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" Carly! .Hey,Carly!," Colin called , running down the hallway that housed the Transfigurations classroom .

Carly suppressed a sigh .She really didn't want to talk to Colin right now .

She was still heartbroken about her things that had burned in the Gryffindor common room's fireplace .

Her Aunt Maybelle bought her new school wear and she'd brought some clothes from home , that she'd left there .

Not that the clothes were enough . It was only a few jeans , two tshirts , a jersey and a few underwear.

Her Aunt had to buy her bra's . That was absolutely embarrassing!

" Carly , slow down".

She halted and waited for Colin ,who doubled over , panting , as he reached her .

" Hermione Granger were.... looking....for....you". He breathed in and out deeply after those words to calm himself enough so he can stand properly .

Carly Ann Snow snorted . This whole week Hermione Granger had been trying to get her attention .

If that wasn't enough , people began to whisper and look at her when she walked to the Great Hall or to class .

Some people , who'd never spoken to her , tried to now .

Even Harry Potter himself tried to talk to her in public , but she ignored him because he only wanted to because her Grandfather are Dumbledore .

Nobody cared until that particular information was aired .

Of course the teachers knew already . They haven't treated her differently than the other children and for that she was glad .

It was just not fair that the other children now wanted to befriend her because of it . Especially , those from Gryffindor , Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff . Slytherin was as nasty and mean as always .

Or that was their front while dealing with her .

She hated it . She hated being gossiped about and being treated like she was some new shiny toy .

She wasn't . She was still the same girl who started at Hogwarts when she was eleven.

" Well, you can tell her that she can look forever , for all I care ,Colin . I don't have time for people, who never wanted to talk to me and now do, because of some information that they acquired about me . See you later ,Colin . I have a class to get to ".

She walked  away from him with her head held high and her back military straight .

She wasn't going to give in . People never cared about her until now . It was plain stupid for them to think she'd want to talk to them when they haven't cared about her for the last four years .

Even Ginny Weasley had changed her tune . Disgusting .

She walked into Transfigurations and sat down at her usual table , at the back ,where nobody can see her .

Even if she was lonely , she wasn't going to go so low as to let people in who haven't wanted to be her friend from the beginning .

She'd rather stay lonely .

Someone sat down next to her and by the scent of rain mixed with peppermint and coco butter told her that it's the raven haired boy of her heart .

She groaned inwardly . Why oh why does she have to deal with this ?.

" Carly , Hermione's _"

" Looking for me . I know . Colin told me . She can look until she's blue in the face . I have no time for people who only wants to talk to me because of who my grandfather are ."

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