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A hand wrapped around Carly's wrist as she walked down a seemingly deserted corridor, pulling her into yet another abandoned classroom .

She didn't make a sound at suddenly being pulled, out of the blue , as if she was some dog on a leash .

Once the door was closed behind her and the person who pulled her , she swung around , glaring viciously at none other than Draco Malfoy .

" What do you want , Malfoy ?", she asked , her voice dripping with ice .

" Nothing to worry your pretty little head over ,Mudblood . "

Her anger surged at hearing him call her that foul name . Xenophobic and racist ass-wipe .

She opened her mouth ,but couldn't get a word out , too flustered to talk .

" I'm to give you a message from my father that you're to give to your guardian . Tell her that the Dark Lord will come for you when the last task is concluded . She'll understand ."

With that Malfoy left and she heard him talk to someone outside as if they were poop under his shoe .

Shock and confusion coursed through Carly's body mixed with fear , a fear she couldn't comprehend .

Someone walked back into the room and familiar hands wrapped around her wrists .

She looked up , meeting the emerald green eyes of her sometimes lover .

" Are you alright ?", he asked gently ," I saw him pull you in here and I heard every word he said . What did he mean by the Dark Lord will come for you ?".

She pulled away from him and started for the door . He followed her .

She should've known that he had ulterior motives .

" Hey ,I asked you a question ," he said as she walked out of the classroom and down the opposite direction as she'd originally headed, which was the Astronomy Tower where she meant to spend some time to ponder about some things .

She needed to get to Dumbledore's office . Her Aunt had said that if someone bothered her like Malfoy did , she should go to Dumbledore about it .

Her Aunt said that Dumbledore are there to protect her . She hoped that her Aunt was right and that Dumbledore wasn't a big phony . Not that she should actually think that . He is her own flesh and blood after all .

It would hurt him if she thought about him in such a degrading manner .

" Hey!", he called out as she picked up her pace , but she ignored him .

The Yule Ball would be in two days . He'd ignored her since the first task and more so since she'd asked Colin Creevey to the Ball.

She didn't need to talk to someone who only used her for his own needs .

He grabbed her hand , halting her in her tracks with a jolt that made her arm ache .

" I asked you a question ," he repeated testily .

Pulling her hand out of his she spat " It's none of your business , Potter !."

He recoiled as if struck by her , his eyes widening slightly .

She felt instantaneously guilty . She didn't mean to come off as harsh towards him .

" I'm sorry ," she said a little calmer ," Now if you excuse me , I have somewhere to be ."

He didn't say anything to her as she walked away , his eyes following her until she turned a corner .

He felt slightly hurt by her words . She'd never called him anything , especially not Potter . But that was his own doing and he had to live with it.

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