Chapter 6

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Finally both of them finished filming for the day. (Y/n) was changing out of his costume when he heard a knock on his dressing room door. He quickly finished changing and opened the door, seeing Hailee standing on the other side.

"Hey." He mumbled, letting her in. "Are you ready to go?" She asked, sitting on the couch that was in his dressing room. "Sure." He nodded, grabbing his car keys and wallet.

The two of them left the set and got in (Y/n)'s car, not knowing where they were going. "So, where are we going?" He asked, pulling out of the parking lot. "You know, I didn't think of that." Hailee mentioned. "Okay, I know where we're going." He announced, starting to drive there. "Where?" She asked.

"I can't tell you! It's a surprise." (Y/n) shared, mimicking an action of zipping his lips. (Y/n) turned on the radio and the two of them jammed out to the music while driving, soon arriving at their destination.

"Okay, we're here." He announced. "The arcade? Good choice." Hailee mumbled. "I'm a regular here. They know me pretty well." (Y/n) mentioned. The two got out of the car and walked inside, the front desk worker going wide eyed when he saw who arrived. "(Y/n)!" The worker shouted, getting up and giving him a hug. "Hey Peter." He mumbled. Once the two separated from their hug Hailee noticed (Y/n) and Peter looked very similar.

"Oh! Right. Hailee, this is my brother Peter. Peter, this is Hailee." (Y/n) introduced the two. "Okay, here's your card. But mom doesnt want you robbing the claw machine again. You're banned from those. So you won't be able to win your girlfriend a prize." Peter told him, handing his brother a game card. "She's not my girlfriend and I didn't rob them! I just found out how to cheat the system!" (Y/n) argued.

"Does your family own this place?" Hailee asked once they walked over to the games. "Yeah. This is my family's arcade. Remember I said I was a regular here and they know me pretty well? It's because I spent my entire childhood here and they're my parents and brother." (Y/n) explained.

"That's so cool.." Hailee mumbled before they started their first game, skee ball. "Yeah." He agreed. After a round of skee ball, which Hailee won, they moved on to a few other games.

After spending hours playing all of the games, Hailee wanted to go to the photobooth. The two of them took many pictures in the photo booth, and they each got to take two little strips of their photos. Hailee put her pictures in her purse while (Y/n) slipped them into his wallet.

"Quick, follow me." (Y/n) whispered, taking Hailee over to the claw machines. "I thought you weren't allowed to use these?" Hailee asked teasingly. "I'm not, but you are. So I'm going to teach you how to win." He shared, swiping his card so he could play. "Okay, so first move the claw all the way over to the edge." He told her, putting his hand over hers as she moved the claw. "Right there..." he mumbled.

Both of them went red at the contact of their hands but none of them said anything about it. "Now, press the button to let it drop." He told her, taking his hand off of hers and letting her press the button. The claw dropped and went through the edge, grabbing two stuffed animals in the process. When the claw came back up, it hooked one more by the arm and now three stuffed animals were being held by the claw.

When it dropped into the prize area, (Y/n) took them out and handed them to her. "There we go! Now the others have fallen into that area so if you just do it again, you'll get two or three more." He told her with a smile. She gave him a big smile and kissed his cheek. "Thank you for teaching me." She mumbled, while (Y/n) went red. He opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out of his mouth. Hailee noticed his face was red, and silently giggled to herself before he came to his senses and they moved onto the next game.

"This one's a bit harder to win." (Y/n) stuttered, showing her the claw machine with expensive things nobody usually wins. "But it takes two tries to win something out of here." He continued, swiping his card and letting her move the claw.

"Pick whatever you want and when you get there don't press anything yet." He instructed. She moved the claw over to an expensive looking necklace and took her hand off of the joystick. "Okay, now move it slightly to the right and drop it." He told her, and she did what he said. The claw didn't grab the necklace but it did grab a few of the rocks next to it, causing the necklace to move a bit.

"Okay, now you have to play again, but this time you'll win." (Y/n) shared, swiping his card again. "Now go back to the necklace and just press the button." He told her, letting her move the claw. "Okay, now just press it and the claw should hook onto the little band that's on the box." He instructed. She pressed the button and sure enough the claw grabbed the necklace.

"And now you know how to win at these two claw machines. I'm not sure if this works at every arcade, since this is really the only one I go to." (Y/n) added. "This is amazing." Hailee told him, a huge smile on her face as she tucked the necklace into her purse. "This is what I spent my teenage years doing. Learning how to beat claw machines." He joked before realizing it actually sounded really sad.

The two left soon after, (Y/n) giving Hailee a ride back home to her house. "Bye." He smiled at her, watching her open the door and step out of the car. "Thank you. That was really fun. We should do it again sometime." She offered, and he nodded. "It's a date." He said without thinking, and she smiled even wider. "Sure, it's a date." She confirmed before closing the car door and walking inside.

"Oh my god." (Y/n) mumbled to himself, before smiling and doing a little happy dance. Hailee went into her bedroom and opened her purse, placing the necklace on her nightstand and placing the photobooth strips in an empty picture frame. She took the stuffed animals he won her and placed them on her bed before going to eat something.

When (Y/n) got home, he took the photo booth strips and put them on his bulletin board next to his calendar. "That was the best night of my life." He mumbled, deciding to text Hailee.


Hey Hailee, I had fun tonight! :)

I had fun too! You're a very good teacher

That's good. I'm glad I passed on the knowledge of cheating the claw machine

Well, I'm going to bed. Goodnight (Y/n)!

Goodnight Hailee, see you tomorrow : )

See you tomorrow <3

Love at First Take: Hailee Steinfeld x Male Reader (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now