0 :: warnings

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:: #welcome-and-rules


This is a work of fiction and has been made for entertainment purposes only. Any potential relationships insinuated between cc's is between the personas that they have created in media and not between the real people behind the minecraft skins. Boundaries are respected here.

:: #Description

ven in a world where almost everyone is born with a whym, an otherworldly ability, there are still people who feel alienated in this strange, superhuman society.

Grian is teenager born with strangely coloured wings. Most are a light brown, or white, or maybe blond, but his are bright purple. After being teased for it all his life, he's decided that people he meets in real life just suck.

So, getting invited to a Discord server with more social rejects like him seems like a great escape from his reality.

Join the family, join the shenanegans! :)

:: #Warnings

- cussing
- shipping
- mildly inappropriate references
- this'll probably be ooc
- heavy subjects are referenced in this story. All triggers will be at the beginning of each chapter

:: #Ships

- TreeBark (Rendog/InTheLittleWood)
- Beetho (EthosLab/VintageBeef)
- Implied Bdoc (BdoubleO100/Docm77)
- Kinda Tangaph they just flirt a lot (TangoTek/ ZedaphPlays)

:: #Other

- there's not gonna be a set schedule for this book
- sometimes lowercase intended
- most grammatical errors are intended to mimic mistakes in texting
- to avoid confusion, a 'whym' is like an obscure power. the concept of a whym was heavily inspired by the concept of quirks from MHA
- the cover and all art pieces or moodboards in this were made by me :)

Enjoy the book!

Buh bye o/

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