Another 20 Facts about Nana~

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Since I was challenged by @ShadeOfBluee and @PinguScarlett (a week ago), and I somehow enjoyed writing the first 20 facts thingy; here I am again, blabbering about myself XD I don't proofread so, yeah.

Also, for the tags... I TAG ALL OF MY FOLLOWERS! DO IT! I ORDER YOU! I'm kidding, but still please do it! XD


[1] I dislike pineapples. Even when I eat pizza which has pineapples on top of it, I remove them. I don't know why but I really don't appreciate its taste :P

[2] I started wearing dental braces last year :D It's weird having them at first. Also, for the first few weeks I had them, I was uncomfortable with it especially when I was eating because it feels like all of my teeth are shaking and aching. I had to eat soup for a month because I can't chew my food properly XD But now, I'm pretty used to it.

[3] An only child \*O*/ But unlike the others, I wasn't spoiled by my family. Heck! All of the house chores are on me because of that. My mom didn't want to have maids so the chores are on me :3 How cruel, right?! Kidding.

[4] In connection to number three, I've always wanted to have an older brother. I don't know, but it just seems nice having someone you can fool around with and also, he could be your knight in shining armor, you know? Some people say the older brother-sister relationship isn't always like that, but still! I want an older brother XD

[5] I was supposed to be going to Japan last week with my Auntie (business matters)T^T But damn cruel fate! I wasn't able to because I had my preliminary exams that time. Well fuck life.

[6] I'm claustrophobic. It means that I have fear of being stuck in a small enclose space and suffocation (I'm more on latter one). Just by thinking about it, it makes it hard to breath :3

I had this phobia when I was still in grade school. I was accidentally sucked inside the small cabinet where all the cleaning material the janitor uses are. There were no lights and it felt like the cabinet was getting smaller and smaller as the minutes passed, making it hard to breath. Luckily, someone heard my cries for help and quickly got me out.

Also, I had this nightmare (it's my worst nightmare) wherein I was being buried alive by who knows who. After that, I wasn't able to sleep properly for a week.

[7] A girl who loves to eat but can't cook. Who's with me? \*O*/

[8] I was once bullied when I was a kid because of my appearance, things I do and things I don't, etc. It caused me to lose confidence in myself. It made me think that I didn't fit in and I wasn't meant to be born. (How dramatic :3 Eww) But that was before, it's in the past. I learned to never give a fuck anymore ('v')-b

[9] A very moody person. The weather, the time, the situation, or whatsoever, it always affects my mood quickly.

[10] I usually speak whatever is inside my mind, and it is usually paired up with a couple of swear words. Because of that, many people don't like me. Hahahahaha. Someone once told me that I was mean and inconsiderate about what others feel. But really, I may be mean but at least I'm honest with my judgment~

[11] I can easily appreciate things, even how small it is. It can be a simple thanks, a hello, a good morning, just anything, it can already make me happy :)

[12] I'm still lost in life. I'm really not sure what I want in life, and it sucks because time can stop for a moment to let me decide without cramming.

[13] If ever you commented on any of my stories and didn't receive any reply to or I replied to it late, please don't think that I'm ignoring you. Really, I want to reply to you but it's either:

a) I was fangirling too much on your comment that forgot to reply to it because I keep re-reading it.
b) I can't get my shit right, and my head can't formulate a proper response.
c) I'm too embarrass to tell you I love you because you noticed and wasted your time reading my story.

[14] I love December. The cold weather, the lights, the Christmas spirit, everything about December. It just make me smile. (Also because it's the month the Red Emperor was born :D )

[15] I'm not doing very well in college right now. I don't even know if I'm trying. Just, no. T^T I can't accept the responsibilities yet but at the same time I don't want to disappoint my mom.

[16] Currently listening to the song: Nonsense speaker covered by Ashe.

[17] Whenever I read a chapter, I always want to leave comments (especially when it's really intriguing) But while in the middle of typing it, I always change my mind and end up deleting everything I've written. I'll just leave a vote on the story (and it's stupid because I sometimes forget to leave a vote also)

[18] I attend summer camps every, obviously, summer XD I would stay there for 2 weeks or sometimes more. It's located somewhere near the ocean (one of the reasons I love being there) and at the same time, at a forest looking surroundings. They teach us random things based on what we want to learn like pot making, martial arts, animal caring etc.

[19] I'm planning to cut The Red Emperor and I into 2 parts, or maybe 3 if I get the motivation and inspiration I need.

[20] I used to play the piano but I prefer listening to others playing it for me. Just imagine Akashi Seijuro. His eyes closed as he let his hands gently dance over the piano tiles, creating a pleasing melody that echoed inside the closed music room The sunset's rays passed through the large glass windows inside the facilities, making everything seems so magical. As the song comes to an end, his eyes slowly opened, gazing to you as a small smile displayed on his lips.

What the hell did I just type? Hahahaha.

Anyway, congratulations because you were able to stand this boring fact challenge of mine. I hope you enjoyed. :))

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