Chapter one

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January, 5, 2022
4:46 am

"Hey Lidia it's me" I called out for her over the door and knocked on the door

Lidia opened the door with a messy bun wearing her regular gray sweatshirt and pants.

"Hey Mateo" She yawned and walked inside and I followed behind her

"Where's Penny?" I asked looking around for her

"Sleeping in my bed, She had a nightmare" Lidia said

"Oh okay" I said

"I have to so some laundry can you watch her please" Lidia asked me

"Of course" I agreed and she walked out

I sat my stuff down and started cleaning around the house.

Lidia's house is never dirty but with online school and Penny she doesn't have time to really clean the house.

So I washed the dishes more thoroughly, wiped off the crumbs that hid slightly under the bottom cabins, used a sponge to clean the stains left on the fridge, and then started on the kitchen table and counters.

While I was scrubbing off the syrup on the stove, I heard small footsteps coming down the hall.

I placed the sponge in the sink and dried my hands waiting for Penny

"Mom?" Penny asked walking in rubbing her eyes while wearing an oversized shirt

"No it's Mateo" I told her and walked to her and picked her up

Penny giggled and hugged me tightly

I put her down on the couch and that's when I see what's she's wearing

"Wait, whose shirt is that?" I asked while tugging at her shirt

"I don't know, My shirt made me sweaty I put this one on instead" Penny told me

"Oh" I said and heard the door unlock, Penny jumped off the couch and ran to the door and hugged Lidia

"I guess someone up, Mom needs to fold clothes go sit down and I'll get you squishy candies" Lidia told Penny who cheered happily and went back to the couch

I walked to Lidia while she was folding clothes

"I call grapes and blueberries squishy candies that's the only way she'll eat" Lidia laughed while still folding

"Right, so who's shirt is Penny wearing?" I asked her which made her freeze

"Isn't it yours?" Lidia asked folding clothes faster

"No" I told her watching her folded faster and her face looked nervous 

"You know it probably just slipped in by accident" Lidia told me and took the basket of half folded clothes and not folded clothes into her room

"Hm" I said but shake it off and watched TV with Penny while she ate a bowl of fruits and a side of apple juice in her sippy cup.

Teenage dream (Collage AU)-Something changes-Where stories live. Discover now