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Carly laughed and smiled like a true lady as she glided through the Great Hall that had been perfectly decorated as a ballroom.

She ignored the stares of mostly every girl and boy in the hall . Especially that emerald green gaze that could set her on fire if only he knew .

Oh , she knew that he wasn't having such a good time tonight .

He was sitting there on a couch ignoring his own date .

She bet Parvati felt bad now because of all the boasting and snide comments since the day Harry asked her to the Ball .

" At least I chose to ask a boy and not sit around wallowing in misery . "

She knew that she could've asked Harry before he asked Parvati , but she wasn't so sure that he'd accept .

She was just a toy he could use from time to time . Nothing more .

A boy from the fourth school in the Triwizard Tournament bumped lightly into her , quickly saying sorry and went on his way .

Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry had been revealed as the guest school a week or so before the first task .

She'd met a Bennett cousin of her Aunt Maybelle . This cousin was the first Bennett she met after years of not knowing any of them.

Danielle Bennett , Danny for short , was a pleasant girl ,though she often complained about the arrogance of the Wiccans in their family .

Carly didn't know any of the Wiccans and wondered if Danny was telling the truth.

She looked around as she walked to the dancefloor with Colin , who smiled widely and giddily as they began swaying slowly to the slow song that was playing .

Then without warning someone pushed her and she fell .

" What the Morgana ,Ginny !", she heard Colin yell .

" She deserves it , the slut ! ", Ginny snarled back and Carly grew pale .

Did Ginny Weasley know about her and Harry's escapades ?. No , that's not true . She can't know .

But deep down Carly was worried and she got up to leave the ballroom with the pretence of needing the loo.

She ignored Colin's worried looks that he was sending her as she walked away.

She didn't see Harry get up to follow her discretely , telling Ron that he'll be back in a few .

She made her way towards a deserted hallway and then the Gryffindor common room where only a few of the lower years were lazing around .

They didn't even look at her as she passed them to go to her room , but she never reached the stairs because a hand grabbed hers and she was lead out of the common room and to a secluded and abandoned classroom.

When the door swung shut behind her she looked at the boy that had hurt her so much by choosing to go to the Ball with someone else .

" Are you okay ?", he asked, while still holding her hand.

She shrugged . What could she say? . She was used to being treated like Ginny Weasley had treated her .

He pulled her to his chest and wrapped his arms around her.

" I'm sorry ," he whispered ," I should've asked you instead of Parvati . "

She didn't say anything as she snuggled her head into his chest .

Then she stiffened when she felt his hand at the zipper of her dress, pulling away from him instantly , her gaze meeting his warily .

" Why ?", he asked as understanding dawned on him that she didn't want sex right now .

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