4. Invincible from start (Edited)

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Max stared at his system panel for straight 10 minutes with a still dumbfounded look on his face.

"Is there something wrong with the system? Aren't you supposed to give me some basic skills and a pitiful amount of NP like those systems in novels do?"

Max dumbfoundedly asked questions to his system, While still looking at his gains. It's not like Max hates taking free stuff but he knows everything has some price even if it is "free" that's why Max asked this question to the system.

[Ding! Host please don't compare me to those third rate systems, I am only an absolutely invincible system.] System said in a sweet female voice with a prideful tone.

[Ding! The reason hosts get this much is because I am not created by a single God but have blessings of other gods so they also give you something to do their "things" that's why it's reasonable to have this much stuff also there are other rewards hosts you can get with your advancements in plot.]

"Oh so that's why they give me this much stuff to do their bidding properly" Max has a sigh of relief that this is not that fishy but he is still on his guard. Max looks at his NP and decides to open the system shop but before that, he is going to accept and look through his gains.

"System gives me details about my rewards." Max said to the system.

[Ding! Details are like following

God-level Cooking : It's the Cooking skill of the god of cookery. This skill contains all knowledge and experience related to cooking. Which will come to you as naturally as breathing air.

God-level Massage : Its Massage skill of God of medicine & pleasure. With this skill, hosts have all knowledge and experience related to massage and essential medicine.

God-level Singing: It's the Singing skill of the god of music & voice. With this skill all knowledge and experience related to singing integrate in the host.

Lust Aura (Active) : Able to intensify lust in targeted persons (multiple targets can be chosen but the effect is also will be diluted).

(Note: Target will be conscious of their actions, Just they can't control their lust for you. So proceed with caution.)

Ecstasy Hands (Passive) : It's a hand skill that can pleasure women to a godly extent.

(Note: With this skill the host can fully extract God-level massage skill to the host limit.)

H Tongue (Passive) : It's a tongue skill that every H Anime MC (especially NTR antagonist) has but this is an upgraded version. This skill can make any woman reach climax just by using tongue.

Smooth talker (Passive) : It is a skill that is able to help the host to convince someone about extreme things more easily through words. (If the target was woman effect will multiple)

The title "Milf Lover" : It's able to increase your sexual attraction to the older(According to host appearance age.) opposite sex to you 50% to 100%( Depend on how much she is loyal to her partner. If she does not it will be 100% attraction).

{The Perfect Geass} : It's a skill God himself made for you. It has the power of all geass with code. (The only host can see images of geass even if it's activated but can make it visible to others if he wanted to.)

50,000 NP points : System currency.

"This is too OP right? with these skills it's so easy to make the protagonist's life miserable or can even kill it" Max said while light shining in his eyes.

[Ding! Host don't be too happy. Your current timeline is 1 year before the start of the novel so you can't kill the Protagonist yet. If you kill the protagonist this world also crumbles without a protagonist node to support it. Also even if a novel does not start yet, the protagonist still has his luck reserve and with your luck, it's close to impossible to kill it on the contrary you will be the one who suffered from it.]

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