944 44 46

-Usage alcohol/cigarettes (underaged)
-Abuse/torture (needles)

Clay's POV

I walked into my house as I immediately grabbed a cigarette to stay calm. I lit it and sat down on the couch while smoking it, seeing my stepfather walk up to me.

'How did you do on your test?'

'Not that great,' I mumbled. 'I had a bad headache.'

'Did you get wasted again?' he asked, sitting down.

'Probably,' I answered, smoking the rest of my cigarette.

'Want some beer?' my stepdad asked me as he stood up slowly to get himself beer. He grabbed one bottle and held it up as I nodded, reaching out to grab it. He just didn't care that I was only sixteen, they just gave me alcohol whenever I wanted it.

I opened the bottle and started drinking from it, really hoping my stepsister wouldn't come home any time soon. The mood was decent in the house when I was just with my stepdad.

I drank the bottle of beer and put it down with a scoff. He looked at me and locked eyes.

'Did you already get a girlfriend by now?' he asked. 'I heard Sapnap say you're very popular at school, but you don't bring anyone home.'

I chuckled uncomfortably. 'Uh- yeah... I just didn't find the right girl yet. You know how they are, they only want me for my popularity. I'd rather get someone who isn't with me because of that.'

'It's taking you long,' he answered with a grin that annoyed me. 'I expected kids by now.'

'I'm sixteen?' I mumbled as my stepdad bursted out into laughter.

'I was kidding, but I thought you wouldn't have been a virgin anymore by now. Or are you not a virgin anymore? I see, you're just hooking up with girls, aren't you?'

I felt my face turn really red and I slowly lifted myself up. 'You know... I have homework to do.'

I walked away before he could say anything more and walked up the stairs to go to my room. I sat down on my bed and lifted my sweats up to see my ankle. It was pretty swollen and it hurt a lot which wasn't too weird after what happened yesterday morning.

I was about to lay down on my bed as I suddenly saw my door open. I immediately sat up again and looked to my door while I held my breath, hoping it to be my stepfather.

The door fully opened which revealed my stepsister's vicious smile. 'Hi there, I figured you were home.'

I froze completely and pressed my back against the wall as she grinned. 'Aww, little baby is so scared now he's not at school. I think it's time for my little brother to do my homework right now.'

⚠️ Abuse/torture (needles later)

I nodded heavily, trying to relax myself as I stood up to go grab her stuff. She laughed and then grabbed my shoulders, standing on top of my painful foot again. 'Come on, yesterday was funny.'

Her shoe moved up higher to my bare foot as she stepped on top of it, standing on the tip of her toes which caused me to wince from the pain. She grinned and put all her pressure on my foot, then pushing me softly which caused me to fall over.

She didn't move her foot when I fell so I could feel my ankle twist like it did yesterday. It hurt a lot, but I didn't want to say anything because she'd only find that funnier. Instead of talking, I tried to pull my foot away from her shoe, but she didn't think that was enough.

With a big grin on her face, she jumped up high and landed on my ankle. I couldn't help myself and screamed from the pain as she jumped another time. 'STOP!'

'Aww, does it hurt? I thought nothing would hurt such a cool and popular guy,' she smiled.

I ignored her since I could only focus on the bad pain in my foot right now. I lifted it up from the floor and looked at it, trying to stand up to lay on my bed.

'Oh, Clay... we aren't done yet. I mean, unless you want me to tell our parents your little secrets.'

'No! Don't!' I yelled out. 'You can't do that, please.'

'Aww, so scared. I heard him ask about girls, that's so cute,' she giggled as she pushed me back down onto the floor. 'Look, Clay. I have a needle here.'

She lifted one from her pocket and chuckled. 'I'm just going to check if your skin is not too thick, okay?'

'No! Please, don't!' I shouted, rolling away since I couldn't stand on my foot from the pain.

'Okay, but then I'll tell our parents-.'

'NO! YOU CAN'T DO THAT!' I screamed at her. 'You know how they will reply! They will hate me forever, stop this madness.'

'Sure, little baby. Then I'll check if your skin is still alright, okay? If it's too thick, I think I'll have to prick your skin more often!'

She laughed as she knelt down next to me, lifting my shirt up high as she put the needle on my skin. I screamed as she poked it into my skin and tried to escape when she did it another time.

'Poor little boy, I need to check everywhere!' she giggled. 'Lay still for me, it will be over soon. Just let me do anything I want, okay?'

⚠️ Over (still mentions/wounds)


I cried softly as she walked away and I grabbed my clothes from the floor. I limped as I walked to the bathroom, grabbing a towel to clean all the small and bleeding wounds with. She stabbed every body part and made me undress myself or she'd go to our parents to tell them my biggest secrets.

I sniffed softly as I dabbed all the blood away, pulling my sweats on. Luckily I could keep my boxers on, because I would have died if she stabbed me there too with that stupid needle of her. I wasn't going to give her any ideas, because I knew she'd do it next time.

After all my wounds stopped bleeding, I pulled all my clothes back on and crawled back to my room since my foot hurt so much. I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes, having two tears roll down my face.

I breathed out and rolled to my side, luckily falling asleep pretty fast after that.

1084 words

Clay's stepsister is a psychopath and tortures Clay or she'll tell a few of Clay's secrets

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