Lee Pace A Bad Fight

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Warning Explicit Language


I'm pissed the fuck off right now. I get a call from my best friend telling me to pull up TMI News and what do I see? Lee Pace a.k.a The Hot Elven King seen leaving beautiful co-star Evangeline Lilly's house at 3 a.m. this morning. Is Lee having an affair with his long time girlfriend YFN/LN?" Are you fucking kidding me? I know I shouldn't believe what the media says, but Lee always hangs out with Evangeline I know that thier good friends and all, but still what if one of them developed feelings for one another? I swear to god when Lee gets here I'm gonna rip him a new one.

I here the front door open seconds later on our townhouse. I immediately jump out of bed and rush downstairs in one of Lee's oversized shirts.

As soon as I turn the corner on the top of the stairs I see Lee looking up at me with that stupid grin on his face. He also looked confused as to why I'm up this early or late in this case.

"Hey honey, did I wake you up? I'm sorry." He smiled.

"How sorry are you?" I hissed.

He takes a few steps back. "Are you alright? You seem angry."

"Where were you Lee, tell me right now

"I was with Evangeline."

"What we're you doing there until 3 o clock in the got damn morning?" My voice raises a little.

"What...have you been reading those stupid news headlines again?"

"Tell me what were you two doing until 3 fucking o clock." My voice becomes stern.

"We went out dinner like I said we did." He walks up the stairs and walks past me.

"A dinner with a friend dosent last early in the fucking morning. What the fuck happened." My heart feels like it's racing.

"Don't start with this Y/N its late." He walks into bedroom I follow behind him. "Lets go to sleep and talk about it in the morning." He sighed as he started to dis robe himself.

"Just tell me what happened, I know you'd said you be home late but this way too late."

"Nothing, she was upset about her boyfriend breaking up with her so I stayed and tried to cheer her up."

"Anything else?" I cross my arms.

"No Y/N nothing else happened. I passed out then I woke up and left. Now can we please go to bed I'm tired."

"No were not going to bed. What else happened?"

"Jesus Fucking Christ nothing happened, now get into bed." His tone changes.

"Lee I have been with you long enough to know when your either lying or not telling me something. Which one is it?" My voice raises a little louder.

"Don't fucking yell at me its late and I'm tired I don't want to talk this right now." He sits down on the bed.

"So I can't express how I feel about something but I can hear you bitch and complain about whatever it is you do?"

"Fuck me! I'm so tired of your insecurities! You really think I did something with Evangeline?" Lee shouted.

"Well it sounds something did happen. Also if you told me things just straight forward then maybe I wouldn't be second guessing myself." Lee stands up.

"Just stop Y/N...fucking stop!"

"Not until you tell me what happens with you and that other woman!"

"She has a name!"

"Be happy I didn't call her little ass something else. Now tell me right now what happened!"

Lee sighs and holds his head. The room goes quiet.

"If you have nothing to say then get out of my face. I thought since we've been together for 5 years you would be able to tell me what's going on your life even if it's something stupid or petty or something small." I can feel tears starting to fill my eyes. "I love you Lee, but if you don't want to tell me what's going on then leave, I don't want to deal with this bull shit right now." I walk past Lee and crawl back into bed and pull the covers over my head so I won't have to look at him.

I hear footsteps walking towards me, the. I feel the bed something heavy sit by my feet. I pull the covers back and see Lee hunched over the end of the bed.

"...After dinner went back to Evangeline's house. We were talking and she was drinking...a lot. At one point she tell me that she's going upstairs and she'll call me when she's ready. What for I don't know, 10 minutes later she calls my name and I go up to her room and she's wearing lingerie and laying in her bed. She walked up to me and said she wanted me and that she always had a thing for me. I didn't know what to do so I ran out got in the car and came here. Y/N I promise you I didn't even touch her. All I could think about in that moment was you and getting home to you. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to think I was lying or that something else happened that didn't. I'm sorry." Lee sighed.

"I'm sorry too...you know how seeing these articles make me feel." Lee turns around and faces me.

"You know I wouldn't cheat on you. I understand your past relationships weren't the best, but you can trust me. I'll always love you."

"I know..."

"Can I sleep with you now? I just wanna hold you in my arms." Lee pouted.

"Answer me this."


"Did she look prettier than me half naked?" I pouted.

Lee chuckles and crawls into the bed with me.

"Honestly I didn't really look. I looked away as I entered the room ."

"Good answer." Lee hopes under the covers and holds me close to him.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you and cussed at you babe." He apologized.

"Me too. You know I worry only because we've been together for so long and I love you so much, I'm afraid that I might lose you to someone else one day."

"Wanna know something?" He asked softly.

"What baby?"

"I'm afraid of losing you to someone else too."


"Yeah, I know you've had trouble with relationships in the past I just worried because I'm gone for so many months that maybe you'd find someone better and leave me for them."

"No I couldn't do that. Plus I commit to a dick." Lee laughs. "I've been cheated on before and that feel hurts and it hurts so much. I wouldn't want on you or anyone else."

Lee pulls me closer to him, my face is burrows in his sweet smelling chest. I feel warm lips touch my forehead.

"Let's make a promise; whatever happens in our lives we tell each other no matter how stupid or sad it is to hear. Deal?"

"Deal, now can we go to sleep? I wanna wake up in these strong arms of yours".

"Yes we can." He chuckles.

Goodnight baby, I love you."

"Sleep tight honey, I love you too."

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