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"I heard that you are brave and good at fighting, and you can fight a hundred enemies with one, right?" Nie Jia leaned on the stepper and smiled indifferently while holding the wine glass.

Sikong Han said humbly: "

Your Majesty's promotion is just some border rumors and cannot be taken seriously ." "Brother Wang, Zuo Xianfeng is not only brave, but also smart and brave. The younger brother saw it with his own eyes at the border, and Zuo Xianfeng made a sword. Hundreds of people are dead, and the martial arts are rare in the world, and it is difficult to use troops to guard the front line like a god. With the left vanguard and the generals here, and the brother Wang is far away in Zhuolu, you can sit back and relax." Jun Changyue took the opportunity to speak to the throne.

The meaning in his words was obvious, to praise Sikong Han as if he was a hero and no worse than other generals in the world, but he was only a mere left pioneer, so it was inevitable that he would be wronged. In the original world, Jun Changyue also said this to Jun Changsheng. When Jun Changsheng saw that his younger brother favored Du Yuxian so much, he directly named him General Guide. went in.

At this time, the little monarch on the throne had been replaced by Nie Jia, he just looked up at Jun Changyue lazily, ignored him, and then hummed a lazy syllable, saying: "You are good at using swords. ?"

Sikong Han knelt under the throne and responded, "Go back to the king, let's talk a little bit."

Nie Jia smiled, and Shi Chen immediately pulled out a soft sword and threw it in front of Sikong Han.

The little country monarch said with great interest, "Show me this king."

Sikong Han's back froze, and he lowered his head, no one could see the fiery hatred and humiliation in his eyes at this time. Even though he is only a small left pioneer now, he has returned with meritorious service. He was born and died in the front line and even in the palace, he was treated as an actor and wanted to dance a sword for his amusement? ! Shun Jun is Shun Jun... What does he think of border soldiers?

As a general, General Yun Hui understood Sikong Han's mood very well at this time, and he frowned slightly, but he didn't stand up and say anything. After all, it was the king's order. It's an honor to be present in front of you.

Sikong Han's heart was arrogant and his eyes were red from humiliation. He didn't pick up the sword for a while, but at this moment, a thin but enthusiastic applause broke out. When he looked up, Jun Changyue applauded happily in the audience, and even looked at him expectantly.

Sikong Han was stunned, as if he had been slapped in public.

Nie Jia almost laughed out loud when Jun Changyue applauded, but he didn't see the aggrieved expression on Sikong Han's face. In order to allow Sikong Han to show himself in front of him, he even treated him like himself. An actor completely disregarded his dignity as a military commander.

At the beginning of King Jing, the courtiers also clapped their hands and looked forward to the performance of this rising star. The final commandant had braved a cold all the applause picked up the sword on the ground, Zuo Yi said:. "Wei Chen incompetence"

If you do not get to than mysterious, commandant cold indeed regarded as high absolute martial arts, a Lengjian It was like a living dragon in his hand, shaking out a water-tight silver light, flying with his posture, making sharp moves, with a calm deterrent.

The generals at the banquet couldn't help but feel ashamed. The left pioneer was able to take the lead in this Northwest Victory. He really had two brushes. If he went up and compared with one, I'm afraid he would be won within three rounds. , This person is indeed worthy of great use, and I think he will be a figure like General Sikong Han in the near future.

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