In The Name Of Allah

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In the name of Allah, who is the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful.

Don't all of us wish that we could live in a fairytale? At some point in our lives, we do. We wish we could live a life with magical lamps and genies that can grant wishes. We wish we could live a life with magical healing ponds, or wishing wells. A life in which just the power of belief would be enough to solve our problems.

But now that I think about it, I find it all quite astonishing. I find reality quite astonishing.

Aren't magic lamps incredibly hard to find? And even if we manage to find it, genies are extremely tricky and miserly. We would probably end up wasting 2.5 out of the three wishes we would get.

And then you'll find out that the half wish you got fulfilled wasn't even good for you. It would make for a hilarious story.

But we don't need those lamps. We don't need those genies. We just need to go somewhere quite, spread a mat, and pray to Allah with all our hearts. Pray to Allah with tears in our eyes. Pray to Allah while sobbing, smiling, shouting.

And Allah will not leave your cries, your wishes, your prayer unanswered. He will not leave you alone. He will never leave you alone.

If it is good for you, your future, your life and you hereafter, he will grant your wish. And the cost of all that is just a sincere tear.

And why would we ever need healing ponds, when we have zam zam? The Zam zam that is even better than the waters of paradise. The zam zam that not only helps you physically, but also cures the cracks in your soul?

The zam zam that has such a beautiful story behind it that no fairytale could ever compare.

And what would we do with wishing ponds, when we can just sit down on Friday and ask for as many things as we want? No matter how trivial or big? Because Allah will always listen. Because no wish is impossible for Allah to grant. Because Allah does not find our wants, our needs and our emotions trivial.

You just need to believe in Allah. You need to put your trust in Allah, and leave your life in His hands. You need to believe that the one who made everything in existence will not let you go to waste.

You need to believe that there is no one more gracious or merciful than Allah.

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