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Cover by: i_cant_pick_a_fandom on insta!

-Mentions usage drugs/alcohol
-Throwing up

Clay's POV

I opened my eyes with a bad, pounding headache and a sweaty, or rather a sweat soaked, body. I let a shaky breath leave my mouth as I tried to push myself up a tiny bit, looking to my side.

I closed my eyes again when I saw a light coming through the slightly opened door and lifted my hand up to wipe the sweat from my forehead. I was so tired that I couldn't even sit up which caused me to look at the ceiling.

'Where am I...?' I mumbled to myself, pushing myself up a tiny bit again. It caused a wave of nausea to freeze my body and I immediately laid down again, reaching my hand out to grab my phone.

It took a few seconds to get adjusted to the lights from my phone and turned the light level all the way down, going to Sapnap's and my chat with shaky hands. I felt like actual crap and I had no idea where I was either.

I'm in some random place and I feel like absolute shit, kill me already

Lol, I feel like shit too. Anyway, you're at my place, dumbass. I'm coming up

I let my phone drop down on my stomach and closed my eyes again as I heard footsteps on the stairs which I figured would be Sapnap after his text. I waited for a few seconds and he opened the door with a face as pale as a ghost.

'What the hell happened yesterday?' I scoffed. 'I'm so nauseous.'

'I mean, I thought I used a lot, but you went completely crazy,' he grinned as he reached out to get his trash can. He put it down next to me. 'Throw up in that, please. I don't want your puke all over the sheets.'

I rolled my eyes. 'What did I take? I feel so shit, what the hell.'

'I think you took ecstasy, cocaine and a lot of alcohol,' he laughed. 'I only had cocaine and I'm already feeling like crap. Good luck with this comedown from all the shit you used.'

'Shut up, dude. I'm really not at my best right now, so just close ur trash mouth before I make you,' I sighed. 'Help me get up, please. I'm certainly going to throw up, but anyway.'

⚠️ Throwing up

Sapnap grabbed one of my hands and lifted me up, dumping the trash can onto my lap. He let go of me once I sat up and within seconds, I gagged loudly, feeling my stomach turn. Everything in my stomach came back up and I threw up in the trash can as I gagged another time.

⚠️ Over

'Are you done? I want this shit away from my room,' Sapnap scoffed as he was about to pull away.

I pushed his hand away. 'Stop caring about your dumb room, I'm feeling like shit.'

'Yeah, and I don't want this gross smell in my room,' he replied annoyedly.

'Well, take it away and I'll just throw up on your floor. I'm telling you now, you can clean it. I'm not getting out of bed.'

'We have school, moron. And we have a really important test today.'

'I'm literally failing all my classes next to English and stupid history. What subject is the test for?'


'Yeah, never mind. Not even going to try that dumb subject. I'm severely failing maths, I don't care.'

'At least go to school, you don't want your parents to get a call,' Sapnap sighed, lifting me up.

'I feel so empty, but I'm everything BUT hungry right now,' I complained as I slowly stood up. 'And I'm going to throw up.'

'Go to the bathroom, it's literally ten steps away,' Sapnap demanded as he pushed me to the bathroom.

⚠️ Throwing up

I sped to the bathroom and sat down on my knees in front of the toilet as I threw up again. I didn't have anything in my stomach anymore which caused me to gag loudly and almost choke on the disgusting taste of bile in my mouth.

I coughed loudly because I almost choked and Sapnap walked in again. 'Are you good?'

⚠️ Over

I turned around with a hateful look. 'Does it look like I'm okay, moron?' I scolded with a muffled voice.

Sapnap grabbed a cup from the sink and filled it with water. 'There, drink this.'

⚠️ Throwing up

I rolled my eyes, but grabbed it and took big sips as I got even more nauseous. I turned back to the toilet, gagging loudly again as nothing came up anymore. My face was completely red and sweaty and I gagged another time, having just a bit of bile come up again.

⚠️ Over

'Maybe you took a bit too much alcohol, dumb bitch,' he grinned as he threw a towel at me. 'You're disgustingly sweaty.'

'Just shut your mouth for once, Sapnap. I feel really bad and it's not funny, alright? Can you leave me alone? I'm going to shower and hope I feel better after that.'

'Alright, moron.'

He left the bathroom and closed the door behind him as I flushed the toilet, pulling off my shirt that was genuinely just fully wet from all the sweat. I threw it on the floor and ran my hands over my stomach that was also wet from the sweat.

With a sigh, I turned on the shower and pulled off the rest of my clothes too. I waited for the shower to be fully heated and then stepped in, sitting down on the floor since my stomach hurt way too much to stand for too long.

I leaned back against the wall behind me and closed my eyes while I let the water run down my body, washing off all the sweats on my body. I didn't have anything to wash myself with so I just rubbed my body with my own hand to make sure I washed the sweat off.

After five minutes, I turned the shower off again, dried my body off and stepped out to dress myself up with another set of clothes I apparently took with me yesterday. I really didn't remember how I got here and why I had clothes here, but I didn't care about it.

Unfortunately, I still felt like shit, but better than I did before I showered. I slowly walked back to Sapnap's room and grabbed his body spray, spraying it onto my body.

'Sap? Is my bag here?' I yelled at him.

He came back upstairs and grinned. 'You really don't remember shit, don't you? Idiot, you came here yesterday after school and then we took all the stuff. Your bag is there.'

I nodded slowly and grabbed my bag. 'Why did I have clothes here?'

'Yeah, you tell me,' he chuckled. 'Anyway, I don't think you want breakfast? I ate one bite of my toast, but I immediately stopped again.'

'No, please. I don't want anything. Do you have medication here? I really need to be able to at least keep my eyes open in school.'

Sapnap opened a drawer and threw some at me. 'There.'

I grabbed them and took them with some water, going downstairs with him.

I only now noticed the pain I had in my ankle from yesterday morning, but I ignored it since no one knew or believed me anyway...

1232 words

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