John B

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I layed there, fingers tangled into My boyfriend, John b's hair. "Babe" I said quietly. "Yes?" I took a deep breath and stroked his hair again. 'Do you think were gonna be ok when I go to college?" I asked and nervously chewed on my nails. "Really Y/N, this again" He seemed annoyed and a bit upset.

"I'm sorry JB, I didn't mean to make you upset with me" "I'm not upset, you just act like we aren't in love. We will be fine!" I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. "I'M just scared that you'll find someone better when I'm gone" I said truthfully, he was an attractive guy and could get any girl on the island he wanted. "I should be the one scared baby, you're gonna meet so many new people there, you're bound to find someone better than me" 

"I could never find anyone better then you" I held him tight, not wanting to let him go. "Promise you'll wait for me" "Of course, wait for me as well. and I'll text and call you everyday, making sure you're happy and healthy." "I'll come back and visit J, I promise"  

A/N- sorry this is so short and im so so so so so sorry that I havent posted in so long. School is crazy right now and everything is becoming stressful. I always forget to post on here and I truly feel so bad, i'll try! and I know I say that alot (it usually doesnt actually happen and probably wont happen this time) I hope you understand!! also, thank you for almost 50k reads <3<3

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