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-Usage drugs/alcohol (needles)
(Whole chapter)

Clay's POV

I looked up when I heard footsteps walk up to me. My head felt heavy and painful, I wished I would have taken medication before leaving the house for as well my foot as my pounding headache. I hated the aftereffects of drugs, I just wished to be high all the time so I didn't have to deal with this shit.

'Alright, moron,' I heard Sapnap's voice. 'What did you do this time?'

'I fell,' I scoffed as I lifted myself up. 'And walking hurts like hell.'

'You're just so stupid and clumsy. Anyway, take my hand,' he sighed with a playful grin on his face and reached out his hand so I could grab it. I rolled my eyes at him.

'What's a hand going to help, stupid idiot. Just hold your arm around my waist so I can hold mine around your shoulders,' I offered.

'Dude, that's so gay,' he chuckled. 'Fine, only because you aren't gay because that would be gross otherwise.'

My face flushed red as I looked in front of me, being happy that he didn't know I was gay and couldn't see my face because it was dark outside. He would hate me if he knew I was gay, he would immediately leave me and bully me with it for the rest of his life.

I breathed out as he wrapped his arm around my waist, getting even more red as I realised he touched me and he would literally haunt me with this for the rest of his life if he ever figured out I was gay.

'Anyway, I got a lot of shit from Techno, dude,' Sapnap grinned as we started walking together. 'I got ecstasy, cocaine, alcohol and he gave me a new drug we never tried. I think it's heroin, because he asked me if I wanted a drug that made you hallucinate, but I said no to that.'

'Nice,' I mumbled, sighing softly to myself. Sapnap had no idea that I wasn't doing this for fun anymore. Now he had another drug which would most likely make me addicted.

I still didn't understand how he didn't get addicted to all this shit. He genuinely could stop easily if he wanted to and he also didn't use certain types of drugs for weeks, then suddenly using it again to have some fun. I didn't understand it, because I couldn't stop anymore.


We walked for a while and then arrived at Sapnap's place. I walked the last few minutes by myself and we went up the stairs to Sapnap's room. He grinned as he laid all the drugs down and put some alcohol down too with a big smile.

'Alright, choose. You're not going to use all of them,' he demanded, pointing to the drugs.

'I want all of them,' I whined.

'Yeah, that's going to be your death. Choose two, you're not taking all of them.'

'Heroin and cocaine, because we already took ecstasy today,' I scoffed, grabbing the bottle of alcohol.

I lifted the bottle up to my mouth and started drinking a lot of it, squeezing my eyes because of the strong taste. 'This alcohol is way stronger than normal,' I grinned. 'I'm going to be absolutely wasted.'

'Yeah, you will. Here, take the drugs before you're too drunk,' he grinned. 'I'm only trying heroin and I'm not going to drink today. Uncle Sapnap needs to take care of little Clay who's going to be wasted.'

'Dude, you're going to be high as hell after using heroin.'

'Nah, I'm only using half a dose of what's normal,' he answered, grabbing the needle and the heroin. He filled the needle up and lifted his sleeve. 'He told me to just inject it in the crook of your elbow's vein.'

I nodded slowly as I looked at Sapnap poking the needle into his arm. I immediately got flashbacks to what happened today, how my stepsister stuck needles everywhere in my body... I still felt the pain of that.

Sapnap injected the heroin and cleaned the needle, handing it to me. I filled the whole syringe with heroin and injected it too as I grabbed some cocaine, laying it down on the nightstand.

'Oh my goodness, I can already feel it,' Sapnap grinned after a short while. I nodded slowly.

'Me too,' I mumbled, feeling an intense happiness overwhelming me.

'Maybe don't use cocaine too,' Sapnap tried while talking unclearly and laughing after that.

I didn't care and laughed about what he said, leaning forward to sniff the coke I laid down on the nightstand. I coughed shortly and sniffed all the coke, sitting back up as I grabbed the bottle of alcohol.

'You're going to feel so shit,' Sapnap laughed as I drank a quarter of the bottle. He pushed my shoulder which made me fall over since I was so high and drunk too now.

'I feel amaaaaaazing!' I yelled out as I jumped on Sapnap's bed. Sapnap chuckled and pushed me softly as I rolled around on the bed. 'This heroin stuff is great! Or maybe it's the combo, I don't even know anymore!'

'You're so high,' Sapnap grinned. 'I'm high, but I at least realise what's going on!'

'I realise what's going on VERYYYY well! Life is great, I have so many things I want to do.'

'Oh gosh, the rush from the heroin is over for me, I feel so slow and calm,' he mumbled as he laid down, looking at me.

'I DEFINITELY DON'T!' I screamed out as I jumped up, not feeling the pain in my ankle anymore. I kept running for a while and then panted loudly when I laid back down on the bed, feeling really slow and relaxed too now.

We just laid next to each other while we breathed very slowly and stared at the ceiling. 'I'm so relaxed,' I slurred. 'And wasted.'

Sapnap laughed. 'Don't complain when you're hungover as hell tomorrow!'

'I want more alcohol, hand me the bottle, Sappy Nappy.'

'Oh my goodness, you're disgusting! Don't ever say that again!' he scoffed as he handed me the bottle with alcohol.

I brought it up to my mouth and drank loads of it, not even realising three quarters of it was going when I stopped drinking. I giggled because of it and Sapnap rolled his eyes.

'I can better drink the rest too!' I wheezed, drinking the whole bottle as Sapnap rolled his eyes.

'You're just straight up going to die,' he chuckled as he put the bottle, which was now empty, away again.

'I don't even care, it's so worth it!' I yelled as he rolled his eyes.

'Say that again in the morning!'

1119 words

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