A New Day and Some New Faces

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I fluttered my eyes open, in doing so I was greeted with the slightly dimmed daycare. I was alone in the makeshift bed and Sun was nowhere to be seen. I checked my watch for the time and learned that it was around six thirty two in the morning. The daycare would open in two hours. I stretched a bit and continued looking around, from the warm sheets of the bed, for the cheerful animatronic, but to no avail. I pulled the sheets down and shivered a bit as the heat dissipated from my body. I stood and stretched. Looking down at the small mess of a bed I decided I would do my best to clean it up so Sun could busy himself with something else later on in the morning instead of tending to last night's "Slumber Party." I folded the sheets and set the pillow-like structures back to their spots. Since Sun was missing I contemplated on whether I should leave a note or continue to try and find him. I wanted to go home and take a shower and get everything else ready before the Daycare opened. I walked about the Daycare, around the pay structures, the ball pit, and the play castles. He was really nowhere to be found.

Then it struck me. He did have a room behind the stage at the top of the Daycare. It was mentioned in the watch's map, which I had only glanced at for mere moments upon receiving it. Deciding that it would be difficult to get up to him and not knowing where the entrance was or if I had the proper authentication, I chose to leave him a note written in crayon. The note read

"Sun, went home to take a shower! I'll be back in an hour or so! ~ Love, y/n!" I wasn't sure if the "Love" part was necessary, but it felt needed in a way. I decorated it for about five minutes. When I finished it had some glitter glue stars, some flowers, and a very simple line art of Sun and I, waving as it said, "Be back soon!" With some accidental smudges of course.

I stepped out of the Daycare, pushing the large doors apart with some struggle. I walked back up the stairs that led to the exit of the daycare and past the large golden statues. Although in looking at them again the second one perplexed me. There was one of Sun, but the other; I did not know. If Sun was displayed here, and worked in the Daycare. Where was the other one? Did it get moved? Or broken? These thoughts followed me all the way back to the staff locker room. As I turned the handle to go in I was called by a new voice.

"Hi! Hi! Bwak!" I turned to look at the person, to be greeted by Chica. Her design like the others was also flawless. Her green, triangular earrings swayed as she came to a stop.

"You're the new Daycare attendant, right!" She cheered and gave me a closed eye smile.

"Yeah, I work with Sun in the Daycare." I wasn't quite sure if my new placement had been perceived as me taking over his position.

"That's good! He was getting rather lonely working by himself. Bwak!" She clapped her metallic hands together. She was overall rather cheerful.

"I also just wanted to give you a small heads up about a super fun thing that's going on today!"

"Whatever would that be?" Now releasing my hand from the doorknob and giving her my full attention.

"The main crew is going to perform in the Daycare! Just for a little bit! We sometimes have special days when we aren't totally booked with birthdays! Bwak!" She straightened her arms out to her sides and did a jazz-hands like gesture.

"That's cool! When are you guys coming?" I inquired, just to make sure it wouldn't be incredibly early in the morning.

"Around eleven I think? That's when we're scheduled!" She beamed.

"Alright, thanks for telling me Chica." I nodded to her and she returned the motion with a smile. I waved a small goodbye and disappeared into the locker room as Chica skipped away giggling a bit. She seemed like an older sister or a really close friend. I hadn't even met her before that interaction and she already felt close. Must be why the animatronics are so good with kids. I walked over to my locker and entered my combination (which I had luckily stored in the notes of my watch). The clicking of the dial as I spun it reminded me of when I was a kid, doing the very same motion with my school locker. Even though this was a staff room, everything about the PizzaPlex brought me back to happier days, ones that weren't full of fear, debt, and crushing reality. It felt safe, like a place where childhoods could return and not be repressed into shards of broken hopes and dreams. When I had finally gotten my locker open I swiftly changed, knowing I would have to be back in the Daycare before the majority of kids arrived. I hastily folded the uniform so it wouldn't be more wrinkled than it already was when I returned. Once I was done, I slammed my locker shut and relatched the lock. I dashed out of the locker room and peered around, no one was really here yet, so I decided it was safe to go. I exited from the main doors and strode back to my car. I turned the engine and headed home.

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