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"Just get in," I muttered trying to put the key into the lock again, but my hand kept missing. Maybe I should have cut back on the champagne at Caxon's suite, but it was hard.

A relaxing night, mostly spent in the hot tub before we moved onto the bed, countless glass of champagne and finally the effects of alcohol were kicking in. I grumbled throwing my shoes onto the ground, which I had removed in the taxi even after he insisted he will accompany me.

Rule number one of a one night stand was, never let them find out where you live. It just made future...encounters easier.

And usually I liked picking people who never met me, possibly tourists or business travellers. Caxon was from the states, which meant I had a very low chance of running into him again, I hoped. He was here for another three months, so I just hoped I wouldn't run into him again.

Finally the door unlocked and I picked up my purse and heels and walked in quietly turning around to close the door.

Hanging up my keys on the hook I turned around yelping when a figure sat on the couch, reading a book and placed a hand on my heart.

"Jesus, you scared me," I said as Dane's green eyes found mine in the dark. There was a small lamp switched on beside him I didn't realise but he looked...creepy just sitting there.

"What are you doing up?" I asked looking at the time, it was just past four.

"Reading," He replied his eyes going back to the book and I raised my eyebrows at him. People read at four in the morning? That must be one hell of a book. He was wearing black frames, stretched out onto the couch with a blanket wrapped on his lower half. Was he going to just sleep on the couch?

"Well, goodnight," I said nodding heading off down the corridor when I heard him speak and turned around.

"Isn't he too old for you?"

"Excuse me?" I asked swapping my heels to the other side, what the hell was he talking about?

"I was at Ms Collins, saw you two,"

Oh, well that didn't really surprise me since it was a really good bar, and it was just down the street.

"He's only three and a half years older," I said, feeling the need to defend myself. Wait why was I having this discussion with a guy I knew nothing about.

I held his green eyes for a moment longer, "I don't think Nik would approve at your relationship,"

I narrowed my eyes at him scoffing, first of all we weren't a couple, but Dane didn't need to know that, and secondly he wasn't that much older, I didn't get the problem. And thirdly, I didn't understand why this is his business.

"Look Dane, with all due respect, what I do is none of your business, like what you do is none of mine."

I turned around opening the door to my bedroom and throwing my shoes in. I was going to slap Nik when he was back, I hated when he told his friends to keep an eye on me. I didn't need people to baby sit me.

* * *

I tied my hair in a towel walking out of the bathroom, I looked at the time sighing, I had slept in. But it was only Saturday. I hesitated before stepping into the lounge and dinning area, and thankfully Dane wasn't anywhere to be seen.

I sort of felt bad for being rude last night, I said a million things in the heat of the moment, but then regretted them later.

But he still had no right to say that. He had just gotten home that morning. I sighed looking at my phone that buzzed, replying to the text I opened the fridge grabbing the milk out to make some coffee. I should use my next pay check to buy a coffee machine.

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