Chapter 3

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On the second floor of Vince's soundproof study was a movable shelf, and behind it was a red thick, very old, and very fragile book left to him by his father.

It's been centuries since imprinting was normal. It was almost unheard of. It was so far gone it was nearly a myth. Wolves picked their mates. It was whoever they felt the most connected with.

He sits behind his desk and carefully opens it's delicate pages and turns until he finds the few paragraphs describing Imprinting. A bond that cannot be broken. He read. A past life mate came back to you. It goes into detail the feeling that occurs and it was exactly how he felt. The weakness in his knees was still there.
His jaw clenched together as he read more. When wolves imprint, they imprint at the same time and their mate becomes the most important thing in their life. They become attached and protective...

He could tell Nya didn't imprint back unless, she was faking it. Maybe she knew and was pretending not to so she could save herself the embarrassment of his rejection. Or maybe it's just the fact that she was only 13% wolf.

He shuts the book. He had read enough. It doesn't matter what's written in it regardless. He was in control of himself. He decided who he wanted, and it wasn't Nya Iris Till in the fourth rank.
No one was to know that he imprinted on that mutt. It means nothing, and will never mean anything. The rank system wasn't a joke to him.

Years ago, wolves were going wild and having sex with humans. Generations and generations until the strength of their kind was nearly gone. It was his father who created the Ranks, the rules, and the Darks enforced it.

The original Alpha died trying to revive the wolves to their former glory and he would be damned if that went in vain. Never would he degrade his future kin by mating with the weak. She can't even control the little wolf she has in her. He grits his teeth and grabs his forehead suddenly. A headache slams in his head. He never had a headache before.
He rolls his eyes. He could still feel the feebleness and now this. He shoves his book into the drawer when Bent enters with a stack of folders in his hand.

"The reports."

His eyes close momentarily as he rubs his temple with the middle finger and thumb of his right hand. "Throw out all the lower rank's." He had no intention of letting any of them into his pristine pack. They belonged with the humans.

Bent was the loyal younger brother but no less powerful or handsome. He sets the files on the desk, takes less than half of the folders, and tosses them in the bin nearby. "Are you okay?"


"What happened out there?"

"I said I'm fine."

He nods. He knew not to ask further. He crosses his arms behind his back and waits for his next order.

"Gather them together in the morning... make the announcement. Their Rank one's and two's can stay, the rest have six days. 

"Yes sir."

Both of the brothers shift their heads slightly as the door opens.

Enters Malina.

Vince moved his hand from his throbbing head and nods dismissing Bent.

"Hi..." Malina comes near him with a slight smile.

Immediately he noticed that her scent was different. The smell was increasing the pain in his head.

She comes around his desk and lowers herself sideways on his lap. "Thank you." She presses a kiss on his cheek.

Her touch was different, it felt like sandpaper grinding away his skin. Her weight on him was also a bother, it annoyed him. He had it in him to stand up and drop her on her behind but he didn't. She had rights to him, no one else. She being the strongest she-wolf known to all wolves was the only one fit to be his Luna. "What for?"

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