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After hearing this, Nie Jia had a cold face, and walked away from Ji Jiarong to the wounded barracks without saying a word.

All the generals hurriedly persuaded to stop the epidemic. The epidemic was suddenly and fierce. How could the king go to such a place? What should I do if something unexpected happened!

Nie Jia didn't listen at all, his clothes were in the wind, striding a meteor, and Shi Chen didn't stop him from entering the wounded barracks with him.

The generals were unable to, and could only follow closely behind.

Eight hundred and twenty-three people, with varying degrees of illness, were all isolated together. As soon as Nie Jia entered, he saw soldiers lying all over the floor. The lesser symptoms were just sitting there with pale faces. The more severe ones were blood red eyes and bleeding from the nose and mouth. It was indeed not a sign of longevity.

The king came, and there were conscious soldiers who stood up and knelt down to salute. Nie Jia didn't stop him, but glanced around angrily, and found that Ji Jiarong's general Zuo had also contracted the plague.

"Get up and talk to me." Nie Jia used his fingertips to slap General Zuo in the air.

After getting up, General Zuo took two steps back, coughed and said: "Wei Chen unfortunately fell ill, please don't get close to Wei Chen, please leave here early. The dragon body of the king is important, and we must not let our low lives be dragged down. It's gone."

The soldiers who were able to get up also felt helpless, and begged the king to leave.

"Shut up!" Nie Jia's anger remained between his brows, and he asked General Zuo, "When did you get it?"

"About four or five days ago, Wei Chen coughed more than the military doctor came to see him early in the morning." General Zuo hid his entire face. After wearing his sleeves, he bowed his head respectfully.

Four or five days ago... just at that time, Jun Changyue came to the camp!

Nie Jia took Martian seeds in his breath, but after thinking about it, he felt that something was wrong. General Yun Hui said just now, because the army did not know about the plague, only that the king killed more than 100 patients when he came to Triumph City. , So when the symptoms first appeared, these soldiers didn't even think that they were infected with the plague, and they all concealed it from each other, but they didn't want to be killed by the king. Little do they know that the king killed only because those people were helpless. What really kills people is this ferocious epidemic.

If the plague was related to Jun Changyue, from infection to disease to death, four or five days would be too fast.

At this time, the two

Xuanjia entered the wounded barracks, knelt down on one knee and said: "Your Majesty, the source of the epidemic has been found." Nie Jia said indifferently: "Speak." Xuanjia's

eyes were serious: "Previously, you ordered the 100 people in Triumph City to be taken away. Seven soldiers infected with the plague were killed on the spot. Du Yuxian, the left pioneer at the time, was afraid that the plague would cause cholera, so he blocked the news. Except for a few generals, no one knew about the plague. Burning corpses and turning into smoke was regarded as a symbol in Yan State. Taboo, the soul will never have peace, so when the corpse was transported out of the city to be burned, one of the soldiers' friends stole the corpse and buried it on the hillside downstream of the Qilin River. Go down to the Qilin River to cool off."

"Where's the person?" Shi Chen clenched Nie Jia's clenched fists.

Xuan Jia escorted the two pale-faced soldiers up, and the two soldiers threw themselves on the ground and desperately begged for mercy, "Your Majesty! The servant does not know that Kang Zi died from the plague. Don't dare to steal the corpse, and don't dare to bury it near the water!"

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