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"What do you mean you got a...a...boyfriend?" 

I could nearly picture Sarah cringing on the other side as I slammed a glass onto the counter as I picked up the phone, switching it from speaker to voice so I could hear her again. Maybe it was all the background music I could hear, or maybe it was the TV that said that horrible b word and not her.

"I-I've been mea-eaning to tell you I swear,"

Or not.

I frowned wiping my hands on my shirt, the dishes could wait. "When you say meaning, you mean that this has been going on for a while and you decided not to tell me."

There was a long pause while I walked over to the TV turning it off.  With one hand on my hip I turned to look out the beautiful view of Melbourne city from the apartment I stayed at, it was summer which meant it was the rare case of the sun being out. 

But Autumn was upon us fast which meant it was time to get all my older clothes out.

"No- I mean yes, no I mean no! I was going to tell you, but you've just been so busy I didn't want to...irritate you with such a small pro-,"

"No. This is a big problem!" I said walking out onto the veranda taking in the fresh air. "Were you bribed Sarah? Did he hold a knife to your throat. Shall I come cut his balls off? If you're being forced I ca-,"

"No Kierra, I like him," and it was just like that my heart shattered. 

"Oh," I said blinking as I looked down at the traffic. She liked him? What the hell was that? Like. She meant just a sexually right? None of that "Love" bullshit? Or maybe she did. 

"Well, I'm happy for you," I lied clearing my throat nodding. Just because I didn't like relationships, didn't mean that no one else could be in one. But when they came crying to me about commitment, I was just going to say "I told you so,"

"You're not really happy are you?"

"God no. But this is me," I shrugged turning around and walking back inside. I closed the door locking it as I looked around, I still had to unpack. Even if it started with four of us pledging not to get into relationships, and it was just me left, I was going to stick by it.

There was a knock on the door and I walked over towards it.

"Look doesn't matter, but if you come to me asking me to castrate his balls because he-oh," I looked up at the person standing in my doorway while I could hear Sarah speak on the other side of the phone.

"Sorry you weren't meant to hear that," I said smiling at the stranger, the corners of his lips were lifted up, probably from hearing my conversation, "I don't want....to buy anything," I said looking at the book in his hand. It was one of those annoying door-knockers, why does security keep letting them up.

I went to close the door when his foot stuck out stopping me, "I'm not here to sell anything,"

"Sarah can I call you back?"

"Is that a guy's voice I hear?"

"Bye," I said hanging up and looked at the gentleman in front of me, I ran my eyes over him. Black jeans, a white shirt and a leather jacket, yep he was here to tell me about some promotion than.

"I'm not interested, sorry, I am busy,"

"I'm Dane,"

"And I'm busy," I said frowning down at his foot that was stuck in my doorway. I pushed the door a bit further but something it didn't move by much and I gave him a frustrated look.

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