Hate List 101

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So, I was tagged by WinterRaineeDay to do this hate list more or less a month ago. And me being stupid, I just realized it last week but still wasn't able to write this until now. So yeah, I want to apologize to Rainee-senpai for the very very super ultra late response (-/\-) Sorry for the wait.

Warning: Boring stuffs ahead...

Okay~ Let's start:


[1] How I seem to not improve at anything I'm doing. It's like, everybody around me are excelling with this or that while here I am, stuck because I can't be as good as them.

[2] Pineapples. They're evil.

[3]Being so forgetful. I even forget personal stuffs like phone or wallet whenever I'm going out. I always need someone to remind be about them.

[4] How my thoughts can get the best of me most of the time. Turning me into a wrecked person.

[5] My cooking skills that can burn the house down.

[6] How I can't save money to buy anime goodies because most of it gets wasted on food whenever I'm stressed.

[7] Stress eating XD

[8] People who don't know when to stop. Even after you give them a warning, they can't get the hint!

[9] Waiting. [Aslo, making people wait that's why I'm really sorry about this being late!]

[10] Being clueless about something.

[12] The way society seriously fucked up people. How it caused people to change themselves or the way they think just to feel that they fit in.

[13] Politicians who uses their money to get to the top, then uses it's power to rob money from the countrymen and makes it look as if what they are doing are all for the sake of others. Fuck them! Bury them alive!

[14] Judgemental people.

[15] Whenever the internet connection fails.

[16] Feeling envious.

[17] Time differences because it makes it so difficult to communicate with friends from the other side of the world without sacrificing sleep.

[18] That ice cream melts. Why can't they just be frozen for the mean time until I finish eating them?

[19] Very hot summer time because I get all sweaty and sticky. It's disgusting :3

[20] When people set very high expectations and get disappointed with me because I didn't meet their standards.

[21] Formal stuffs. Like formal dress, formal parties, formal meetings. Do I look like a person who can be formal? No. Decent, sure. But formal? Nuh-ah~

[22] Picture taking

[23] Spelling :3

[24] Responsibilities that are way too much for me. Please! I can't even clean my own room properly.

[25] How time seems to be always running! Like what the hell! Please stop for a moment and let me keep up with you~

There, DONE! \*O*/ Congratulations if you reached this part without skipping a number, you're great! If not, then that's not so great of you :P

That's not all the things I hate but they're all the things I can think of for now. Also, for the tagging, I'm not sure who to tag or if I still want to tag anyone. So yeah. Till next time :)

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