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Never sleep with someone more than twice.

But here I was, in Caxon's apartment for a third time. I had to kick myself. I slipped off my shoes and left my stuff at the door, for an easy exit, as I followed him into the apartment. 

I sat onto the couch almost lost in the cushions as he poured us two more glasses of Rosé that we had bought on the way back to his apartment. He had realised how much I liked the Rosé that they served that he had asked the waiter when I had gone to the bathroom.

The thought was...kind.

"Here you go my lady."

I rolled my eyes accepting the glass from him as he sat right next to me, his body flushed against mine, his side against my side.

"So, did you like the food miss reviewer?" He asked.

He reached for the T.V. remote, blindly letting it go onto any random channel as he half turned on the couch to face me. I replicated his seating style so I was half facing him, leaning against the cushions.

"It was ok."

"Ok? Just ok? What would you give it out of a ten."

"A seven, maybe a seven and a half."

Cason's blue eyes widened behind the bright pink Rosé, "A seven. My...my you are a harsh marker."

"There were a few things I didn't really like. Dessert was good but it was just too rich and the batter on the zucchini flowers was too soggy, they cooked it in a low heat oil so it soaked it all up."

"You really are a food critic. Remind me never to cook for you." He laughed as he took another sip.

I didn't need to remind him, because it was going to be easy. This was it, third and last date. I had to stop seeing Caxon everywhere. 

I leaned back, slightly stretching as he flicked through the channels. I had to admit, he was a very handsome man, and I was almost surprised that he was this interested in me. I wasn't ugly, but I definitely wasn't the female version of handsome, that being beautiful. 

I took a sip of my Rosé watching him, when he paused turning to look at me.

"Be careful Kierra." he said.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"If you keep looking at me with that look on your face, I can't promise you what I won't do and that wine may stain the carpet and I might not get my bond back."

The familiar feeling in my body was back, I leaned forward, placing the nearly empty wine glass on the coffee table and pushing it away from the edge.

"You can pounce on me now if you want."

Caxon didn't need to be asked twice. In one swift move, he leaned over, and pulled me onto his laps, my knees on either side of him and my chest against his.

"You drive me crazy." His eyes were a shade of dark blue, fully aroused as he leaned forward taking a deep breathe of my perfume.

"Are you sure it's not that expensive wine you just bought that's driving you crazy." I placed my hands on the shiny black shirt that I had been wanting to feel up ever since I saw him in it. Just like i thought, it was silk, and it felt fucking fantastic under my hands.

I ran my palms over his tense abdomen, feeling the toned body underneath, as I ran it up his chest. Caxon's eyes held my gaze as my palms went across his chest, up his shoulders and behind his neck as I bent down.

His lips met me half way, the taste of the Rosé training the soft and smooth lips. His right hand tangled in my hair pressing my face closer to him, as our lips hungry fought the taste of each others Rosé. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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