared. They looked amazed. I smiled and heard running behind me. I turned to see y/n. They sat the plate, spoon, an knife down so I can eat the cake. I felt bad for not giving them any.
Y/n: "We can eat the rest of what you don't eat later."
I nodded and cut a small peice and put it on a plate. The three of us sat there talking about random things. I put some iceing on the tip of my finger and put some on y/n's forehead. We started to laugh. Y/n looked ridiculous. It soon became dark an I put the kid back on the cake. I picked the cake up and b/f/n took it from me. Y/n laughed a bit but I walked up behind them and hugged them. We walked down the hill.
B/f/n: "Today was amazing! I'd love to do this again but tomorrow I have plans."
Y/n: "It was entertaining. We can do it again except the morning part. I'd rather not go through that again."
B/f/n: "Yeah. Anyways see y'all I have to part now!"
Y/n: "See ya bestie!"
We stopped walking for a second.
Sunny: "I'm cold Y/n.."
Y/n took their jacket off.
Y/n: "Here you go Love."
They handed me it.
Sunny: "Thank you sunshine!"
Y/n: Your welcome Love."
I let go of y/n and put the jacket on. It's a bit oversized but I don't care.
Y/n picked me up and started running fast. It was like someone or something was trying to get us. I looked back and there was a person. They had a gun and all black clothes on. Except you could see their face. Soon enough the guy was out of sight. I told y/n but they rejected to stop.
A few minutes later we made it to the hotel. Y/n stopped running but walked into the hotel. They walked over to the elevator and pushed the 3rd floor button. They put me down as the door closed.
Sunny: "Who was he? Why did you run when you seen him?"
Y/n: "He was my sycho ex. He doesn't like when I move on because he can't move on. Plus he keeps getting rejected. So I don't want to get you caught up in his little game. I nodded. The elevator stopped and the doors opened. Y/n picked me back up and walked to the room. They used to key to open the door. Y/n stepped inside and shut the door behind them. They carried me all the way to the bed. They sat me down on there. A few minutes later we were both changed into our night clothing. We went to bed and I fell asleep to y/n playing with my hair.

Lovely Chaos // Human Sunrise/Moondrop x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now