Chapter 11- Whistle Whilst You Work

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Eliza ran to the door, tripping over her slippers and almost knocking the vase off the coffee table in her rush. She had overslept, again. Eliza had been making breakfast when she heard the door knock, and since she could count every American she had met so far on one hand, it wasn't hard to deduce that it was her new friend Amelia at the door. Amelia had generously offered to help her unpack and tidy the apartment, Eliza was thrilled. She had quite liked her new American co-worker and wanted to spend more time getting to know her.

"Amelia! Good morning," Eliza greeted her friend as she opened the door. "And Anderson, how are you?"

"Morning Eliza, hope you don't mind that I bought Will along, he's just been sitting moping around his apartment since yesterday so I thought I'd be good to get him out of the house for a little while." Amelia replied, walking into the room, William Anderson following close behind.

"I was not moping! It was just the meeting yesterday is all. Sure you don't mind if I stay Eliza?"

Eliza shook her head, "Of course not! The more the merrier, this place needs all the help it can get."

"Does it smell of burning to you?"

"My toast!" Eliza raced back into the kitchen, manually popping the toast back up. It was too late, the toast was burnt to a crisp. "Awh man, I knew this bloody toaster wouldn't work properly."

"Is that a muggle toaster?" Amelia asked, coming round to inspect it closer. "Will look! It's a muggle machine made for bread," she exclaimed, her eyes wide with joy.

William shook his head fondly, "I know what a toaster is, Amy. You forget. I am a half-blood."

"Why don't we have one at our house? These things look amazing," Amelia asked before finally setting the toaster down. Eliza quickly placed two more slices in, this time watching it carefully.

"Because you'd somehow burn the place down," he chuckled, sitting down at the table. "Besides, it's not like we can't make toast with magic."

Eliza grabbed three mugs and started making some tea. "So are you two, you know?"

"Oh no! Nothing like that!" William said at the same time Amelia shouted,"He wishes!" William threw the burnt toast at her before continuing. "We're just good friends. It's cheaper to rent together than to just live in two separate apartments."

"We've known each other since we were little first years at Ilvermorny," Amelia told her, helping her carry the tea over to the table. The three sat and drank their tea, chatting for a while before the cleaning session started. As it turns out, William had spent the night 'moping' thanks to Miss Vivian Grey, yet again. Grey was still pushing against his manager promotion even though he'd been manager for over a year now. Grey's father had a high position in the council, which wasn't making things easier.

"I just don't understand why," William said, reaching for another biscuit to dunk in his tea. "I don't understand why Grey just suddenly decided she hated us. We were best friends for seven years, and I thought she'd be happy for me."

"I've already told you!" Amelia mumbled, her mouth full. "She's just jealous. She didn't move up, and you did. She obviously wasn't as good of a friend as we thought."

William nodded but didn't look very convinced.

"I'm sure she'll come around eventually, William." Eliza said, smiling softly. "Well, shall we get started on the cleaning? We've officially run out of biscuits to eat, so there's no more excuses."

And so they got to work. Eliza got started in the kitchen and dining area, Amelia in the bedroom, and William in the living room.

She decided the first thing to do was to get rid of all the appliances that could potentially burn down her apartment, starting with the faulty toaster. Eliza transfigured a spare carrier bag into a sturdy bin bag and started tossing them in. The kettle worked but took an awfully long time to heat up, time that she did not have, so it too was thrown away.

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