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The two were rubbing their ears and ears in the sun in the late summer afternoon. The secretary went out with his computer in his arms, ready to contact Shisi's Queen's Attorneys to fight this lawsuit. When Bo was in court, it was estimated that CBC was all stupid. Up.

Of course, Ni Fei has been occupying the public eye for the past two months. He emerged from the first-class men's team's ace and became the focus of all Asia. With his own talent, he became a god. After a long time, the situation turned sharply. Ni Fei completed the life of some legendary singers in just two months.

Soon another member of ddd reposted Xie Yihang's interview and Ni Fei's video of beating people on Weibo, and liked a few long Weibo with black material about Ni Fei. Chen Tian's move was undoubtedly standing in line, which aroused the cheers of Du Wei, and the chanting group spirit of the three fans returned.

Only Chentian was haggard and his Weibo account was no longer under his control. When he saw the Weibo and likes forwarded by his account, he understood that the company was thinking about cooperating with Shi Yan to kill Ni Fei. There was no anger in Chentian's heart, disappointment and chills flooded from all directions.

Passers-by mentioned Ni Fei naturally with sorrow, emotion or regret. Du Wei added to the flames, and could not wait to take the opportunity to step on Ni Fei thoroughly and unable to turn over. They had suffered a lot of anger when Ni Fei was in the fire before.

Some non-only fans clamored for refunds. They were originally passers-by of group d. They only spent money to buy ddd concert tickets when they became a fan of Ni Fei. I didn't expect to find Ni Fei turned out to be such a person in the middle. How could the fans? Tolerate such deception!

In fact, everyone in the circle can see clearly that Ni Fei is obviously offending people, otherwise things will not ferment so quickly, and the whole country will know it in less than 24 hours, but the company doesn't want to protect him... It's a pity.

This is exactly the effect Shi Yan wanted to see. Now the swords that once pierced him and Xie Yihang are now all turned to Ni Fei, let's see what you can do.

"Ni Fei, I gave you a chance, but you didn't cherish it yourself." Shi Yan looked at the full screen and scolded Ni Fei, and an indescribable sense of invigoration rose in his heart. This joyful mood has nothing to do with his successful rescue. Xie Yihang, but the pleasure of crushing an enemy a hundred times stronger than himself on the soles of his feet!

You can still sing without the ears, but even if you are talented and talented, I'm not saying that you can kill you!

Shi Yan's eyes were scarlet, and his eyes were filled with the pleasure of revenge.

In fact, Shi Yan did not expect to cause such a big momentum to ruin Ni Fei within a day. It is often said in the circle that Ni Fei's fan base is of the highest quality, which is a good thing for artists. Looking now, Shi Yan suddenly felt that the large number of new fans that Ni Fei had circled during the fire before was a good thing for him.

Thanks to these new fans of listening to the wind and rain, Ni Fei can fall so fast.

Soon these news about Ni Fei will be sent overseas, and he will never get up if he wants Ni Fei! It doesn't matter if ddd disbands at this moment!

Shi Yan thought very well, but his brother acted faster than him.

At eight o'clock in the evening when Ni Fei's scandals broke out one after another, Shisi held a press conference in the wk building of Wankai Group in the name of Ni Fei. The invited media were all domestically influential media. The reporters were very surprised and puzzled. Ni Fei finally showed up, but how could he hold a press conference in Wankai Group? Wankai Group is not a park, you can come if you want...this posture is too big.

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