Stormy Nights Short

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It starts as a usual quiet night, crickets in the grass along the building, the occasional owl's calls, and the quiet whistle of wind. However, all of this seems to be gone with the thunder and flash of lightening, rain pouring down onto the roof of the building. Startled awake, I look around the pitch black room. Once the thundering calms down I can hear the Subtle sound of metal on floor. "Moondrop?-... Is that you?" I can only see what the windows light up, which isn't very far. Gripping my blanket, I get up and sit by the windowsill, shaking as the storm continues to rage. "Y/n, you should be asleep." Moondrop finally comes into view and I jump off the windowsill, running over to him and hugging his leg. "I'm sorry...! The storm- It, it woke me up... I can't sleep.." He pats my back and sits down, humming. "It's okay, the lightning can't get you in here. Would you like me to sit with you?" I nod and sit back down beside him. "I'm sorry.." He pats my head and rubs my back. "Nothing to be sorry for. You got scared, we all get scared." I smile and we stay awake, chatting for hours. I forget about the storm that plays its drums outside, giggling and drawing all night. Exhaustion eventually settles in and it becomes hard to keep my eyes open. "I think it's time to go back to sleep.." Moon chuckles and picks me up, carrying me back to the bean bags and putting me down, once again giving me a blanket I quickly take and ball up in. "Can you sit with me...? Just until I fall asleep.." He nods and sits down, watching me closely. "Thank you.." He once again nods and I toss and turn, trying to find a comfy spots. I turn my head as Moon shuffles around, q pillow on his lap. He pats the pillow and I crawl over, putting my head on the cushion. As if protecting me from the world, he watches the room. A feeling of safety qnd comfort consumes me and I turn to my side, humming. The blanket traps the warmth under it, the material plush and soft. I fight sleep a little longer but it's a battle that is futile. Before being engulfed in a dark blanket of slumber I mumble a goodnight to Moondrop. I hear .uffled speech however I can't make it out as I fall asleep.

Y'all- I posted the last chapter last NIGHT- And it's already got some form of attention?! It's not a lot but like I want expecting anything! To feed your fluff needing minds, have a short. I'll make the actual chapters before I go to bed since that's when I'm most calm and the best setting for me personally to make them. I'll make shorts once and a while. But thank you guys so much!

Word count: 494

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