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Ni-ki finished the letter, grasping onto Sunoo's cold hand. a faint blood stain could be seen at the end of the page, signaling that his physical condition was bad from the beginning

Realizing Sunoo shared the same feeling with Ni-ki, a mountain of emotions all come clashing down to his weakened soul

"Sunoo hyung..I-"

Ni-ki was unable to continue, as cut off by the alarm in Sunoo's room going loud, not to mention, Sunoo's grasp of the younger was no more, as his cold hand finally let go

"Mr. Ni-ki, please move. We need to take Sunoo to the surgery room, he might not make it!" The nurse quickly pushes Ni-ki aside, as both bring Sunoo to the nearest emergency room. Ni-ki, persistent with crystal tears forming in his eyes tries to catch up, bringing only the record player Sunoo left behind and clutching it tightly to his heart

"SUNOO! D-DONT GO!" Ni-ki trips on his words, banging on the door which closed behind him.

An hour..two hours..two and a half hours have passed since Sunoo had been sent to the said room. His hyungs had come an hour after the incident to check on Sunoo, but after a while Jungwon, Jake and Jay had left due to 'business things', probably not wanting to bear the sight of a hurt Sunoo. Ni-ki, meanwhile,  Had been sitting on the floor not wanting to move, chanting soft whispers of "I'm sorry" and "I love you too" as he repeatedly listens to Sunoo's song draft.

"Ni-ki, me and Sunghoon hyung are leaving now. Just inform us when everything's dead and done, alright?" Heeseung gets up, signaling Sunghoon to leave the younger a bit more in a moment of solitude

"I- alright. Take care, I can't lose you too"

"We know, and don't say that. Sunoo will live. We know him"

Heeseung although did not get a response.

the couple left once more, leaving Ni-ki and his recorder alone once more. Not for long, though.

"..Mr Ni-ki? We have...news" Dr Min opened the door, but the door behind him automatically closed too fast for Ni-ki to get through.

"What is it, doc? Is he okay?" Ni-ki asked. Dr. Min's emotions were coated by a poker face, leaving Ni-ki with no choice but to interoggate

"Kim Sunoo is.....


Ni-ki's heart sanked hearing the last word from his mouth. Sunoo was..dead?

What was he supposed to do now without him?

The moon couldn't live without his sun, not here, not now.

7 Letters, All For You [Sunki] ✓Where stories live. Discover now