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Casey quickly called her mom so she could pick them up from the beach. Lauren's ankle wasn't looking good. It was bruised and she couldn't stand on it without screaming in pain and falling down.

"You didn't have to run so hard here, you know that?" Casey chuckled while holding Lauren's leg in the air so her ankle would swell slower.

"Well, I had to find you quickly. I was worried about your disappearing" Lauren let her head fall back as she took a sharp breath because of strong pain. "And I needed for you to know my true feelings. Like, I physically couldn't hold them in any longer"

Casey gently placed Lauren's leg to rest on her lap.

"I'm very happy and all, but why now?"

"I don't know really" Lauren laughed. "I think that after all that happened the past couple days I went crazy"


"Don't. I know what you're about to say"

"I know that you do, but I need to say this." Casey smiled.

But before she could say anything more, the girls heard Casey's mom and Amy yelling their names and running to them.

"Oh my Gosh!!! What happened?" Amy immediately tried to examine Lauren's swollen ankle.

"I tripped over a rock or something and I think that my ankle is broken" Lauren managed to say through pain of Amy touching her ankle.

"We need to get you to a ER right now" said Mrs Brown.

Casey and her mom helped Lauren to stand up but the girl couldn't take the smallest step. Casey noticed the enormous pain her best friend was in.

"I think that I should carry her to the car" Casey looked at her mom, waiting for a reassuring look. Her mom smiled, knowing that her daughter knows what she's doing.

Lauren accidentally stood on the wrong foot, making her fall in pain. It sharply went through her body making her shake and for her vision to go black. She passed out from the pain.

Casey hurried to lift her up and with confidence she ran across the beach to the parking lot. Amy was already at the car, she turned it on to make sure they can as quickly as possible get to the hospital.

Lauren started to get her consciousness back as they reached the car. The pain was getting worse and worse. Mrs Brown knew that it will only take moments for Lauren to pass out again.

The Browns hurried to help Lauren get into the car and make sure she won't hurt herself more. Casey sat in the back with her, comforting her in pain.

Amy started driving to the ER as soon as everyone was inside. The drive didn't take that long because it was pretty late at night, and most roads were cleared out.

On their way to the ER, Lauren lost her consciousness again. Casey held her tightly through the ride. She was worried that Lauren tore a tendon when she broke her bone.

When they reached the ER, Mrs Brown went to get help. She came back with a nurse and a wheelchair.

The nurse took Lauren to get a scan of the broken ankle. Amy went with them. She needed to fill out forms about Lauren and her past heath issues.

Casey wanted to be the one to do that since she knew almost everything there is to know about Lauren. But she was terrified. She was scared that Lauren wouldn't be able to walk.

Casey in her life had broken some bones, but she never reacted the same way Lauren did. So her head filled with millions of possibilities of what will happen to Lauren.

"Honey, don't worry. Lauren will be fine." Mrs Brown tired to comfort her daughter.

"Mom, this all happened because of me. She tripped because she's been looking for me. And she was looking for me because I ran away like a coward"

"Casey listen to me. It's not your fault. You came here because you wanted to have a break. You wanted to visit your family and clear your head. Lauren broke her ankle on accident."

"What if she won't be able to walk again?" Casey slouched down in the waiting room chair.

"Don't say that. We have to be positive." Mrs Brown patted her daughters knee. "I'll be the one who will have to explain what happened to Mrs Cimorelli, you know that?"

Casey laughed. "I hope everything will be fine." She looked over at her mom "Lauren told me that she always had feeling towards me"

"That's good, right?"

"I don't know. I think that it just complicates things. I love her a lot but I never thought it would be possible for her to love me back"

"I don't know if I want for her to love me"

"Casey! Mrs Brown!" Amy came rushing towards them. "Lauren is finally awake!"

"That's great news" said Mrs Brown.

"Yes! Her ankle is just broken and they are putting it in a cast right now" Amy explained. She sat down next to Casey and immediately started texting someone.

She was texting her family group chat to inform them about where they are, what happened and that they might need to stay in Malibu a little bit longer.

Soon after that Mrs Brown got a phone call. It was Mrs Cimorelli and like she said before, now she has to explain everything to her old friend.

"Don't worry Lynne, Lauren is fine. She's getting a cast put on now"

"No, she didn't get into an accident"

"I didn't know about them coming here, but I'm happy that they decided to visit. You and Mike should come to visit us more often"

"They will stay with me. We will have room for them, don't worry"

Mrs Brown kept reassuring Mrs Cimorelli that her daughters are safe and that Lauren's injury isn't serious.

Soon, they saw Lauren coming from down the hallway on a wheelchair with a doctor. She had a cast on her leg and she looked exhausted.

"You're Lauren's sister if I remember correctly?" The doctor asked Amy and she nodded.

"Well, Lauren is all set now. We had to put her bone back into it's place so it can heal. Lauren has a very small pain tolerance. That's why she was loosing her consciousness so often. It happened again when we were putting the cast on."

Lauren looked at Casey, she noticed the relief of her best friend's face. Seeing that Casey worried made her feel something, she didn't know what.

Lauren was under the influence of a lot of painkilling medication. She felt like her body was made out of jelly and all her thoughts were cloudy.

"Thank you so much doctor." Amy said as she grabbed the handles of the wheelchair Lauren was sitting on.

"This is my job, no need to thank me. The leg scan, cast and the wheelchair are covered by Lauren's health insurance. It's a good thing that you have it" He said handing the bill over to Amy.

The four women left the ER and headed back to the car. Lauren didn't say much, she just kept looking at Casey with a silly smile.

hello lovely people
I am back!

seeing so many people read this book and reading your comments made me want to continue it and write more to the sorry

i don't really have a plan so I'll "go with the flow" with most new chapters.

I'll try to update as often as possible
I hope you'll like it!!!

I also want to say that I'm not that big of a fan of Cimorelli as I used to be. I don't listen to their music or watch their content but Lauren will always have a special place in my heart. so if I get some things wrong about the band, don't mind it please

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2022 ⏰

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