Leonardo DiCaprio: The Oscars

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Last time on to catch you guys up, you are a Escort and Leonardo DiCaprio will be your date for the Oscars. Right now you guys had and and is headed back to the House where you and other Escorts live.
During lunch with Leonardo and I had it was nice. I didn't feel like a piece of meat or some low life. It was nice change of pace. He talked to me in a respectful manner and listened to me. After lunch he takes me back to my house we step out of the car and he walks me up to the door.

"Thank you Y/N for spending the afternoon with me." Leonardo thanked. I blush a little and smile nervously.

"Thank you. I'll see you at the Oscars okay?"

"Yes you will, oh by the way may I have your phone number? Just run case I can't get in contact with your boss."

"Oh yeah sure. Do you have a pen or something?" I asked. He chuckles.

"Or I could just give you my phone and you can put it in." Leonardo chuckled.

"Oh yeah that, that works too." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone. He unlocks it and hand it to me. I type in my number and hand it back to him.

"Thank you Y/N. I'll see you soon." Leonardo holds his hand for a handshake I reach my hand out and he carefully holds my hand he kisses it softly and smiles. He winks at me and my heart flutters. I smile widely and walk inside of the house. As I shut the door behind me Bunny slams into me.

"Oh my god how was it? I need details!" She jumped.

"We went for a dress fitting and lunch that was it."

"Well was he nice?" Bunny questioned.

"Yeah, he's super nice and sweet." I blush a little. "He kissed my hand again." Bunny gasp.

"Ohh sounds someone has a thing for you." Bunny sang.

"Or he's a gentleman, they do that." I told. Bunny frowns at me.

"Party pooper, do you at least have a picture of the dress?" I pull out my phone and show Bunny the dress on my phone. "Dude that's hot! You're gonna be slaying everybody."

"I know, I'm honestly excited a little."

"You should be you're honing to the Oscars with Leonardo DiCaprio, I'd be doing back flips for years."
Later that night I get ready for bed my phone goes off, it's some number I don't know. I answer it.

"Hello, who is this?" I asked.

"Hello Y/N it's me Leonardo."

"Oh hey is something wrong?"

"No, no nothing is wrong. I was trying to get some sleep and couldn't. Thought maybe I could talk to someone."

"Oh okay, that's fine." I said softly. I get up from my bed and head into the hallway so I don't disturb the others.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"I was getting ready for bed, don't worry though I'm not tired."

"Oh umm can I ask you something? It's about the Oscars it may sound stupid but I'm not sure." I chuckle on how unsure he sounds.

"You can ask me go ahead."

"What kind of flowers do you like?" Leonardo asked softly.

"What, why?"

"I'm curious."

"...tell me why and I'll tell you."

"It's a surprise."

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