20 Random Facts about Nana~

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Yo~ So there's this challenge that's been going around wattpad lately and guess what? I've been tagged by Everlastingazure to do it. Since I accepted it, as the title says, I'll be telling 20 facts about me. 

... All of a sudden, I forgot who I am. Damn, I'm really not good with these things XD Anyway, I guess I'll just rant about random facts my mind would produce about me. Let's start~


[1] First off, I swear a lot. I admit it. Some people say that it's not very appropriate for a person to cuss, what more for a girl like me, for it brings down your self-worth. I don't get why it would affect your self-worth really. Swearing is some kind of expression for me and it's been a part of me so, yeah. Who cares what they say, right? XD

[2] I'm Asian. A mix of Japanese, Chinese, and Filipino. Even though I have a Japanese and Chinese nationality running through my veins, it was not required in my family to study about their languages. But, we do still follow some cultures from it :)

[3] I am currently a college student taking up BS Accountancy in the oldest existing university in Asia. (Not telling. Search it on Google if you want XD) 

[4] Anime entered my life at my early age of 5 and by the time I was 12, I started cosplaying different anime characters I admire. To tell you, my mother isn't informed about this and it is still kept a secret by me and my cousin (who usually is that one to tell me about cosplaying/anime events). So because it is hidden to my family, I don't have any picture or souvenir to show to avoid being caught XD. But in the past year until now, I've been lying low on attending conventions because of life responsibilities. Meh~

[5] I have a speech sound disorder wherein whenever I say the letter S; it always ends up producing the sound SH. Also, I'd been diagnosed with dyslexia at an early age. It was really frustrating before but I am now able to cope up with it.

[6] Since I have dyslexia, reading has been one a part of my treatment to help me improve. And as time passed by, it turned into a hobby of mine. The very first series I've read is the Percy Jackson and The Olympians, and I must say it is a very lovely and awesome series with lots of Greek Mythology stuffs. I also love this series because the main character himself is suffering from dyslexia so it helped me accept my disorder.

[7] To buy a lot near the ocean is one of my dreams for I have a great love for the ocean. I want to be the one to design the vacation house that will be built there and make secret passage underground it. Hahahaha! 

[8] Playing Otome games and some RPGs is what I love to do in my free time, besides writing, sleeping, watching anime and eating. But I can't do it that much anymore because my mom took my psp away :'<

[9]. I was, not totally rejected, but was unintentionally placed on friendzone by a male bestfriend of mine. To make the story short, I confessed my feeling to him (which was my very first time) and he mistakenly took it as sign of wanting to strengthen our friendship. How cruel right?! Hahaha. I still can't help to like that good-looking dorky megane who doesn't get tried of listening to my fangirling rants about anime. *Sighs* But we're still friends~

[10] I've never been in a romantic relationship, ever. After being rejected, now I'm lonely~ Ahahah. But kidding aside, yeah, never had a relationship. Maybe those love related things isn't just for me yet.

[11] Strawberries are love XD It's my favorite food. Anything with strawberries like jam, cake, drink, waffle, or anything that is edible is my favorite! 

[12] I totally hate the History subject. Damn, I despise it. Memorizing dates, names and random shits aren't my thing. Besides, it's the past, why the hell do we need to study it? As if we can change it anyway.

[13] My mind loves to produce random things that cannot be considered normal anymore. Even my friends say I'm weird. I'm just waiting for that time where I will be slowly slipping away from reality and turning insane. When it comes, I'll just enjoy my time drinking tea with the Mad Hatter :D

[14] I am resistant to work or exertion, slow-moving and sluggish. Inactive as a result for the lack of initiative. In short, I'M LAZY.

[15] The mentions of circus and carnivals always make me smile. I once dreamed to be able to act in a circus show or even travel from town to town as a part of it.

[16] Eternity is my favorite word. The thought of being able to withstand time seems so pleasing and beautiful for me. I've always wished to be eternal :)

[17] One of my biggest fears is changes. It scares me so much because most of the changes in my life didn't really go that well. It is also the reason why I want something eternal. 

[18] I don't have a favorite genre.  I read based on what is my mood. As long as there is a good plot and the story is greatly written, I don't care about the genre :D

[19] D.Gray-Man is my number 1 all-time favorite. I've re-watch the anime more than 5 times and read the manga over and over again. And to inform you, I'm still waiting for its next update even when there has been no update about it for 2 years. That is how much I love it.

Last one! Yes!

[20] "Don't stand still. Keep walking. Never stop moving forward." is my motto in life. It is inspired by D.Gray-Man whose main character is an ultimate anime crush of mine. XD


There, done~! Woohoo! That's the things my mind can remember for now but if you want to ask other more questions, feel free to ask :)


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