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Just a reminder that the previous chapter was private as it was a mature chapter, to be able to read it you need to be a follower.

There was a strange burning smell as I opened the door around two in the afternoon. Thankfully the cake behaved which meant I finished it in nine hours, and now I could come and sleep.

I closed the door looking at Dane as he scraped something, "What happened?"

He looked over his shoulder, "You're back early," he said as he threw the pan into the sink, "I forgot it was on the stove and it burned. Luckily the fire alarm didn't go off," 

I smirked hoping onto the bench, "I took the batteries out,"

"What, why?"

I leaned on the bench shrugging. Well with my experiments of recipes and cooking the alarm loves to go off and set of the emergency security system, which sometimes meant sprinklers. And even if just the buzzer activated, it was a $500 fine, and there was no way I was paying that at least three times a week. And also it activated the fire-stations nearby and made everyone in the apartment go downstairs.

"It was annoying," I said.

"Are you hungry, I can make l-,"

"It's fine. I'm heading out, I'll grab food there,"

I nodded hopping off the stool, "Well night, I'm tired," I said heading straight to my room as I unzipped my jacket. The taste of winter was here, it had raining out of no where, on in my thing shirt and old jeans, I was cold to the bone.

Closing the door to my room I groaned as I felt soft mattress, my eyes shutting.

God, was this heaven?

* * *

I stared at my ceiling for a few more seconds before I confirmed that it was voices that I was hearing. Looking at the clock it said it was five in the afternoon, I had spent only a few hours napping. Great I was probably going to be awake all night now.

Maybe I can bake some macaroons. 

I could hear one deep voice, which probably belonged to Dane, but who did the other female and male voice belong to? I sighed rolling around in my bed pulling the covers higher, I wasn't going crazy. And what was the rule about having people though.

Like friends, or sleepovers? I mean once my brother came back it would be easier, it was his apartment which meant I could do whatever, but without him here there was that still initial awkwardness.

With a grumble I rolled out of bed, grabbing my discarded pink jumper shrugging it on. Man, it was freezing. Going into the attached bathroom I switched on tabs letting the tub fill up. I never did like bubble baths, they just took so much effort but I felt like one today, it was one of those rare cases.

Looking at the bath bomb my friend had gotten me three years ago I unwrapped it throwing it in, not ready for the explosion of pink and red to fly everywhere.

"Well, that's interesting," I muttered as I switched the taps off.

Is that glitter?

Why would you put glitter in that? It smelt like pot-puri as I stripped off my clothes, dipping one foot in, the water was scalding hot, just the way I liked it and I climbed in.

I snatched my phone and ear-phones from my jumper's pocket plugging it in and lowering myself in the tub. I grabbed the hair-clip to hold all my hair, I didn't want to wash it again.

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