Chapter 13

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The following morning Nya woke in a panic. "Shit." The note she left for Lee was probably discovered and she was probably frantic right now. She hurries to the connecting bathroom and does a quick wash of her face and rinse of her mouth before going so quickly down the stairs it looked as if she was sliding. "Alpha Vince!"

She hears noise and follows the sound to the kitchen. "Alpha-"

There was an unexpected twinge in her heart. Why,  she didn't know, she only came into the scene of Malina and Vince kissing. Her arms were around his neck while one of his was around her waist, the other bracing onto the counter. "Sorry." She turns away.

"No, wait." Malina breaks the kiss and maneuvers out of Vince's arms. Her eyes were wet but her lips were curved into a smile.

"I'm sorry Lee. I-"

She comes close and grabs her upper arms. "We're staying."

"What?" She shifts her gaze for a second to Vince who was wiping his mouth. "What do you mean?"

"He agreed to a full merge." She dries her eyes. "All the ranks, every single member of Slay is staying." She pulls her into a tight hug. "Can you believe it?"

Wow. This was miraculous. She didn't in a million years think this would be happening. She was speechless. She doesn't have to run anymore and Lee doesn't have to give up her mate anymore.

Malina pulls back. "And look." She holds out her left hand and shows off a ring. "'We're getting married after the next moon."

Her eyes widened. This all happened while she was sleeping? Was she dreaming? "This is-"


Unbelievable, she was going to say but she nodded in agreement. It was taking her a minute to really grasp what was happening. It was hardly real in her head. Alpha Vince must really love her sister to make such a big exception. Under all that strict exterior he was actually a softy, at least for Lee."

"And what's even better is that you're staying here with me."

Her brows furrow. "What? What do you mean? I'm not-"

"Yeah, you are. The room right at the top of the stairs is yours. So this way we can always be there for each other."

"I don't have to live here for us to be there for each other."

"You don't have a choice."

Her mouth opened to protest more but didn't want to approach with anything sharp near her bubble. It had been so long since she saw a genuine smile from her.

Vince clears his throat suddenly and looks at his fiancé. " I have to go. Go get your stuff packed, I'll have them brought over."

"Okay... thanks, baby." She kisses him on the cheek before he strides out.

"Let's go tell everyone." She shrieked excitedly and pulled Nya out the door.

They met up with the rest of the Slays, got everyone together, and dropped it on them. Cheers erupted from the crowd, and happy tears fell all around. After having such a rough time, finally have some good news was much needed. The relief was felt between each other.

Soon after, Alpha Vince calls everyone to the auditorium. He announces the full merge. His pack was shocked, but no one showed any disobedience. Some did show their disappointment. When he announced the engagement was back on, however, everyone began clapping. They were happy for their alpha, well everyone except Shay. His ex.

After that was finished and night fell, it was party time. All Slay's gathered near the lake. Music was blasted from a red pickup, beers, and bottles of tequila waiting in the cooler, a huge bonfire lit, and great conversation flowed.

"To a new beginning." Malina holds up her plastic cup and toast to all her loyal followers. "I love all of you."

"To a new beginning." Everyone recited back to her and drank.

Nya makes a sour face and feels the burn running down her chest. She hardly drank but today was a special occasion. She sat on a huge tree log and gazed around at her pack having a blast. There wasn't a moment that there wasn't laughter until trucks pulled up with members of the Dark's in them. She scolds herself quickly for mentally creating separation. They were all one pack now.

Dozens of original Dark's walked over and for a moment it was awkward and quiet. Were they here to make trouble? Then, "Can we join?" One of them asks.

The party started again. They were welcomed with open arms. They brought a keg, cards, tables, chairs, and more alcohol. Even Shay, who wasn't a big fan of her new Luna joined.

An hour goes by, Nya was looking around at everyone having fun, carefree, and laughing. Her mind drifted. She wished Watson was there. He would have been one of the happiest to know the good that was happening.

Malina suddenly grabs her shoulder interrupting her thoughts and harsher than Nya knew she meant to. "I know what you're thinking about." She slightly slurs. 

"Tell me."

"Watson of course...  But don't, he's gonna be healed soon and everything is going to be better than perfect."

"Does that mean you spoke to Alpha Vince?"

"Yep, he agreed to a chance, but only one."

She closes her eyes. Another weight lifted off her chest. She was starting to feel light. She couldn't believe that Alpha Vince was agreeing to everything. He was changing everything, and it was all for Malina. It warmed her heart to know that her sister would always be taken care of.

"I feel like you and Vince are such buzz-kills." Complaints spout from her sister's pouty lips. "He would rather work and you just wanna sit here. So boring..." she pulls her phone out of her jeans pocket. "You know what, I'm calling him." She presses her thumb on his name and hits the speaker button, and after a few rings he picks up.


"Yeah?" She whines. "That's how you answer the phone for your future Luna? You're supposed to be sweeter than that."

She could almost hear the eye roll when he spoke. "You need something?"

"I want you to come here and celebrate with me."

"I have to go."

"I thought you would be a little more enthusiastic about spending time with me. Don't you miss me?"

He releases a breath. "Malina... A lot is going on.."

"Okay fine... we'll just go join them in playing some strip poker."

She looks at the phone to see if he had hung up; he was so quiet. "Who's we?"

"Me and Nya, of course."

"Stop playing games."

She hangs up, and with the most childish giggle looks at Nya. "That should get him here. Nothing like pulling the possessive strings of a werewolf's heart."

"Isn't he going to be angry?"

She shrugs and walks over to a cooler, grabs two beers, and while handing one joins her back on the log. "I can't wait for what he does to me tonight." She takes a few gulps.

Nya tenses up. It wasn't often that they spoke about her sex life with Alpha Vince but when they did she was always intrigued by it, having no experience herself. During girl talk sometimes Lee would share how dominant he was, how he took her anywhere he felt like. The kitchen counter, the sofa, bathroom sink. She would say how exhilarating being under his power was and that made her wonder how it would feel to be under Watson's power.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

Her strayed mind was interrupted and it was only then she realized how long her face must've appeared.

"You're missing Watson and I'm over here-"

"No, don't ever be sorry for your happiness."

To be continued....

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