Chapter 2

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I woke up with Sunny still in my arms sound asleep. I smile and there was knocking on the door. I went to get up but Sunny pulled me down. He's stronger than I thought.
Y/n: "Yes?" I was whisper yelling so I didn't wake up Sunny.
Olli: "Dad left and called the boy in sick."
Y/n: "One minute."
Sunny started waking up from his slumber. He sat up an looks around for a minute. He realized he was 'late' for work.
Sunny: "I'm gonna be late!"
Y/n: "Don't worry my dad called you in sick. So you don't need to worry about it. Vanessa is gonna work as the daycare attendant."
Sunny looked at me and smiled. He nodded.
Y/n: "Any breakfast idea's?"
Sunny: "Pancakes! I wanna help cook! If I may please."
Y/n: "don't use your manners with me it makes me feel old."
Sunny: "Ok. But can I help?"
Y/n: "Why not don't see the problem. Go change we'll go to the store later and buy you some clothes."
He nodded and go up. I got up and unlocked the door. I walked out an shut the door behind me so Sunny could change. I seen the boys on the couch.
Trevor: "Your finally awake! I'm so hungeryyy where's your bf?"
Y/n: "He's not my bf now chill kids."
Olli: "Then why we're y'all dancing?"
Y/n: "Anybody can dance."
Sunny came out the room and hugged me immediately. I smiled.
Y/n: "You ready to cook Sunlight?"
Sunny: "Yesss Sunshine!!"
He let go and we walked into the kitchen. I grabbed the pancakes mix and a bowl. I let Sunny pour the pancake mix while I went to go grab my phone. I grabbed my phone from my room and headed back to the kitchen. I put music on my phone and put it on the counter. I walk up to the drawer and open it. I take a mixer out and Sunny already put water in the mix. I gave him the mixer and he started mixing and dancin to the music. The music suddenly went off and my phone started ringing. I walked over to my phone and answered it.
Y/n: "Child this-"
Caller: "Hi I'm Jessica uhm mother of Sonny. I was told from his job to call this number."
Y/n: "You must have the wrong number I don't know anybody named that." I turned around and tapped Sunny on the shoulder. I put myself on mute real quick.
Y/n: "Go get your phone and dial the police."
He looked at me concerned. He left the kitchen and went to my room. I unmuted myself.
Y/n: "Sorry I had to do something real quick uhm it turns out my little sibling knows a kid named Sunny."
Sunny came back and looked at me. He has his phone in hand. I walked up to the white board and grabbed a marker. I wrote 'Call the police now.' Sunny looked at me scared now. He dialed the police.
Caller: "Yes, He asked if he could stay at your house last night. Is he still there by chance?"
Y/n: "Sorry dear one second."
I muted myself again. The police answered Sunny's call. He handed me his phone an I walked away with both phones.
Operator: "911 what's your emergency?"
Y/n: "Uhm hi my best friend is being mentally abused and a little physically. I'm on the phone with his parental Guardian on my phone. I called you on his phone."
Operator: "Alright mx what is his guardians phone number?"
Y/n: "*** *** ****."
Operator: "Alright how old is he?"
Y/n: "He's sixteen."
Operator: "Alright can he stay at your house for a few days or is that a problem?"
Y/n: "He can stay here for as long is needed. I just can't bare to see them getting hurt all the time."
Operator: "Alright uhm we will investigate the person can you stay on the line and go get your friend?"
Y/n: "Yes, ma'am."
I walked back into the kitchen and Sunny looked worried and scared.
Y/n: "Sunny I need you to talk to the police please."
He nodded.
Operator: "Alright is this the person being hurt?"
Sunny: "Y-yes is t-there something h-happening?"
Operator: "Your gonna have to stay at your friends house for a while till we give you the sign that it's ok for you to go back to your guardians house."
Sunny: "I-is something h-happening?"
Y/n: "I said I'd get my revenge didn't I?"
We stayed on the line with the operator then they said we could hang up. I hung up and Sunny hugged me so tight.
Y/n: "It's not a problem. I kept my promise didn't I?"
Sunny: "I men's it. Thank you. I can't stand another night there.."
The younger boys were just staring.
Olli: "Your gonna make the food rot."
We looked at the food and the music went back to playing. I hung up on Sunny's kidnapper. Yeah. Kidnappers. They tricked him into thinking they were his parents and mistreated him. But they killed his parents. We went back to cooking and once we finished we let the kids eat and we ate what was left. The kids went and played in Olli's room. Sunny and I went to my room. The playlist was still playing. I shut the door and locked it behind us. I picked up Sunny and he wrapped his legs around me. I smiled and kissed his forehead. He rested his head on my shoulder. I got another phone call and answered it.
Y/n: "What child. This better be important because I'm busy."
Caller: "May I come over bestie I'm bored and alone."
Y/n: "Fine. Your father's favorite friend anyways."
The caller hung up.
Y/n: "Dad like you alot. He believes we could become something."
I smirked an he started blushing like crazy. A few minutes later there were knocks on the door.
I sighed and put Sunny down. I walked over to the door and unlocked it. I opened the door and they walked in. I shut the door and walked back up to Sunny. I picked him back up and he wrapped his legs around my waist.
Bestie: "Oooooo~ someone is thinking of making out."
Y/n: "Shut up bitch."
Sunny: "Hey! We don't swear!"
Emi my best friend started laughing. I looked at Sunny.
Y/n: "You wanna sleep alone tonight?"
Sunny: "N-no!"
Y/n: "Then don't tell me I can't swear."
Sunny: "But it's bad. And I don't like being alone."
Y/n: "I'm sorry Sunlight."
I kissed his forehead.
Emi: "Don't make out in front of me ew!"
I looked at Emi.
Y/n: "Shut up dummy. You'll do it later in life to."
The room went silent. Few minutes pass by an all we hear is the slow music playing. I guess it made Sunny tired because he started resting his head on my shoulder. I put my LED lights on slow so it changed slowly. Emi got her phone out and started scrolling on Tiktok. I made her put headphones on for that. Olli was standing outside my door.
Olli: "y/n Trevor just left with his dad."
Y/n: "Alright."
He walked away from the door. I guess he went to his room. A few minutes later Sunny fell asleep on my shoulder. I walked over to the bed. I layed him down. I layed down beside him. He was a peaceful sleeper so he doesn't make any noise. A few minutes of silence and music playing people were throwing rocks at my window. I went to get up but Sunny pulled me back down. I scooted put of his grip. I walked up to the window and open it. Oh the two dummies.
Dummy one: "Come hang out! It's good out here."
Dummy two: "Yeah we're missing the third N' forth one."
Dummy one: "Emi told up she's here with you. And that someone was here with y'all. So come on. Don't hide 'em I want to meet them."
Y/n: "When he wakes up. I'll be out in a few minutes."
I shut my window and go into my closet. I grabbed a different pair of clothes and walk out my room. I went into the bathroom and changed. I left the bathroom and went back to my room. The power cut out. The idiots probably hit the generator. Sunny woke up and could barely see anything. I walked up to him. I picked him up and left the room. Emi following behind. Olli was already outside.

Sunny: "What happened? Y/n is this you?"
Y/n: "Yes Sunny. Two dummies hit the generators."
We went outside and shut the door behind me.
Y/n: "Now I have to go to the landlord and ask if he can fix it. Want to come with Sunlight?"
He nodded. It wasn't dark because it was the middle of the day.
Y/n: "Want to be carried or no?"
Sunny: "No thanks."
I put him down and heard the two dummies yelling in the back.
Emi: "I'll pass."
I nodded and Sunny intertwined fingers with mine. We started to walk away. A few minutes later we arrived at the office. We walked in and went to my landlords office. I knocked on the door.
Landlord: "Come in."
We walked in.
Y/n: "There was a power outage again. May I start keeping the key till I move out?
Landlord: "Fine but you kids stop being so immature."
I nodded and said thank you. Landlord handed me the key and we left. We once got back to the house. I went around back and went up to the generator. I put the key in it and turned it. The lights went back on inside. I walked back over to the front where everyone was standing. I looked at the two trouble makers.
Y/n: "Y'all are trying to be annoying. Now I need you two to leave"
The two idiots sighed and left. We all went back in and a few hours of vibing Emi had to go home. It was getting late so I put Olli to bed. I went to my room and Sunny was waiting for me. I shut the door and walked up to Sunny who was sitting on the edge of the bed. I crouched down so we were face to face. I kissed his forehead. He smiled and blushed a bit. He pulled me on to the bed.
Sunny: "I'm tired. Can we sleep now Sunshine?"
Y/n: "Of course Sunlight."
We went under the covers and he chose a movie to watch. I started playing with Sunny's hair. He fell asleep after 10 minutes and I fell asleep after 20.

Lovely Chaos // Human Sunrise/Moondrop x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now