"That doesn't sound like Timmy"

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Important author's note in the end please read it

I woke up at 7 am today a little hungover from a little sleepover that I had with Flo and Gina to celebrate the first two episodes of Love and Death coming out. (Btw it's not a real show)

Flashback to last night
"To episodes one and two of love and death." Yelled Florence as she raised her glass of wine.

"Yeah." Yelled back G and I. Then we all laughed.

"So ladies how are you? Anything special happened It's been a while." Said Flo as she sat down in her chair. We're at our favorite restaurant in NYC "Chez Gustave" .

"Yeah it's been a while we've been busy with our own stuff and yeah." I said.

"Yeah especially Elz tell her !" Exclaimed Gina

"Oooh what happened out there." Asked Flo interested.

"It's bullshit I have to date a dude for publicity but the thing is he's an arrogant bitch I can't stand him." I rented.

"Why are you doing it if you don't want to?" Questioned Florence

"My parents..." I said. She gave me a sympathetic look and I smiled awkwardly at her.

We stayed silent for a moment until she asked." Who's the guy?"

"Timothée Chalamet!" Squealed Gina before I even had the chance to answer.

"No way! He's my friend, he's the sweetest and the most gentle guy I've ever met how do you not like him?" She said.

"He straight away insulted me." I said.

"That's impossible that doesn't sound like Timmy." Said Flo in disbelief.

"Yeah he said that he was out of my league and that I was too ugly for him." I said.

"That doesn't sound like him at all when we met he was such a gentleman it was unbelievable...oh maybe it's because of his break up with Lily that he became like this, 'cause I remember how he used to say that she was the love of his life and that he considered marrying her..." Said Flo.

"Yeah Elz and I read article about him sleeping around and consuming drugs because he still didn't recover from the break up." Said Gina.

"Oh yeah I heard about it ! Poor Timmy must be living a nightmare to do this because the Timmy I know would apologize to the floor." Said Florence and we all laughed at her joke.

"Ooooh I read a book about the son of an important guy in the Mafia getting forced by his dad to marry a girl who's the daughter of another important guy. They hated each other in the beginning and then they fell in love! I think the same thing is going to happened to Elz and Timothée !!! Oh my gosh imagine!!!!" Said Gina excited.

"Oh Lord yes that would be so exciting! I already ship them!" Said Florence.

"Guys stop imagining stuff I have a boyfriend." I said.

"You really still are with that Jackson guy? Girl you literally have Timothée fucking Chalamet!" Said Florence annoyed.

"It's Joshua annd can we stop talking about my love life for a sec I want to celebrate." I said.

"Yeah you're right but this conversation isn't over." Said Gina and I rolled my eyes.


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