The First Slumber Party!

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I placed his drawing on the counter and sat down on the floor, waiting for Sun to return, considering the fact that after he told me I wouldn't regret my decision he just skipped off. Looking back through my watch, I had gotten a notification stating that the place would close in a half an hour and all staff and visitors that were to leave had to do it soon. As I scrolled I noted a message stating the animatronics are still free to roam the place as partial security guards. It concerned me a bit knowing that I could be in possible danger, but only if I left the Daycare. As I closed my watch Sun came sprinting back up to me with a bunch of things in his arms. He dropped them all on the floor in front of me making a loud cacophony of sound.

"So! I found a bunch of things we can do together! I wouldn't want you to be bored with me!" Sun seemed incredibly focused on keeping me around so I looked around at the various activities he had salvaged together. There were simple games like charades, a couple card games, and a hopscotch mat. There were also different board games and some other things as well that just seemed like random objects.

"How about something easy and we can move into all this?" I commented.

"Like, what?" He seemed rather happy about me suggesting something.

"Well, the place is big so... how about hide and seek then we can have one of those tea parties huh?" I suggested as Sun seemed to grow increasingly more hype the longer I talked.

"Sure! I play hide and seek all the time with the kids. This will be so much fun! I call counting!" He skipped off excitedly and started counting, immediately.

"One!" He cried out.

This was a little terrifying.


I had to find somewhere to hide-


The large play areas were too obvious.


What else is there!


I can't hide behind the counter, it's basically off limits for him.


We're getting close.


I sprinted out into the main area turning in circles looking for anything.


I spotted one of the castles in the far corner.


Almost there!

"Ten! Here I come!"

I settled into the steps of the castle hoping I hadn't made too much noise to give away my location. Who knew, me being basically an adult, would be sitting in a plastic castle giddily waiting for an animatronic to find me during a children's game. Looking back on my situation, I wouldn't want it any other way. I could subtly hear Sun skipping about, his metal hinges clicking as he moved or the banging of plastic as he crawled through the tubes. Occasionally he would shout something like 'Gotcha!' or 'Now I've found you!' But it was always swiftly replaced with a small 'Aww...' of disappointment. I felt a little bad for hiding in such an obscure area, but he never set any real boundaries for the game. I peeked out a bit to see him turning over small objects that I never could have fit under. As the game progressed his body language appeared to get more and more frantic, as if he was having some sort of panic attack or separation anxiety.

"Wh-where are you..." he seemed incredibly panicked and appeared to be shaking a bit. Eventually he stopped at a red playhouse meant for children. He looked down at it and his frills hung by his face. He raised his hands up to his face as if he was...crying? I slid down the plastic stairs, feeling incredibly bad about my deception. Walking up to him I slowly grasped his arms and pulled them away from his face. He slowly looked up at me for a moment, before pulling me into a tight hug. I was surprised at first, but quickly hugged back.

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