Chapter 2- MACUSA

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"Ah, Miss Woods, thank you for coming to see me." Said Kingsley as he got up to shake her hand. "Please have a seat."

Eliza sat in the chair opposite Kingsley and looked around around the office. She had been in here previously, but that was before Kingsley had officially moved in. It definitely looked a lot better now. The walls had been painted a royal blue with gold accents, and the previous grey carpeting had been replaced with dark brown floor boards. A large walnut bookcase covered almost the entirety of the left wall and had been filled to the brim with books,folders, and important looking documents. A new frame now stood just above the fireplace, proudly on display for all to see. It contained the names of every single person who had lost their lives due to the war. "I like what you've done with the place, sir," complemented Eliza, earning a small smile from Kingsley.

"Oh please, what's with all the formality? There's no need to call me, sir." Said Kingsley as he gathered a few files and placed them on the desk. Each one was beige and stamped with a symbol that Eliza didn't recognise. Underneath the symbol in a great, big, bold text were the words:'CLASSIFIED INFORMATION, PRIVATE'."You never called me that back in The Order," Kingsley continued.

"Well, that's because you weren't my boss back then, or the Minister Of Magic," she reminded him. Kingsley hummed in response and continued to organise his files. Kingsley was one of the first members of The Order and one of the very few who believed Harry Potter when he declared that Voldemort had returned. He had been working for the ministry at the same time and used his power to get the aurors of Sirius Blacks trail, forever earning Eliza's respect. After a few moments of silence, Eliza decided she couldn't wait any longer. "Sir-uh I mean Kingsley, why am I here? Am I being fired? I know I've been late twice this week, but honestly, it's not my fault! Besides, i was only 15 seconds late this morning, which barely even counts! Perez just doesn't like me very much. Please, Kingsley, I promise to do better. I won't be late anymore, and I'll work overtime to make it up for it and..." Eliza trailed off after noticing Kingsley's amused expression and instantly felt her cheeks going red in embarrassment.

"Fired? Now, why on earth would I fire our best healer? However, I wasn't aware of your lateness. We shall have to discuss that another time," said Kingsley, continuing before she could respond. "Tell me, Woods, have you ever heard of MACUSA?"

"Oh. I believe so." Said Eliza, taken back by the unexpected question. "They're the American version of the Ministry, aren't they? I remember Hermione mentioning them one or twice."

Kingsley nodded. "The Magical Congress of the United States of America, known by its abbreviation MACUSA, was established in 1693 following the introduction of the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy. One of MACUSA's main aims was to capture and enforce law on the number of wizarding criminals who had fled to America from Europe and beyond. The President at the time decided their main priority should be to recruit and train aurors, and so they did. However, there were so few volunteers and the challenges they faced so great. So we, the Ministry that is, decided to help them by sending some of our best aurors overseas and thus creating an alliance."

Eliza was slightly confused with the sudden history lesson but didn't interrupt.

"Now you may remember, from your studies at Hogwarts, the terror that Grindlewald caused across Europe and America. Both sides were clearly overwhelmed by the attacks and the damages caused, and so MACUSA and the Ministry both came together once again to try and defeat Grindelwald once and for all. Nowadays, however, the alliance has seemed to dwindle, and we no longer have that strong relationship we once had. After all, we received no aid during either of the wars against Voldemort and his supporters. Eliza, you know just as well as I about how overwhelmed we were, we had to recruit children for Merlins sake! I simply can not allow that to ever happen again, which is why I believe we should rekindle our relationship with our fellow wizards across the pond."

"I think it's a great idea, Kingsley!" Said Eliza.

Kingsley was right. They were clearly unmanned during the battle of Hogwarts so much so that they allowed children to fight and die for the cause. Back up would have been greatly appreciated. Besides havi, g extra aurors on their side might help to act as a deterrence to any other upcoming terror groups.

"I was hoping you'd say that, for you see for the plan to work I'm going to need your help," said Kingsley leaning forwards slightly in his chair, "I want you to become a liaison of sorts between The Ministry Of Magic and MACUSA."

"I'm sorry, you want me to do what?" Asked Eliza after a brief moment of silence, her eyes widening in surprise. "I'm not even an auror! Or a member of the council, I'm not even a communication specialist. You should send Harry! Yeah send, Harry, the. Theyve him."

"We need someone to bridge the gap between the two Ministries and Eliza, I can think of no one better than you. You're loyal, selfless, kind kind-hearted,  just know you'll get the job done right. As for not being an auror or a ministry official, I think it's exactly what we need. Someone who will think and act outside of the box unafraid of how far it goes from tradition. I'm afraid Potter's fame may impact the job at hand, he . He doesn't have the best track record with Ministry officials-they always seem to butt heads. Besides once he heard about the proposition he i, stantly recommended you. Times are changing Eliz, Eliza. nk it's about time we did too."

Eliza was stunned. She didn't know what to say. This is definitely not what she had expected when she was called to the office. She thought for sure she'd be getting fired but , ere she was being offered a new job. Just wait until Nott finds out about this! Nott. She'd have to leave him behind, as well as Remus and all her friends. The mere thought left her with a sinking feeling in her stomach.

"Kingsley I'm , onoured, truly, but what about all my friends and family here? I don't think I'm ready to leave them all behind to head to the states. And what about my healer job? I've worked extremely hard to get to the position I'm in now, I don't want to just throw all that away."

Kingsley smiled patiently, "I see no reason as to why you can't come back and visit your friends when you're not working. I'm certain Hermione will be sending you a letter every day," he said chuc, ling. "You don't have to decide right away Eliza, you have the next 48 hours to send me your reply. Now I know it's late notice but , f you do choose to accept then, I really need you over there as soon as possible. Next Monday to be precise, so you should have the next six days to prepare."

After a few more questions Eliz,  left Kingsley's office, head spinning with all the new information. Kingsley had sent her off with the large pile of beige folders he had been organising and granted her with the rest of the day off, allowing her to go home and discuss the job offer with Remus. She made her way to the nearest floo station to travel home, worrying about Remus's reaction.
A/N- Chapter 2 is complete! Sorry about the long wait but ,  had a hard time getting this chapter just right. I'm still not 100% happy with it but , t'll have to do. It's mainly just a filler and information loaded chapter but ,  hope you enjoyed it! Next The nextter will see the introduction of Remus Lupin and more of the Golden Trio. Once again, thank you for reading!

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