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I tell myself every time that I will never leave things to the last minute, but we all know it is a big fat lie. 

I first starting that lie back in school when I had to do my homework, then progressed to Uni when I had to do assignemnts  and now at work, here I was sitting through my lunch break trying to finish the recipe. Why couldn't I just be disciplined?

At least this morning I got the physical part of this recipe done. I had woken up early, baked a perfect pink cake that was shaped as a heard and had decorations that spelled out love. 

It was the perfect valentines day cake. I then had showered, waiting till the sun rose before I could take pictures. For some reason pictures of food always came out better in natural light than any other light. 

Now I was sitting here typing up the recipe, editing the pictures slightly and making sure they were A+ quality. 

My co-workers were instead enjoying that cake that I had baked and left in the kitchen, it was far too much for me and Dane to finish, and we still had the baileys cake from the other day. 

I sighed leaning back as I looked at the word count, all that was left was the dinner tonight.

Cheating, like I do, I looked up the menu and wrote down what we were trying so when I went back tonight, tired, all I would have to do was add in the rating and a sentence on what I liked or didn't like.

It would be easy as that.

I looked at the clock, my lunch break was over in ten minutes, and I wasn't really hungry. I sent of the articles and recipes to be published, with an hour to spare and I finally could relax.

I sent a message to Chris, reminding him that I was going to be picking him up at four so we can head to the restaurant. I always wanted to go exactly when the restaurant opened up, as people found it too early to eat dinner at five, and this allowed the restaurant to be quiet so I could take my pictures as well as have a nice chat.

It also meant I could eat in quiet without the noise and hustle of people around me. I headed to the staff kitchen to make a cup of coffee when I saw Dan was already in there talking. I almost went back to my desk, but he was in a group of four and I was never to cower and leave.

I placed my mug under the coffee machine pretending to be engrossed in my phone, hopefully the annoying 'Dan the man' was going to leave me alone. 

It was like everything today was going against what I wanted. Just as I scrolled through pretty food pictures on instagram, a message from Chris came in advising that he couldn't make it.

He had to be kidding. What did he mean he double booked himself?

I replied quickly telling him that he couldn't cancel on this one tonight, I had just confirmed this morning to the restaurant the time, date and that there were two of us. Who was I meant to take now?

Like he heard my thoughts, Dan leaned against the counter, far too close to me and I took a step away.

"Hello Kierra, how are you today."

"Fine." I said as I looked at my coffee, it needed to be done quicker. Damn it machine, hurry up.

"I heard you're going to the new place tonight. You going with anyone,"

"Yes. I am." I lied. Perhaps I just needed to get used to eating by myself. A lot of people did it, surely it can't be that bad. 

I was going to break raw eggs on top of Chris's hair, he had confirmed he could make it yesterday so what happened in the few hours to change his mind.

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