803 46 32

-Mentions torture/abuse

George's POV

I was very slowly walking to school with a sling around my arm. The pain was still there, but luckily it was less than it used to be before. I didn't take as much medication anymore and I rested a lot the last few days because I got very easily exhausted.

I was happy to go to school again, even though people bullied me a lot. I was excited because my voice was getting a tiny bit lower because of the testosterone, I was so happy that I was finally going through puberty now and I hoped people wouldn't be mean to me.

I kept walking very slowly since my knee still hurt a tiny bit. I went to the hospital for it on Saturday, but I luckily didn't break it. It was just very bruised so I cooled it a lot which caused me to be able to walk again now.

A nervous breath left my mouth when I went to my locker, standing on the tip of my toes because I couldn't reach it well. Now both my arms were in a cast too, I couldn't get myself high enough to open it with my key.

I started jumping softly and then looked down with a sad face, feeling very insecure that I was this small. I couldn't even reach the top locker while twelve year old's could reach that one with ease.

I jumped up again to put the key in the locker, but eventually gave up as I saw multiple people pass by. I immediately stood still and acted like I was fine until I heard someone coming closer on crutches.

I immediately remembered the boy who DM'ed me on Instagram, telling me he was gay and that his stepsister broke his foot. It was really shocking to me so I acted casual to not make him stress even more about it.

I looked up, feeling guilty for wanting to know who told me that on Instagram. I was about to look away as I saw Sapnap and Clay walk, Clay on crutches.

I immediately stared back to the floor since I genuinely didn't expect Clay to be gay. There wasn't anything wrong with that, but I understood what he meant now. He was really deep in the closet with the most homophobic friends.

Sapnap grinned as he saw me and Clay turned quiet with a red face, quickly going to his locker. Sapnap didn't ignore me and walked up to me. 'You didn't have to come back, asshole.'

'Just leave him, he went through enough shit,' Clay mumbled as he opened his locker. Sapnap was quiet for a little and then rolled his eyes, walking to his locker too.

I locked eyes with Clay and smiled softly. His face was really red and he looked away and then closed his locker again.

'I need to piss,' Sapnap sighed. 'You can go to the cantina already, be right back.'

Clay nodded slowly and was about to walk away when I grabbed his shoulder when Sapnap was gone. He turned around again with a slightly open mouth, looking away from me.

'I uh- can't reach my locker,' I whispered, which caused him to relax his muscles again. He grabbed my key and opened it as he smiled shortly.

'What do you need?' he asked as I saw him hold his hand really weirdly.

'Physics,' I mumbled. 'Is your hand okay?'

'Y-yeah, don't worry,' he obviously lied, grabbing my physics book. 'Anything else? How did you even get it in there, dummy?'

I smiled shortly and shrugged. 'Jumping, but my knee hurts.'

'Ask the principal for a lower one,' he told me as he put my book in my bag. 'I'm sure he'll give you a lower one and this one to someone who can reach it.'

'And uh- your foot, right? Does it hurt? Did you tell anyone about it?' I asked quietly.

He looked at his foot and then shook his head very softly. 'It hurts a lot, but I didn't uh- really... you know- tell anyone what happened, I guess.'

'But don't you think it's better? Did she hurt your hand too?' I mumbled.

Clay's face turned pale and he looked at his finger, then he nodded very softly.

'Clay, this is not worth it,' I whispered, walking closer to him. 'What did she do?'

He was about to open his mouth as we heard footsteps. Clay shut down and looked at me stepping back.

'What are you two doing?' we heard an annoyed and blunt voice. Clay froze and then turned around slowly.

'He asked me something,' he lied. 'About uh-.'

'Homework,' I saved him. 'He just told me what English homework we had to do.'

'As if he knows,' Sapnap scoffed. 'He never does his homework so leave him alone, asshole.'

'He told me that he didn't know, yeah,' I answered, walking past Clay.

⚠️ Homo/transphobia/ableism

'You know what's funny, George? Sometimes I doubt if you're even a guy, are you not just a girl who is trying to look like a guy?' Sapnap chuckled. 'You know all trans and gay people go to hell, right?'

I glanced at Clay who was staring at the floor while he bit his lip, fighting against the tears that were already in his eyes.

'You know all assholes who judge and try to break the people around them go to hell, right? And yes, I'm a boy and there's NOTHING wrong with being gay or trans. There's also a thing like delayed puberty because of the disease I have.'

'Is there a chance you can die from those? Because I really hope there is,' he grinned. 'Can I also increase the chances of you dying? Because I can just give you a little push and break all your bones.'

'Sapnap, dude. Shut your dumb mouth,' Clay scoffed as he went to Sapnap, struggling to hold his hand normally while walking with crutches. 'Breaking a bone hurts like a bitch and he already has pain every day.'

'Ugh, I should have given you ecstasy this morning, then you wouldn't have been such a bitch who stands up for the asshole of the class. He's literally a stupid ugly bitch who can't even grow taller than 4,9 and you stick up for him? He's most likely trans or gay too and you accept that?' Sapnap yelled.

Clay didn't answer and pushed Sapnap away, walking with him. He turned around at the last second and smiled at me, then he disappeared from my vision.

1099 words

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