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Girl, i've known you forever. How many nights have we hung out together. Same crowd, little bar, little town. Round this old dance floor. 

Y/N Y/L/N. The perfect girl I got to call my best friend but also the girl I fell in love with at way too young. We were like two peas in a pod, ever since before school. I almost spent everyday at her house, with her stuck to my hip. 

We grew up seeing the same things. Same friend group, same island and same hangout spots. Y/N and I were like soulmates. Platonic of course, nothing serious.  

My boys are laughing and tap me on the shoulder. Making a motion like "could y'all get any closer?" They wanna know what's up when I'm holding ya, even after the songs over.

John B and Pope always made fun of our friendship, accusing it as something more but I never saw it that way, they were so dramatic. We were just childhood best friends. 

"Oh my god, could you guys get any closer?" John B rolled his eyes. 

"You guys were practically making out over there," Pope laughed. 

I rolled my eyes at them, we were only dancing. I didn't understand the big deal and why they were laughing over it.

There's a rumor going round about me and you. Stirring up our little town the last week or two. 

Things seemed to go around the OBX quickly, like a wild fire. Everyone knew everything about everybody, though that wasn't always a good thing. It was good when it wasn't my business spreading around, but it wasn't easy to stay away from the drama. 

I wasn't sure who started it, or, how it got around. It was all the island was talking about and every conversation I had, it got brought up. Surely Y/N heard them, everyone had, the thought of us together made the people go crazy. 

So tell me why we even trying to deny this feeling. I feel it, don't you feel it too? There's a rumor going round, and round, and round. What you say we make it true? We make it true

Y/N had my heart pounding and my stomach in knots whenever I saw her. I couldn't deny the feelings but I could hide them, as much as possible. All the butterflies that appeared in my stomach made me wonder if Y/N felt this way too. Her smile with me felt original and I'd never see her act that way before. 

The rumor made me think more, was it just a rumor? 

Well I can shut 'em down, tell them all they're crazy. I can do whatever you want me to do, baby. Or you could lay one on me right now. We could really give them something to talk about

Y/N was unpredictable, you could never tell with her. One minute, it seemed like she loved me but the other, was a total different story. I offered to shut down the rumor, if that would do anything, for her to be happy. I'd do anything she wanted or needed.

There's a rumor going round about me and you. Stirring up our little town the last week or two. So tell me why we even trying to deny this feeling. I feel it, don't you feel it too. There's a rumor going round, and round, and round. What you say we make it true, baby?

I wanted nothing more than the rumor to be true. Y/N was everything to me and I wanted nothing more than to call her my Y/N. The rumor could be my starting point and the beginning of everything. Everyone already thought of her as mine, it would be easy to tell everyone then. 

Oh be honest girl now. Do you want to do this or not? Should we keep 'em talking, girl
Or should we just make them stop?

Y/N was giving mixed signals, she never gave a clear answer. The signs were mixed and pointing different directions. I thought I was giving her clear signs and obvious answers, but she was doing the complete opposite. 

The rumors were gonna go on if I didn't say something. Her being silent made me think she wanted people to think that, or maybe it didn't mean that. She was making it more complicated for no reason. I just wanted an answer. 

There's a rumor going round about me and you. Stirring up our little town the last week or two. Tell me why we even trying to deny this feeling. I feel it, and you feel it too. 
There's a rumor going round, and round, and round. What you say we make it... Make it true? What you say we make it true? Yeah

Y/N Y/L/N. My Y/N. My soulmate, though it wasn't strictly platonic. I felt all the feelings towards her and though the rumor was stupid, it helped her realize everything. We were one step closer to making the rumor true, I just needed her word for it. 

"What do you say, we make it true?" I asked with a sly smile and she looked up, smiling wide. 

A/N- thank you to the person that requested this! I hope you enjoy, lowkey wrote this really quickly haha. It was really fun to do something in JJs POV for once and a little change of writing style

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