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" Grandad , why do I have to go too ?", Carly Ann Snow asked her Grandfather, unhappy at being dragged out of bed in the middle of the night and then forced to go  to his office , where she learned that she was to go to 12 Grimmauld Place again and this time for the festive season.

All this because Harry Potter had a dream about Arthur Weasley being attacked by a snake in a hallway of the  Department of Mysteries .

" Ann, do not question me , just do as I say ," Dumbledore replied ,his tone stern and a little bit harsh .

She sighed . " Yes, Grandad," she muttered obediently, ignoring the silent stares of everyone else in the office .

Everyone else consisted of the Weasley children ,
Hermione , Harry and McGonagall .

" Good ,Lola already packed your trunk . You'll leave in the morning by portkey . Stay here until then."

He moved to pat the girl's shoulder and she didn't pull away from him .

She reveled in his grandfatherly touch . She haven't been seeing him as much as she'd wanted to since the day she arrived  back to school .

Severus Snape came to take Harry away for a few hours and by morning the Weasley children , Hermione ,Harry and Carly were sent to 12 Grimmauld Place where Carly had to share a room with the other girls again .

She didn't mind even if she didn't like being there at all because Harry kept trying to talk to her .

She didn't want to . Not after what he did .

Christmas came and she received a nice blue sweater from Molly Weasley and she also got presents from everyone else , including Harry , who'd pulled her aside to hand her a small red  box .

It was a ring . Not an engagement ring or anything in that category . It was a ring with his and  her  initials engraved on it .

" I am sorry ," he said to her when she stared at the ring  ," she kissed me and well, I ....the thing is I don't know how to apologize for what happened . I love you ,Carly and I ...I don't want to lose you ."

She looked up at him . She couldn't forget the kiss she witnessed .

She couldn't forgive so easily .

" Carly , please , just say something .... anything because I ....I need to know that you're not angry anymore ".

She sighed and closed her eyes before looking at him again .

" I don't own you ," she said ," you can kiss whoever the Morgana you want . I ... I'm just a girl you used to snog . Nothing more . I wasn't allowed to call you Harry . Maybe it's for the best if ....if this , whatever it is,ends now . Thank you for the present . I hope you liked yo_"

She didn't get any further because the next thing she knew was his lips pressed against hers and she couldn't help but kiss him back , stupid girl that she was .

" Let's go somewhere a little more  private, please ? ," he whispered against her neck after a few moments  ," I want you so desperately now I don't think I can wait any longer ."

She wanted to say no , but she guessed that , that would hurt him , so she whispered " Yes ," and he took her hand , leading her away to a room that nobody used .

It was fairly clean , because of Molly Weasley , who'd forced everyone to clean in the summer .

Harry happily kissed her again and before Carly knew it she was lying in his arms , her head pressed against his chest .

" They're going to come  looking," she said after a few minutes of just lying there ," and if they find us like this ...."

" I don't care if they do ,Carly . This is between you and me . Nobody else . "

She looked up at him and sighed softly . Of course he would say that now . Later he would care if they found them like this .

A knock came on the door minutes later and Carly froze . Harry didn't , he just told whoever it is to go away because he's busy .

" Harry , Dumbledore is here and he wants to talk to Carly ", Hermione called out from the other side of the door .

" Well, she's not here , Hermione . Go look somewhere else ."

Carly rolled away from him and got up , getting dressed quickly and then walked towards the door .

He only pretended to not care if they were found like this  ,it seemed , and him telling Hermione that she isn't there....well, it was just a confirmation .

" I have to go and see what Grandad wants ," she said to him before opening the door where Hermione still stood , ready to call out to Harry again .

Harry groaned and fell back on the bed , his eyes glaring at the ceiling as if it had done something wrong .

Hermione moved to stand by the bed .

" Really ,Harry ?. 'She's not here' ?. Why didn't you just say that you and her.....that you were busy with ....".

" Go away , Hermione ," he mumbled ," It's not your business if Carly and I were busy... shagging ."

" It's Dumbledore's business. She's his only grandchild . I don't think he'd thank you if she ends up pregnant at fifteen ."

Harry sat up . " Get out , Hermione . I want to get dressed . "

" Fine , but remember what I said ."

He rolled his eyes ." Yeah , Yeah , just go . "

She left and he got up and got dressed , his mind on the blissful moments he had with the girl he loves .
" Ilvermorny ?. But , Grandad , you refused when I wanted  to go there . Now you want me to go ?".

" Things changed ,Ann, you'll be safer there than here . You're blood ...." He sighed and ran a hand through his beard .

They were stood in the kitchen and he just told her that she's leaving Hogwarts and that she'll be transferring to Ilvermorny in Massachusetts, America .

" Grandad , my life is here . I can't just up and leave . Please , I don't want to go to Ilvermorny . I want to stay with you ."

" Ann , you're a  Döppelganger . You know that . You're blood ..... Tom.....Voldemort wants your blood for his....." he groaned out . He couldn't say it .

He knew that Döppelganger blood are used in rituals and spells . Even by his kind .

" He already had some , Grandad . "

" I know . But a little bit of your blood won't ever be enough . You know why ."

She nodded . Oh she knew . Her blood was something that all dark Witches and Wizards needed to become stronger than they already are .

" Wait , you're a Döppelganger ?", Hermione asked , slightly alarmed at this new information as well as curious because she'd read about Döppelgangers through the ages . The nosy bitch.

Carly didn't look at her ,but she answered her with a simple "Yes," though she bristled at the girl's ever need to know everything.

Harry came walking into the kitchen and found Dumbledore looking at him , though not completely .

" Good afternoon , Professor ," he greeted the old Wizard .

" If you say so ,Harry , and Merry Christmas . "

" Merry Christmas to you too , Professor . "

Dumbledore turned back to his granddaughter ." We shall discuss this again soon . I think it's best if you finish out the year at Hogwarts ."

She smiled and moved to hug him . " Thank you , Grandad . I promise I'll do my best ."

He nodded and patted her back . " I shall be leaving now . Good day, Everyone ."

He moved away from Carly and turned on the spot , vanishing .

Carly watched the spot he'd disappeared from and sighed .

How was she even going to cope with this new change of things now ?.
Here's another one .

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