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After Meng Qian was taken away, there was already a heated discussion. Unexpectedly, such a shocking scene broke out just after a meal.

The genius painter plunged into the mortal world. Who would have thought that behind the enviable so-called winner of life, there is such a dirty deal.

"Since Meng Qian became famous, I was curious about how paintings like kindergarten graffiti were sold at hundreds of thousands of high prices. I don't know where Jiang Yang's face dared to give the paintings to Huo Yun. It's so cool that Huo Yun retired and slapped her face."

"The news for Meng Qian's genius man in the past two years is probably also run by Fang Yan, right? It's daring to call it a genius when painted like that. When Meng Qian was interviewed before. He doesn't blush at all, he looks like he's doing big things."

"Meng Qian is blaspheming art, and a stinky villain who is betrayed by a group of bugs."

When the entire network started Diss Meng Qian, the word "Huo Yun" quickly Topped the hot search.

Huo Jun is recognized as a powerful painter at home and abroad. His style is beautiful and no one can replicate so far. Even though he has been silent for four years, his position in the circle is still unshakable. In addition, her background is even more amazing, the eldest of the Huo family, and Huo Qing's favorite sister. In contrast, Meng Qian is like an ant in front of Huo Jun, whether it is artistic attainment or social identity.

Huo Yun's account on all social platforms stopped all updates four years ago, but after Meng Qian was exposed to the money laundering scandal, Huo Yun suddenly spoke up.

"You have to pay a price to play art. @painter孟谦, don't you?"

Huo Yun returned Meng Qian's paintings before, and now he publicly judged the case on Weibo, shocking countless people who eat melons. Meng Qian deserves to be a man of great things, so Huo Yun, who has not updated his news for four years, is named and criticized!

The people who eat melon can only watch the excitement, but the upper circles of Yuecheng can see the clue from Huo Yun's words.

At the beginning, Jiang Yang was funded by Huo Qing because he used Meng Qian's paintings to please Huo Yu. Now Huo Yu not only returned the paintings, but also condemned Meng Qian's actions on the public platform. It is obviously annoying. If Huo Qing So divestment... That good show is really going to be staged.

In the interrogation room, Fang Yan was stunned and handcuffed to the table. He was in a daze. He had long lost his temperament and self-confidence when he first entered the police station. He has been detained in the police station for five days. During this period, he has been tortured. Not only did he not eat a bite of food or even sleep, he completely lost the concept of time, and he seemed to be driven crazy.

The police kept him here. No one came to interrogate him except for a simple transcript on the first day. At most, they came in every other day and gave him a glass of water, or slapped him when he was taking a nap. Fan awake.

At the beginning, Fang Yan could still gritted his teeth and braced himself, his heart swelled with satisfaction and revenge. However, as time went on, Fang Yan gradually languished. He couldn't see anyone except the police, and he didn't know the slightest news from the outside world, which made him feel a little nervous.

Finally on the seventh day, he saw his lawyer.

Fang Yan fiercely in his face wiped, cheer teeth angry and said: "When can I go out mother, and so I put it out to the end the police?!"

"There galleries The nightclub has been sealed up." The young lawyer sat down and said, Fang Yan was taken aback, his fierce expression on his face was so stiff, the lawyer sighed and continued: "Those people under your hands have all gone in for tea. One failed to run, Uncle Yan, it's all over."

"Fart!" Fang Yan earned his handcuffs, and slapped his hands on the table, "Impossible!"

"Even Meng Qian was arrested." The lawyer calmly got caught. Seeing Fang Yan's expression slowly changing from shock to panic, he whispered: "Uncle Yan, don't

hold on." Fang Yan clenched his fists, trembling all over, "Where is Jiang Yang? Meng Qian was arrested. , Jiang Yang just looked at the fart and didn't let it go?"

"Jiang Yang?" The lawyer sneered, "Uncle Yan, do you know who is behind this? It's Secretary Li, where can Jiang Yang take the courage? Confront the secretary?"

Fang Yan slowly let go of his clenched fists, his eyes were full of disbelief, and his face turned pale. How could he think that he would provoke such a big man, how could this be... how could it be!

"The money laundering incident at the gallery has been found out, and the police are still investigating your bribery of the Mayor Yue. This has already caused a lot of trouble. The provincial government should soon send an investigation team to investigate thoroughly. "The lawyer said.

"How could it be..." Fang Yan broke out in sweat for an instant, and slumped on the chair with wide eyes.

"Actually, none of this is aimed at you. You are implicated. You shouldn't help Meng Qian get rid of Jiang He from the beginning." The lawyer explained to him regretfully, "It's the stepson of the Jiang family, Yan Su. In the past few years, Secretary Li's only son was shot in the head while serving in an overseas peacekeeping force, and it was Yan Su who rescued him. Yan Su has been dealing with Jiang Yang since he returned to China, even now it is his handwriting. Jiang family, Secretary Li is just his gun. You have to mix between Yan Su and Jiang Yang. Who will die if you don't die?"

"How the hell do I know that doctor can't provoke him!" Fang Yan stood with trembling lips. I got up and kicked over the chair, and my whole body trembled like chaff.

"Uncle Yan, didn't you listen to me? This is not against you. Yan Su is going to do the Jiang family. Jiang He was killed by Meng Qian, and he didn't pass your hand. Meng Qian and Jiang at the gallery Haven't you changed the contract after Yang's engagement? Meng Qian is the big head. As for the mayor's bribery, a company the size of Jiang Yang is there..." The

lawyer talked with Fang Yan for two hours before leaving the police station. As soon as he left, Fang Yan, whose spirit had already collapsed, was busy calling the police to confess his crime.

After the meal, Nie Jia was taking a lunch break with Huo Qing in the shade of the courtyard, leaning on his shoulder with seeming sleep and talking in a low voice.

Suddenly Nie Jia raised his eyebrows and smiled and said to Huo Yu, who was not far away with his son teasing the dog: "Huo Yu, the TV series you are chasing has been updated again."

Huo Yu took out his mobile phone and took a look. As expected, the case was the last second. There has been new progress.

Meng Qian was not only involved in illegal money laundering, but also suspected of bribing the mayor...This can't help but make people wonder. The Jiang Group was forced to desperate by Yan Su before. Although it was funded by Huo Qing, it was also winning the bid for the submarine cable. After the project, who knows if the project was contracted because of bribing the mayor to operate secretly.

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