Forever Daycare

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Mommy and Daddy don't like me very much. They're always fighting and when they finish their yelling match one, sometimes even both, take their anger out on me. I never understood why, or found it fair, but I have no where else to go so I have to accept it.

Or, so I thought. Today the decided to bring me somewhere! The new Pizzeria was opening and I've been begging to go. It was decided we would have a day as a family and we would go to the pizzeria. I heard the daycare attendant was super nice and had paper and pencils to draw with! "Y/n, get in the car! We don't have all day child!" I hurriedly grab my stuffed bear and call back, "Coming mommy!" I grab a jacket and run down the stairs, climbing on one of the chairs and grabbing an apple from the kitchen before heading out the door. I toss on my jacket when the crisp fall air hits my body, the warmth is quickly swallow by the cold. I jump in the car and buckle up. Daddy and Mommy seem to be in a good mood as we drive away from the house.

By the time we arrive it's noon and everyone in the daycare is eating snacks. I smile and look around, finding a table with an empty chair and imbing up and sitting down. I've only heard my friends in school talk about the daycare attendant. He's a tall animatronic with a sun for a face! He makes funny jokes and plays with kids all day. But he has a weird obsession with the lights staying on... "Why, hello new friend!" I turn around and look up at the tall Sun themed animatronic and smile, waving. "Hello Mr!" His legs bend and he crouches down to my height. "Can I ask your name, little one?" I nod, giggling as the rays around his face spin but the center of his head stay still. "I'm y/n! It's nice to meet you!" He takes my hand in both of his and shakes it, letting my hand go and jumping up. "Well Y/n, I'm Sundrop, but you can call me Sunny! Might I say it's a delight to meet you as well! I hope your time here is as great as everyone else's." I nod and the break bell rings, alerting us it's time to go back to playing. I smile and climb down, following everyone to the play place. "Whoa.... It's so big!" Sundrop seems to note my excitement and he laughs, nodding. "Of course! How else will you all play in the daycare?" I giggle and shrug, running into the building and climbing up as high as I can.

Everyone plays for hours on end but there's this one kid whose a bit of a bully. He ruins our fun until it's time for him to go. On the wall there's a rule list stating we shall not bully others, we shall not steal, and we shall not turn the lights off. I think to myself on how he broke the first rule, finding it very confusing on why someone would want to be disobedient. As the kid leaves he laughs and turns the lights off, running out with his parents. Some of the kids scream, other gasp. I just sit quietly and look over at the switch. Sundrop is yelling as well, which grabs my attention. He falls behind the building however when he comes back up he doesn't look like himself. "Oh you naughty naughty kids!~ Why would you turn the lights off?~" His voice sounds scratchy, and he drags his words out as if to taunt us. He jumps up off a platform, grabbing one of the kids. The boy shrieks and cries, pleasing with the Moon themed animatronic. At the site of this all the other kids run and flea in panic, crying and trying to hide from the Moon man. I get up out of my corner, seeming to be unnoticed. While he's distracted with the other kids picking them up and throwing them in the ball pit, or scaring them and putting them in the play place to play what he calls 'hide and seek' I run over to the light switch. It's not long before he sees me running across the wide stretch of room. He jumps up into the air and lands in front of me, crouched down on his hands and feet, twisting his face so it's upside down and spinning. "What do you think your doing?~ I haven't seen you around here yet! You must join the fun!" I put one foot behind me, a little shaken up. "N-no...! We want Sunny back! Your mean and Sjn y said no bullying is allowed!" I run and crawl under his legs as he looks down and watches me from under him. He spins around and grabs my wrist. I cry out in pain as an old bruise that is still healing aches. He pulls me back away from the light, just out of my reach, and throws me into the ball pit. Soon enough a security guard hears the commotion and checks in the room. He sighs and flicks the light switch, walking in. "Y'know Moondrop if you were to just be yourself these kids would actually like you and uou wouldn't have to be locked up in the light." The animatronic named 'Moondrop' falls on his knees, yelling as his colors start to fade from blue and blacks to yellows and oranges. Sundrop is all of a sudden sitting on the floor, holding his head. "Oh dear, oh my..! I think I had one to many grape juices!" I giggle, smiling and the other kids help him up. "Ah, my apologies kiddos. I did not mean to scare or hurt any of you. Moony can get a little... Out of hand." The kids smile and for the rest of the day play as if nothing happened.

Soon enough the end of the day comes and I'm standing in the center of the daycare, having not been picked up and everything closed up by the shop owners and security guards. "Y/n! What are you doing here child? Where are your parents." I shrug, humming and holding my Teddy bear tighter. "I don't know... They seemed really happy this morning..." Sundrop picks me up and carries me to a bean bag chair. "Well, since they're not here, you can have a sleepover with us!" I smile and nod, yawning. He pats my head and gives me a blanket, to which I mumble a tired thank you and bundle up in. The lights go out and I want to panic however the other animatronic seems to be....Nice... "Hey Moondrop..?" I turn to face the animatronic who grunts in reply, turning his head as his eyes glow red. "Why ere you so mean earlier...?" The animatronic is taken back as he perks up in a confused and shocked manner. "Oh- I uh-... I've never re a layer been the kids favorite... They all prefer Sunny so I'm kept hidden away." I frown and sit up, hugging him. "Well I don't think your scary! I think hour just misunderstood!" He chuckles and pats my head, gently laying me back down. "Y'know, your not a bad kid. But, if you don't mind me asking, why did you scream earlier when I grabbed your wrist? I didn't grab you that hard for that kind of reaction." I frown and tug at my sleeves, rolling over onto my side, back to him, not wanting to talk about this anymore. "Goodnight Moony.." He seems to get the hint and doesn't press me for answers, allowing me to slip into sweet unconsciousness.

And that concludes chapter one! I hope you all enjoyed! This is my first story and I don't expect much from it but I do hope some people find and enjoy this!

Word count: 1,342

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