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The school year progressed rather quickly and Carly Ann Snow was still the center of attention because of who's granddaughter she is .

She hated every minute of it .

Harry Potter and his friends didn't let up . Especially Hermione Granger .

She ignored every advance, speaking only to Colin Creevey , who had never treated her poorly .

She ignored every note that the Potter boy handed her in secret , opting to burn them without reading them first .

She'd done it in front of him once and even though she hated the hurt that swam in those mesmerizing eyes of his , she didn't stop .

She didn't feel guilty at all .

She went about her day steadfast and unmovable in her resolve never to let him or anyone in for any matter .

She'd spend many a weekend hiding in her Grandfather's office , amusing the old man endlessly .

His eyes twinkled every time they meet up for their family time .

She ignored that too .

The second task came and went and to Carly Ann's utter annoyance ,she became Harry Potter's treasure that he had to find in the lake .

Oh the joy ( Note the sarcasm) of it all.

It made the boy smug and she wanted to sock him in the face every time he looked at her afterwards .

She felt irritated by it , but schooled herself in not showing it .

To top it all off her Aunt Maybelle decided to leave the UK when the fast approaching summer came .

Carly won't be going with her . Her Grandfather would have her at his house for the duration of the summer holidays .

Carly did not look forward to that .

Her Grandfather's home could be really boring at times .

But before all this , the third and final task loomed over them .

Carly wasn't sure if she wanted to attend it or not .
Not even for her Grandfather's sake .

She bustled around her cauldron , doing her best to work on this quite difficult potion Snape had given them to make this fine spring morning , her brows were pinched and her lips pursed , as she concentrated .

To her utter annoyance , Hermione Granger and her two boys had come to share her table .

She of course ignored them , but she could feel them look at her every now and then and she despised that .

Harry was nearest to her and had tried to make conversation .

She didn't talk back , her lips sealed tight , so he gave up .

She pushed a hair strand away from her sweaty forehead . The dungeons might always be cold , but today felt like she was standing in an oven .

" You know , you're doing it all wrong ,Carly ," she heard Hermione Granger say from the other side of Harry ," you'll kill us all with those quills ."

Carly ignored her and went on with what she was doing . She read the instructions , didn't she ?. Who was the know-it-all to tell her if she was wrong or not .

" Carly ..."

" Miss Granger , do your own work and leave Miss Snow alone !", Snape's voice echoed loudly from across the classroom , making Carly flinch .

" But ,Sir _"

" Ten points from Gryffindor and if you talk back again it shall be a hundred . Miss Snow , bring your things over to this empty table ."

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