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Casey's pov

It's 10:26pm, I'm watching a movie with Amy, Rachel and Mel. I'm mad at Lauren for choosing Christian over her friends. This is the fourth time she did this! I get it, it's her boyfriend, but she made plans with us first! And friends are more important than stupid boys. I'm more important than him!

"Case, you ok?" Mel lightly tapped my shoulder "you've been in your head for quite some time"

"I don't know to be honest. I'm just mad that Lauren chose him over us" I let out a heavy sigh.

"Yeah, it's a bummer! How many times have she done this before?" Rachel paused the movie.

"This is the fourth time" I said and the girls nodded. "I think that we should do something about it"

"I know that you guys are mad, and I'm also mad but she's happy with him" Amy said in a quiet tone "we should be happy for her"

"I'm happy for her but it's kinda unfair" said Mel "she's really putting him over us. She's always coming home late and cancelling plans with us"

"That's not that bad Mel. Chris is changing Lauren, she's a different person around him" Rachel shook her head at the bad memory.

Couple days ago the five of us was having lunch at our favorite local restaurant. Everything was normal, we were talking about what's recently happening with our lives and just laughing about random things.

But out of nowhere Christan showed up. He knew that Lauren was busy but he wanted to spend time with her and take her out for lunch.

The Lauren I remember, the Lauren that was my best friend for my entire life would never ditch her friends in the middle of lunch or ever, but the new Lauren just did the opposite.

That day made my friends realize what was happening. The same thing that happened couple years ago. Christian is manipulating her and then he will break her heart. But maybe this time she will know the real reason why he did that, not some stupid highschool bullshit excuse.

The girls changed the topic of the conversation to something different, their own heartbreaks. Mel talked about her biggest breakup with her first ever boyfriend. Rachel has been in a couple relationships, but she hasn't actually fallen in love yet. Amy had two boyfriends and both of them broke her heart.

With me it's different. I've been in countless relationship, with men and women but they lasted weeks or months, nothing longer. I don't think that I'll love anyone like that. I have an intuition for people and thanks to that I can kinda feel their intensions.

So most of my relationships were just people trying to get laid or something. And well, I never complained. The less attached I was with someone the better, because my mind is already occupied by a particular person.

Amongst the loud conversations and laughs the girls were having I heard the front door open. Lauren came home. She was smiling but when she saw all of us in the living room her smile disappeared. I was the only person who noticed her.

"Hi Laur" I smiled at her "do you want to join us?"

The other girls finally noticed our friend that was standing in the doorway. They all also smiled at her, we really want to spend time with her.

"No, I think that I'll go to my room, sorry guys" she said before turning around and walking away.

"Well, I think that we all should go to bed, it's late" Amy said loudly so Lauren would hear her.

I think that Amy also saw the hurt in Lauren's brown eyes. Maybe when she saw us "having fun" she started regretting not staying with us.

While the girls cleaned up the living room I went upstairs to talk to Lauren. We always talk before going to sleep. And I feel the need to check up on her.

I gently knocked on the door to her bedroom, after couple seconds of silence I decided to just walk in. I slowly opened the door, Lauren was nowhere to be found.

"She's probably in the bathroom" I said to myself, I walked over to her bed. I sat down and picked up the plushie snake I bought her.

I sat there, in silence looking at the stuffed animal that my best friend loves so much.

Why does she want to love him, a cheater, more than she loves me?

"Casey?" I heard Lauren whisper, my head shot up to look at her.

She was drying her wet hair with a towel. By that and her drastic change of outfit I'm guessing that she took a shower. I looked her up and down with a questioning look.

"I forgot to take clothes to change after the shower, okay?" Lauren chuckled. An old, short t-shirt that revealed her lower stomach everytime she moved her arms, and just a pair of black underwear.

"Yeah, that's what I thought" I laughed and once again looked at the girl standing in front of me. It might be shocking but through all the years of our friendship we ever saw each other in just underwear. The closest to that were swimsuits.

"So.... what are you doing here?" Lauren threw her wet towel into the bathroom and went over to the closet to grab a pair of shorts.

"Oh umm, I just came here to talk, like we do every night" I said and looked back down. I started playing with the stuffed animal that I forgot I was holding.

"Oh right, can we not do that today? I really need to sleep" Lauren said in a sad tone.

"What? This is a tradition that has been going on everyday since we were 12 and we're 21 now" I said, still not looking at my best friend "please Laur, don't change this"

"What do you mean? I just don't feel like talking right now. It doesn't mean that I'm changing" Lauren scrunched up her nose. "Casey, you're paranoid"

"Excuse you? I'm not paranoid! Recently I don't recognize you Laur, I'm worried" I looked into Lauren's eyes, she was shocked.

"Casey don't start this again, please" Lauren hid her face in her hands.

"Lauren, I love you. You're my best friend and all I want for you is to be happy and safe but, I don't want your heart to be broken again"

"Okay, so tell me, why you think that I'll be heartbroken!?" Lauren looked at me, tears were forming in her eyes, which made me tear up as well.

"I don't trust Christian. I can't tell you why yet, but please rethink your relationship with him"

"Get out of my room" Lauren dropped her sight.
"Now! I don't want to see you!"

I sighed and did what she told me to do. I hope that she'll listen to what I told her. She really need to think about dating that jerk. And I can't lose her.


hope you liked this chapter <3

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