Chapter 8- There's Something About The Sunshine Baby

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Eliza unlocked her door, kicked off her shoes, and immediately flopped onto her bed. That plane trip had really taken it out of her, and the difference in time zones wasn't helping. She wished for nothing more than to just curl up in her surprisingly comfy bed and sleep for hours. Unfortunately, that was not possible. She still had to work her way through the enormous welcome package. Immediately after her meeting with the President, Eliza had asked Annie for directions to the nearest library where she found a nice, cheap apartment to stay in California. Well, she says nice. The website only provided one image, and the reviews were questionable, but it was the only available flat anywhere near her work at such short notice. It would have to do.

Sitting up with a sigh, Eliza ordered room service before getting started with one of the many forms she had to fill out - she really didn't want to tackle all of it on an empty stomach. Flicking through the files, she made note of where she would be working - The First National Bank in Long Beach, California. According to the pamphlet, it was bewitched in a similar manner to Hogwarts, except not as extreme. The muggles were led to believe that the bank had permanently closed many years ago. This wasn't technically a lie. The bank itself did, in fact, close. It's just that the magical community bought it as their official ministry building ever since.

After hours of ploughing through the forms, Eliza had finally completed her pack. She showered and changed into some fresh clothes before deciding to head out and explore a little. After all, she had never been to New York before, and who knows if she'll ever be able to come back. Riding the lift down, she stepped out into the lobby and made her way outside.

The sun had begun to set, and the cool evening breeze was making itself known. Eliza hugged her jacket closer. She allowed herself to enjoy the scenery as she walked; it was so different to her little village back home, every building seemed to stretch straight into the sky. Crossing a busy road, she found herself nearing the city centre and the crowded streets. Eliza didn't know where to look as she was confronted by shops selling just about everything imaginable. Walking into the first store, she made herself promise to only look and not buy. That plan quickly went out of the window. An hour and a half later and Eliza had several bags hanging of her arms, all full of gifts for herself and her friends back home. Stopping at yet another shop, she suddenly realised her wardrobe was seriously lacking any summer clothes for the Californian heat. She had mostly packed slightly warmer outfits as she had been expecting NYC weather. Even the summer outfits she had packed probably wouldn't suffice. After all, it never actually did get that warm back home. Smiling to herself in excitement, Eliza ducked into the nearby toilets and shrunk down her bags so they'd all fit into the one bag and cast a feather-light charm over it

In the end, Eliza walked out with a whole new wardrobe, all suitable for the Californian heat. She has initially bought smart blouses and blazers for work before gradually buying her everyday outfits. Eliza cringed once she realised how much she'd probably spent during her shopping spree. But this was all a necessary purchase, Eliza reasoned.

Deciding to give her money a break, she decided upon going for an evening stroll and headed in the direction that she hoped would take her towards her hotel. Not long into her walk, Eliza ended up in Central Park. The street lights were on, giving the park a whole new atmosphere, basking it in a calming glow. It was fairly quiet, but thankfully, she wasn't the only one walking through the park. Coming across a mini hot drinks stand, Eliza paid for a hot chocolate before settling down on a nearby bench. Remembering her promise to write to Hermione and Remus, she pulled out her new notebook and began to write.

Dear Remus and Hermione,

How are you both? I'm already missing you already! I am currently drinking a hot chocolate in Central Park, tired out from shopping all day for my trip to California. Yup, you heard that right. I had a meeting earlier today with the President and it turns out my team has been transferred to the new department over in Long Beach, CA. My first meeting is tomorrow, so I'll be portkeying over there in the morning. And yes, before you both start worrying, I did buy lots of sun cream!

Unfortunately that means my beautiful apartment here in New York will have to be left behind, instead I get an old, shady looking one...Maybe you could ask Kingsley to transfer my booking quicker 'Mione, I would really appreciate it. Other than that, there's not much else to report. Man, I hope this notebook works, and I'm not just talking to myself. That would be embarrassing!

Stay safe, and don't miss me too much,

Eliza Woods

Sun setting, Eliza placed her book back into her bag and made her way back to the hotel, disposing of her empty drink in a nearby bin. She hadn't realised how tired she was until she reached her hotel room, her neck aching slightly from craning up to look at all the buildings. Making sure all her belongings were packed once again, she settled down in bed, falling asleep to a random muggle movie playing in the background.

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