Chapter 18

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Three days later...

Nya was sitting on the floor with an open book in her lap. As she tried to find its place, the title caught her interest and she had to peek inside. It was as she was absorbed in it that the door opened behind her unexpectedly. She assumed it was Beta Bent. He had been coming by a few times a day to check on her but it wasn't.

"Alpha Vince." She closes the book and stands.

He goes straight to the desk as if she were invisible. Uh oh. The veins in his temple, the constant grinding of his teeth, how he avoided giving her eye contact, and the fact that they were back early were all clear signs that the trip didn't go well.

"Lee." She mumbles and rushes upstairs and into the bedroom where Malina was packing. Her eyes were wet, but her expression was anything but sad. She was furious, stuffing the suitcase with force.


"We're leaving."

"What happened?"

"Pack your stuff."

"Just wait a second." She grabs both of Malina's hands. "Why are you doing this?"

"It's over... He doesn't love me anymore. I don't know if he ever did."

"What are you saying? Of course, he did... does."

"He won't even tell me what's going on. I shouldn't have to put up with that just because he is an Alpha." She picks up a few shirts from the floor she had dropped and stuffs them. "I mean, What am I doing? If he would tell me I could maybe fix it... but he won't even talk to me for long. He's changed... all he is now is a huge dick."


"I don't care if he hears me." She raises her voice while lowering her bottom on the bed. "What was the point of taking me there? It's almost like it was his end goal to hurt me. He made me feel like his skin crawled anytime I touched him."

"Where did you guys go?"

"A beautiful resort, Nya, and he even got the honeymoon sweet. It was so magical... There was champagne, rose petals, chocolate-covered strawberries, a jacuzzi, and the view. When I walked in I could have cried."

"Then why would he-"

"What's wrong with me?"

Her brows elevate. "Nothing..." She had never seen her sister like this.

"Then why does he keep rejecting me? Why? Why, Nya?" Angry tears drip down her cheeks. "Why is he saying one thing and doing another? Why did he do everything he did to keep me here just to treat me like this way?"

She was speechless.

"If this is what a Luna has to accept then I don't want to be one." She stands up abruptly and goes to the closet coming back out with more clothes. Those too were stuffed in the suitcase harshly. "I'm not some trophy you just keep on the mantle to look at or to be proud of. I have feelings."

"I know." Nya goes near and forces a hug on her. "I get it, Lee..."

She couldn't hold back her sobs anymore. She lets it out. It was the first time Nya had to be the strong one. It didn't last long, however.

"We have to go." She breaks the hug and goes right back to packing.

"Where are we going?"

She dries her face harshly and grabs her creams and perfumes from the dresser. "I'll tell you once we're off his pack grounds."

"And the others?"

"We're not going to tell them just yet. I don't want them thinking they have to come with us. This is my problem, not there's."

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